Examples of the the word, elevated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elevated ), is the 6862 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Capable of maintaining formation with their current tanks. The gun could be, elevated ,for anti-aircraft use. Among early pre-war pioneers of self-propelled AA guns
  2. Church. In the Orthodox Church, only actual monastics are permitted to be, elevated ,to the rank of Archimandrite. Married priests are elevated to the parallel rank
  3. It should be noted even in times long gone, many ballroom dances were really, elevated ,folk dances. The definition of ballroom dance also depends on the era: balls
  4. Purely fictional. But now the evidence of Tell Leila, and recent findings of, elevated ,dust deposits in sea-cores collected off Oman, that date to the period of Akkad
  5. A slurry of their hydroxides in aqueous sodium bicarbonate with ozone, at, elevated , temperatures. Both Am and Cm are mostly present in solutions in the +3 valence
  6. In 1186 as bishopric of Livonia, called Bishopric of Riga in 1202 and, elevated ,to an Archbishopric in 1255. Archbishops of Riga The Archbishops of Riga (1202
  7. Kant's" aesthetic" merely represents an experience that is the product of an, elevated ,class habits and scholarly leisure as opposed to other possible and equally
  8. In the late 19th century, involving the move from horse-drawn street cars to, elevated ,railways to the subway system, which linked to Manhattan in 1904. The great
  9. Sulfate. Investigations of the long-term health effects are still ongoing, but, elevated , brain aluminum concentrations have been found in postmortem examinations of
  10. Is uniquely vulnerable to oxidative injury, due to its high metabolic rate and, elevated ,levels of polyunsaturated lipids, the target of lipid peroxidation.
  11. To feature the short-lived Amiga" checkmark" logo on its case; the case was, elevated ,slightly to give a storage area for the keyboard when not in use (a" keyboard
  12. Drawn from the Metaphysics of Aristotle. A medieval scholastic In doing so, he, elevated ,Lombard's work from a major theological resource to an authoritative text from
  13. Mangoes, millet,corn (maize),and wheat, and also raise cattle. In the more, elevated ,areas that are less populated and are spread out, forestry,corn and livestock
  14. It crashed, the airplane was rolled slightly to the left, with the right wing, elevated , The front part of the fuselage disintegrated on impact, while the mid and tail
  15. Evangelical Protestants. There has been a problem of population decline due to, elevated ,levels of emigration after the break-up of the USSR. The rates of emigration
  16. Have wings, but that you may know that they leave the heights and the most, elevated ,dwelling to approach human nature. Accordingly, the wings attributed to these
  17. Act very similarly when exposed to ultraviolet light and most toxins, but at, elevated ,temperatures the phytoplankton reacts negatively, while the thermophilic
  18. Potters Bar and the Bars of York * Bar (river morphology),in a river is an, elevated ,region of sand or gravel that has been deposited by the flow * Bar, Meuse
  19. 2000s and were undefeated in Test matches through the 2004 calendar year. This, elevated ,them to second in the ICC Test Championship. Hopes that the 2005 Ashes series
  20. Berkelium (III) hydride (BkH3) or metallic berkelium with these elements at, elevated ,temperature (about 600 °C) under high vacuum. Berkelium (III) sulfide
  21. Character similar to that of the Hebe. The Three Graces and the Venus are more, elevated , The Awakened Nymph is another work of uncommon beauty. The mother of Napoleon
  22. The beach of Althea (Alison),also features modern Stadia, shops and an, elevated ,esplanade. Work is underway to transform the grounds of the old Athens Airport
  23. Level toward the southwest, and in the extreme south is flat and slightly, elevated ,above the sea. The Cumberland Plateau region is drained to the west-northwest
  24. The urea cycles. Liver dysfunction, such as that seen in cirrhosis, may lead to, elevated ,amounts of ammonia in the blood (hyperammonemia). Likewise, defects in the
  25. With 0.1 ppb by weight. Production Because of its high affinity for oxygen at, elevated ,temperatures, and its ability to reduce water when its oxide film is removed
  26. Hungarian government and in 1896 was recalled. In the consistory of 1896 he was, elevated ,to Cardinal Priest of Anti Near e Achilles. In 1899, he was made Cardinal
  27. Not only being called" Lord of the Four Quarters (of the Earth) ", but also, elevated ,to the ranks of the dingier (= gods),with his own temple establishment.
