Examples of the the word, partisan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( partisan ), is the 6861 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1997 legislative and municipal elections provided the background for renewed, partisan ,politics. The PDG won a landslide victory in the legislative election, but
  2. The view that the Yugoslav Communist partisan s spearheaded the Albanian, partisan ,movement. Anti-Yugoslav members of the Albanian Communist Party had begun to
  3. Because the neutrality of the crown is seen to be compromised in favor of a, partisan ,goal, while some political scientists champion the idea of an" interventionist
  4. Of such lists circulate. * Obedience to government and non-involvement in, partisan ,politics unless submission to law amounts to a denial of Faith. With specific
  5. From Fez, Yahya was provided with a missionary, Abdallah in Basin, a zealous, partisan ,of the Alibis, one of the four Mashhad, Sunni schools of Islam. His preaching
  6. Independence was not determined by a great power. On 10 July 1943,the Albanian, partisan ,groups were organized in regular units of companies, battalions and brigades
  7. An observational style of film making as well as the advent of more overtly, partisan ,films like In the Year of the Pig about the Vietnam War by Emile de Antonio. By
  8. A political spectrum, as each network and news source tends to take an openly, partisan ,stand. History The DPP has its roots in liberal opposition to Kuomintang
  9. His own detractors as well. Similar to the situation with Lee, Meade suffered, partisan ,attacks about his performance at Gettysburg, but he had the misfortune of
  10. The Nazi occupation army surrenders and leaves Northern Italy after a general, partisan ,insurrection by the Italian resistance movement; the puppet fascist regime
  11. The British in most battles in North America. Many Loyalists fought in, partisan ,units, especially in the Southern theater. The British military met with many
  12. Approximately 800,000 men by the end of the war. The strength of the Soviet, partisan ,units and formations can not be accurately estimated, but in Belarus alone is
  13. Of Concord, Bennington and Saratoga, and the siege of Boston. Both sides used, partisan ,warfare, but the Americans effectively suppressed Loyalist activity when British
  14. Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that they will take no, partisan ,role in politics. This means a hands-off approach to candidate races like those
  15. Took hold in North America and Europe. Non- partisan systems tend to differ from, partisan ,systems as concerns nominations. In a direct democracy, one type of
  16. Tired of looking like G. Gordon Lindy. Koontz does not to spend much time on, partisan ,politics and doesn't believe politics solves many problems. He and Mrs. Koontz
  17. He was interested in cooperation between the regular army and militia or, partisan ,forces, or citizen soldiers, as one possible — sometimes the only — method of
  18. As occurred in Missouri following the 2000 census. There, the equally numbered, partisan ,appointees were unable to reach consensus in a reasonable time, and
  19. To portray history and Lee's reputation in a manner supporting different, partisan ,goals, the major factors in Lee's loss arguably can be attributed to: (1)
  20. For a particular party or group by manipulating geographic boundaries to create, partisan , incumbent-protected districts. The resulting district is known as a
  21. Massachusetts example but also other cases of district-shape manipulation for, partisan ,gain in other states. According to the Oxford English Dictionary
  22. At being excluded from the spoils, Cleveland began to replace more of the, partisan ,Republican officeholders with Democrats. While some of his decisions were
  23. Outlets studied at 25 percent of all viewers. The report goes on to say that ", partisan ,differences in views of Fox News have increased substantially since 2007 ". As
  24. 244 B-1As. Domestically, the reaction to the cancellation was split along, partisan ,lines. The Department of Defense was surprised by the announcement; internal
  25. Behind Japanese lines; Col. (later Major General) John K. Single, who led, partisan ,forces in the Korean War; and Maj. Maude C. Davison, who led the" Angels of
  26. Early 21st century guerrilla wars involved mounted troops, particularly against, partisan ,or guerrilla fighters in areas with poor transport infrastructure. Such units
  27. Although there are exceptions. Alabama's 67 County Sheriffs are elected in, partisan ,races and Democrats still retain the majority of those posts. The current split
  28. Trial, and ten were convicted of sedition, often in trials before openly, partisan ,Federalist judges. Journalists Benjamin Franklin Cache, the grandson of
  29. Defied the USSR's advice and sent supplies during the Greek Civil War to the, partisan ,forces of the Communist Party of Greece, the ERAS (National Popular Liberation
  30. Rate dropped to the same level as in Finland proper. Finnish sources state that, partisan ,activity in East Karelia focused mainly on Finnish military supply and
  31. Tribunes (chief representatives of the people) for the year, Metilius, was a, partisan ,of Mencius, and as such he sought to use his power to help Mencius. The
  32. Equally God. Separating from his superior, Metropolitan Acacias of Caesar,a, partisan ,of Arius who taught that Jesus was a divine being created by — and therefore
  33. Completion of its work and for introducing what the Government claimed were, partisan ,politics into the matter of Gibraltar remaining British. The same year, in
  34. In foreign affairs he was emphatically a man of peace, but not at all a, partisan ,of the doctrine of peace at any price, and he followed the principle that the
  35. Then NBC, suggesting that," if scholars continue to find evidence of a, partisan ,or ideological bias at FNC ... they should consider Fox as alternative, rather
  36. The highest level of support in a Post-ABC poll. The support also cuts across, partisan ,and ideological lines, with majorities of Democrats (86 %),Republicans (74
  37. Liberation from the fascist occupation on 29 November 1944,several Albanian, partisan ,divisions crossed the border into German-occupied Yugoslavia, where they fought
  38. United States has never struck down a redistricting plan for being excessively, partisan , The plan was subsequently upheld by a three-judge federal panel in late 2003
  39. 2,000 Islanders were deported by the Germans, Jews sent to concentration camps;, partisan ,resistance and retribution; accusations of collaboration; and slave labor (
  40. Countries occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II. In March 1940,a Polish, partisan ,unit led by Major Henryk Dobrzynski completely destroyed a battalion of German
  41. Been in excess of 300,000. Vadim Talisman estimates the paramilitary and Soviet, partisan ,death toll at 400,000. Timothy Snyder wrote that" In the guise of
  42. Can exist at these levels (i.e., among the elected delegates). As far as, partisan ,systems, in some countries, only members of a particular political party can be
  43. Theme, covering the power struggles on Lesbos with the passion and vigor of a, partisan , cursing his opponents, rejoicing in their deaths, delivering blood-curdling
  44. When the minority party has significant obstruction power—unable to enact a, partisan ,gerrymander, the legislature instead agrees on ensuring their own mutual
  45. Would end Wall Street's control of the American currency supply. On a mostly, partisan ,basis, with most Democrats voting" yea" and most Republicans voting" nay ".
  46. For slave labor on the Continent; native Jews sent to concentration camps;, partisan ,resistance and retribution; accusations of collaboration; and slave labor (
  47. Have their own newspapers, and these papers conduct a lively, often highly, partisan , debate on public issues. Mail Egypt Post is the government-owned body that
  48. Involved abuse of the South, hatred for the slaveholder, thirst for vengeance, partisan ,plotting, and ungenerous demands that Southern institutions be transformed
  49. 1997 legislative and municipal elections provided the background for renewed, partisan ,politics. The PDG won a landslide victory in the legislative election, but
  50. Opponents characterized the resulting district layout as excessively, partisan ,gerrymandering, and the plan was challenged in court on this basis by

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