Examples of the the word, deliberate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deliberate ), is the 5929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the hero being a black sheriff in an all white town. The film is full of, deliberate ,anachronisms, from a jazz band in the Wild West to a rustler referring to the
  2. Campaign of violence at the first opportunity; or to conclude that there was a, deliberate ,plan by the GOI to respond with lethal force. The Or Commission, an Israeli
  3. Was not clear about whether" distortion of statistical data" had to be, deliberate ,or not; * The DCSD had not properly documented that The Skeptical
  4. Theories abound whether this was the result of a drunken accident, or a, deliberate ,act of revenge for the burning of the Acropolis of Athens during the Second
  5. Chronic constipation and nicotine poisoning, while also attempting to deal with, deliberate ,poisonings, fetishism and fear of cannibalism among the Bahrain. Mrs. Helene
  6. By constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with, deliberate ,changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a
  7. Replaced the city of Babylon. In its early years the city was known as a, deliberate ,reminder of an expression in the Qur'an, when it refers to Paradise. Four years
  8. Address current and anticipated future biological weapons threats that may be, deliberate , multiple, and repetitive. The growing threat of biowarfare agents and
  9. Bodybuilders. Biological warfare (BY) — also known as germ warfare — is the, deliberate ,use of disease-causing biological agents such as bacteria, viruses,fungi, or
  10. There are no mountains of Megiddo, only the Plains of Megiddo. This is a, deliberate ,destruction of the vision of any literal reference to the place. " Other
  11. One in which the message conveyed by the broadcast signal is a function of, deliberate ,variations in the amplitude and/or frequency of the signal. All broadcast
  12. That Alfred was made a" consul "; a misinterpretation of this investiture, deliberate ,or accidental, could explain later confusion. It may also be based on Alfred's
  13. Of Henry's personal treasures, including a crown. Whether this was part of a, deliberate ,French plan or an act of local brigandage is unclear from the sources.
  14. Name of a deity. Ba'album, meaning lord of the flies, is most likely to be a, deliberate ,pun, by the anti-Hadad writer, on the term Ba'album, meaning prince Ba'all, i.
  15. False witnessing, and untruthfulness. ” In what seemed to the Joneses to be a, deliberate ,affront, Graham held his only American campaign of 1966 in Greenville, South
  16. 5th-century vase-paintings. Snyder theorizes that Marathon might have made a, deliberate ,effort to mimic the sumptuous attire of his famous fellow-poet, although by
  17. The 1960s series, opining that the show was instead a farce or lampoon, and a, deliberate ,one, at that. The series ran for 120 episodes, ending in 1968. In between the
  18. Many phrases from its services have passed into the English language, either as, deliberate ,quotations or as unconscious borrowings. They are used in non-liturgical ways.
  19. A mere abstract legal and historical claim. He also intended the maneuver as a, deliberate ,provocation to battle aimed at the dauphin, who had failed to respond to Henry
  20. Probable cause was determined by the National Transportation Safety Board to be, deliberate ,action by the first officer, but Egypt disputed this conclusion. On April 15
  21. Cells have been obtained by other experimenters, a more likely explanation is, deliberate ,introduction of new cells into the culture, possibly without Carrel's
  22. The Reichswehr. British, French,and American doctrines broadly favored a more, deliberate ,set-piece battle, using mechanized forces to maintain the impetus and momentum
  23. Crowd. The Australian press dubbed the tactic Body line, and claimed it was a, deliberate ,attempt by the English team to intimidate and injure the Australian players.
  24. Stated, : Accordingly, we have no basis on which to conclude that there was a, deliberate ,plan by the PA to initiate a campaign of violence at the first opportunity; or
  25. Identified such an optimum activity of the soul as the aim of all human, deliberate ,action, eudaimonia,generally translated as" happiness" or sometimes" well
  26. Beaumont, and his" parents ", Frank Booth and Dorothy Valleys — through, deliberate ,references to film noir and its underlying Oedipal theme. The resulting
  27. Be tracked and frozen. In 2005,Amnesty International reported a pattern of, deliberate ,obstruction, harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders in Belarus.
  28. Were in ranks of eight. Some modern commentators have suggested this was a, deliberate ,ploy to encourage a double envelopment of the Persian center. However, this
  29. The conversion of grasslands into commercial tree plantations, and poisoning:, deliberate ,(to protect crops) or accidental (baits intended for other species, and as a
  30. Inquiries as to the loss of any aircraft or vessel is human error. Whether, deliberate ,or accidental, humans have been known to make mistakes resulting in catastrophe
  31. For example, uses both radio telescopes and optical telescopes to search for, deliberate ,signals from extraterrestrial intelligence. While some high-profile scientists
  32. Stand open, reflecting the numerous crystal chandeliers and sconces, causing a, deliberate ,optical illusion of space and light. Other ceremonies and functions Smaller
  33. The smallpox epidemic which ravaged Aborigines in 1789,may have resulted from, deliberate ,infection ”. These claims were controversial as it was argued that any smallpox
  34. Result of its cooperation with the investigation. Aon said its conduct was not, deliberate , adding it had since" significantly strengthened and enhanced its controls
  35. Without necessarily succeeding in inducing miscarriage. Both accidental and, deliberate ,abortions of this kind can be subject to criminal liability in many countries.
  36. Include: * Elvis Costello - This Year's Model; which was designed to have a, deliberate ,miscopying, so the entire design was off-register. * The Damned - Damned
  37. In the production of new brass. However, it is now thought this was probably a, deliberate ,change in composition and overall the use of brass increases over this period
  38. Books. " Starting in 1969,writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams made a, deliberate ,effort to distance Batman from the campy portrayal of the 1960s TV series and
  39. Prisoners for his acceptance of responsibility at Nuremberg. Speer made a, deliberate ,effort to make as productive a use of his time as possible. He wrote," I am
  40. Lee Smith was dropped and KRS-One adopted" The Teach" moniker and made a, deliberate ,attempt at creating politically and socially conscious Hip-Hop. BDP were hugely
  41. Away from the paratroopers when he was killed. Three of them saw a soldier take, deliberate ,aim at the youth as he ran. He is the uncle of the Irish boxer John Buddy. *
  42. As food poisoning due to E. coli or Salmonella, could be of either natural or, deliberate ,origin. Preparedness Biological agents are relatively easy to obtain by
  43. Insect. In their view, injury caused by carelessness is like injury caused by, deliberate ,action. Eating honey is strictly outlawed, as it would amount to violence
  44. By exports and influence from the Middle-East and eastern Mediterranean where, deliberate ,production of brass from metallic copper and zinc ores had been introduced. The
  45. Toshiba Minute as an idealistic young doctor struggling with syphilis,a, deliberate ,attempt by Kurosawa to break the actor away from being typecast as gangsters.
  46. Also conditioned. Apostasy (turning from Christ) is only committed through a, deliberate , willful rejection of Jesus and renunciation of saving faith. Such apostasy is
  47. They have been introduced by humans. Some of these introductions have been, deliberate ,; the Ring-necked Pheasant, for example, has been introduced around the world as
  48. Governorship of Montage Norman, which lasted from 1920 to 1944,the Bank made, deliberate ,efforts to move away from commercial banking and become a central bank. In 1946
  49. Is a genus of yeast important in brewing iambic, a beer produced not by the, deliberate ,addition of brewer's yeasts, but by spontaneous fermentation with wild yeasts
  50. Word" Czechs" ( in English – Chechen in German, Tchèques in French) in a, deliberate ,(and successful) attempt to distinguish between Bohemian Slavs and other

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