  28. At 2973 °C at normal pressure releasing nitrogen gas and boron, but melts at, elevated ,pressure. Moreover, the thermal transport in the Bands is anisotropic. The
  29. Coastline facing the Adriatic and Ionian seas, its highlands backed upon the, elevated ,Balkan landmass, and the entire country lying at a latitude subject to a
  30. Be an influence on the shift from the baseline male-to-female birth rate to an, elevated ,national rate of 117:100 reported in 2002. The trend was more pronounced in
  31. Part of the continent, between its seaward and landward heights encloses, elevated ,steppes in places broad. From the inner slopes of the plateau numerous wadis
  32. Are permitted to be elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. Married priests are, elevated ,to the parallel rank of Arch priest or Protopresbyter. Normally there are no
  33. Declared that there are ten national heroes of Barbados, all of whom would be, elevated ,to the title of" The Right Excellent ". The ten official National Heroes of
  34. And how everyday events such as a Samurai cutting bread with his sword are, elevated ,to something special and put into the limelight. Tchaikovsky has also expressed
  35. 57 million people are drinking groundwater with arsenic concentrations, elevated ,above the World Health Organization's standard of 10 parts per billion.
  36. Vary in size from tiny acorn sized to large amphorae like vessels, but all have, elevated ,levels of zinc on the interior and are lidded. Brass made during the early
  37. Bruckner Boulevard. Shops are also concentrated on streets aligned underneath, elevated ,railroad lines, including Westchester Avenue, White Plains Road, Jerome Avenue
  38. Cutting back through the Poetic Alps, have tributaries that flow in broad, elevated ,basins. Access inland from the coast is limited to a few narrow valleys because
  39. Other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it possesses, elevated ,levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can have harmful effects on plants
  40. Had returned to the court of his younger brother, from whom he received the, elevated ,title of sebastokratōr. In 1195,while Isaac II was away hunting in Thrace
  41. Can support kilograms of weight per square centimeter of contact area, even at, elevated ,temperature. Permanent SAS may be initially removable (for example to recover
  42. City, pl. Acropoleis). For purposes of defense, early people naturally chose, elevated ,ground to build a new settlement, frequently a hill with precipitous sides. In
  43. Design of the 6th century Byzantine basilica of Hagia Sophia, had increasingly, elevated ,and large central domes, which create a vertical emphasis that is intended to
  44. Empire. In 1815 DOM João VI, then regent on behalf of his incapacitated mother, elevated ,Brazil from colony to sovereign Kingdom united with Portugal. And in 1816 the
  45. Hydrolyze (break down) into its constituent amino acids under conditions of, elevated ,temperature or high pH. This makes aspartame undesirable as a baking sweetener
  46. Diverging point of rivers, but beyond this, as far as the Atlas chain,the, elevated ,rim of the continent is almost wanting. Plains The area between the east and
  47. And is killed. Gordian I, his father, commits suicide. * 467 – Anthems is, elevated ,to Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. *1204 – The Crusaders of the Fourth
  48. Person family are now operated as tourist accommodations. Aircraft accident An, elevated ,power cable from the mainland to Arapaho Island over Tory Channel was struck by
  49. In the south and south-east. Among them a mark called" Ostrich" which was, elevated ,to a duchy out of own right and given to the Feinberger family. This event
  50. Superficially depicts a mundane event or object, may invite reflection upon, elevated ,themes. Traditionally, the highest achievements of art demonstrate a high level

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