Examples of the the word, nursery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nursery ), is the 5926 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of parts of other buildings, but could typically include:: :* Bedroom (or, nursery , for infants or small children): *Fireplace (for warmth during winter;
  2. From the mid-16th century they begin to be recorded in English plays. Most, nursery ,rhymes were not written down until the 18th century, when the publishing of
  3. Life, Newton himself would go blind. " Three Blind Mice" is a medieval English, nursery ,rhyme about three blind mice whose tails are cut off after chasing the farmer
  4. Schools, primarily Church of England or Catholic. Between three and four is, nursery ,school,4 and 11 is primary school, and 11 to 16 is secondary school, with an
  5. Paintings like The Cradle (1872),in which she depicted current trends for, nursery ,furniture, reflect her sensitivity to fashion and advertising, both of which
  6. Of mosques By location By size A molecular cloud, sometimes called a stellar, nursery ,if star formation is occurring within, is a type of interstellar cloud whose
  7. 2003 – Final communication between Earth and Pioneer 10. *2009 – Dendermonde, nursery ,attack in Dendermonde, Belgium. Births *1350 – Vincent Ferret, Spanish
  8. Led to well fertilized soil. Ohio's north coast is widely referred to as the, nursery ,capital. Tourism Diving for shipwrecks Lake Erie is a favorite for divers since
  9. History about the Ninja clans. * In Batu ta peen KE guitar is a popular Hindi, nursery ,rhyme from the 1970s,written by the poet Sarveshwar Dayan SABENA. *
  10. They took the title they disliked least —" My Fair Lady" ( an allusion to the, nursery ,rhyme" London Bridge Is Falling Down" ). The original Playbill and cast
  11. Has suggested the" artistic decoration has much more of the atmosphere of a, nursery ,... I have conceived a child as standing in the cave; and it is easy to
  12. Such as the sole or the solaria. Ballads, lullabies,street vendor's cries, nursery ,rhymes, and work songs are plentiful. Among the philosophers native to the
  13. Which are actually elaborate, extended nondegree for English-language, nursery ,rhymes. This can also be considered PortMiami, which produces different meanings
  14. Appear to enjoy. I tumbled for words at once. And, when I began to read the, nursery ,rhymes for myself, and,later, to read other verses and ballads, I knew that I
  15. That migrate through estuaries, there are many other fish that use them as ", nursery ,grounds" for spawning or as places young fish can feed and grow before moving
  16. She was through delivering one of her bizarre stories, sometimes a re-written, nursery ,rhyme,she'd giggle, wink to the camera, and blow out the candle ... end of
  17. 1 million in 2003. Industries The agricultural produce of the state includes, nursery ,stock; eggs; clams and lobster (shellfish); dairy products; cattle; and
  18. Elder brother, Harry was educated at public schools, starting at Jane Minors ', nursery ,school and the pre-preparatory Whether School, both in London. Following this
  19. Alabama's agricultural outputs include poultry and eggs, cattle,plant, nursery ,items, peanuts,cotton, grains such as corn and sorghum, vegetables,milk
  20. Seventh highest in the country. Its agricultural outputs are dairy products, nursery ,stock, cattle,apples and eggs. Its industrial outputs are machinery, electric
  21. Secondary accents fall on the first, third and fifth syllable, especially in, nursery ,rhymes for which this meter is particularly well-suited. *, in particular, is
  22. Printing and publishing, and tourism. New Jersey's agricultural outputs are, nursery ,stock, horses,vegetables, fruits and nuts, seafood,and dairy products. New
  23. Filming. In a dark haunted-house set, speaking in vague, baffling metaphors and, nursery ,rhymes, he played a portentous, omnipotent narrator. The centerpiece of the
  24. Humorist" was a humorous story; when two years later he said he was writing, nursery ,rhymes, his agent and publisher were convinced he should write another
  25. Production is primarily for consumption within the state and includes, nursery ,stock, dairy products, vegetables,and livestock. Manufacturing is limited
  26. Year of children's studies, which included Yoko (good children),Cochin (, nursery ,school),and Shock Chinese (first grade of primary school) to Shock
  27. Beginning because I had fallen in love with words. The first poems I knew were, nursery ,rhymes, and before I could read them for myself I had come to love the words of
  28. To as Living Christmas trees, are sold live with roots and soil, often from a, nursery , to be stored at nurseries in planters or planted later outdoors and enjoyed (
  29. To suckle. The calves grow rapidly and can soon accompany their mothers in the, nursery ,herds. Their horns grow rapidly and begin to show in 3.5 months. They are
  30. In Italy became a citadel of faith and learning, Luxeuil in France became the, nursery ,of saints and apostles. From its walls went forth men who carried his rule
  31. Who was employed by a London workhouse in 1856 stated that conditions in the, nursery ,were ‘ wretchedly damp and miserable … and … overcrowded with young mothers and
  32. Dialect English (compare the line" Four-and-twenty blackbirds" in the old, nursery ,rhyme. ) The numeral Haldane means 1½ (literally" half second ", implying "
  33. In its atmosphere, all key ingredients for life. *Orion Nebula - A stellar, nursery ,in the Milky Way has recently been investigated as a potential gold mine for
  34. Provides a certain degree of camouflage. Mothers with calves will gather in, nursery ,herds which are usually made up of two or more infants and/or juveniles and
  35. Refused to give their sons any religious education. Italy attended the English, nursery ,school St George's College, followed by a Protestant elementary private school
  36. In 1926,followed by The House at Pooh Corner in 1928. A second collection of, nursery ,rhymes, Now We Are Six, was published in 1927. All three books were illustrated
  37. Family food with a small vegetable garden or orchard, to an employee in a plant, nursery ,or the head gardener in a large estate. The term gardener is also used to
  38. World Series. Team captains Current roster Minor league affiliations The term, nursery ,rhyme is used for" traditional" poems for young children in Britain and many
  39. Is said to have been written for her by Henry VIII. * In the children's, nursery ,rhyme" I had a little nut tree" she is the" King of Spain's Daughter ". *
  40. Had been scrutinized for Nordic qualities, in Himmler's words," like a, nursery ,gardener trying to reproduce a good old strain which has been adulterated and
  41. Biofuels include methane from biomass, ethanol,and biodiesel. Cut flowers, nursery ,plants, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade are some ornamental
  42. Of less topical or contentious material on such varied subjects as fairy tales, nursery ,rhymes, greeting cards, sports,small talk, poetry,marriage, comic strips
  43. Pastime with Good Company, Maggie May and Spanish Ladies amongst others. Many, nursery ,rhymes are of English origin such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Roses are red
  44. For meat, while a group consisting of lactating females serves to act as a ", nursery ,group" for the young. An individual may encounter certain individuals quite
  45. 2010 to 2011. Agriculture Delaware's agricultural output consists of poultry, nursery ,stock, soybeans,dairy products and corn. Its industrial outputs include
  46. Tchick used with horses. In Hindu Chinese, flapped nasal clicks are used in, nursery ,rhymes. In Persian, Greek,Maltese, Turkic and Byzantine Arabic as well as
  47. Dy'Adorn Renewed" was established in 2010 at Cornwall College, Camborne. The, nursery ,teaches children aged between two and five years alongside their parents, too
  48. Culture: planting trees and shrubs, timber stand improvement, seed collection, nursery ,work; #Forest Protection: fire prevention, fire pre-suppression, fire fighting
  49. An institution that became the Edinburgh College of Art in 1907. There are 18, nursery , 94 primary and 23 secondary schools in Edinburgh administered by the city
  50. And secondary schools Monaco has ten state-operated schools, including: seven, nursery ,and primary schools; one secondary school, Collège Charles III; one lycée that

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