Examples of the the word, offers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( offers ), is the 7528 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Median GmbH which still is a subsidiary of Time Warner. Today, AOL Deutschland, offers ,virtually all free services of AOL. Com (see below) in German versions as
  2. To be defeated in World War II, Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basters, offers ,a satirical revenge fantasy where a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler succeeds.
  3. Activity takes place today on mainframe computers. Next (formerly APL2000), offers , an advanced APL interpreter which operates under Linux, Unix,and Windows. It
  4. Interface, as well as native namespaces. For the Windows platform, Dyalog APL, offers ,tight integration with Microsoft. Net, plus limited integration with the
  5. Of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, became operational at the end of 2006 and, offers ,additional gas supplies to the European market from the Shah Deniz gas field.
  6. Kline Gallery Archives) adds significantly to the Chronic mythos. The painting, offers ,a dramatic, deeply psychological portrayal of the single figure of Aaron in his
  7. Limited integration with the Microsoft Visual Studio development platform. IBM, offers ,a version of IBM APL2 for IBM AIX, Linux,Sun Polaris and Windows systems. This
  8. Is a small effect,0.25 is a medium effect and 0.4 is a large effect). He also, offers ,a conversion table (see Cohen,1988,p. 283) for eta squared (η2) where
  9. College (IPA) as well as through the University of Aruba (UA) which, offers ,bachelors and masters programs in law, finance and economics and hospitality
  10. Alienated modern society that has grown to inhuman scale. *In contrast, farming, offers , more independence and self-sufficiency. It has a solid, stable position in the
  11. Which is 5700x100 feet, and 13/31,which is 3492x100 feet. The City of Ames, offers ,a transit system throughout town, called Ride, that is funded jointly by Iowa
  12. Victory .... I would choose the latter without thinking twice. If the opponent, offers ,keen play I don't object; but in such cases I get less satisfaction, even if I
  13. State of the domestic film industry, and having already received dozens of, offers ,from abroad, the idea of working outside Japan appealed to him as never before.
  14. Which offers the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and Island Academy which, offers ,the International Baccalaureate. There are also may other private schools but
  15. Versions),and runs under Linux and Apple macOS with Wine. MicroAPL Limited, offers ,APEX, a full-featured 64 bit interpreter for Linux, Windows,and Apple macOS
  16. Form perfect compression structures. The large cross at the Park's high-point, offers ,the most complete view of Barcelona and the bay. It is possible to view the
  17. Prose Edda presents two views regarding Asgard. Prologue In the Prologue Sorry, offers ,an epimerized and Christian-influenced interpretation of the myths and tales
  18. On accept statements (similar to Dijkstra's guarded commands). Ada also, offers ,protected objects for mutual exclusion. Protected objects are a monitor-like
  19. Form, sunts, as Semitic loanwords. ) The Egyptian SMI 'report, announce ', offers ,another possible cognate. * *d-m 'blood' ( Egret: *dim / *dam),attested in
  20. Located northeast of Calgary. Drumheller," Dinosaur Capital of The World ", offers ,the Royal Terrell Museum of Paleontology. Drumheller also had a rich mining
  21. A god who represented Man's darker nature (Euripides' play The Bacchus, offers ,the best insight into 5th Century ideas about this god). Old Comedy can be
  22. Gas from natural gas hydrates on the Alaskan North Slope. Alaska also, offers ,some of the highest hydroelectric power potential in the country from its
  23. 1970s and 1980s. Some APL users migrated to the J programming language, which, offers , more advanced features. Lastly, the decline was also due in part to the growth
  24. Schools Including (Alphabetically) CC SET International which, offers ,the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and Island Academy which offers the
  25. Major transatlantic transportation and communication routes, the Atlantic, offers ,abundant petroleum deposits in the sedimentary rocks of the continental shelves
  26. 113 of the Criminal Code. A person is guilty of this offense if he unlawfully, offers ,or attempts, with force or violence, to strike, beat,wound, or do bodily harm
  27. Of Film was launched in spring 2009 with the backing of Kurosawa Production. It, offers ,online programs in digital film making, with headquarters in Anaheim and a
  28. Music toolkit and Shake, an advanced effects composition program. Apple also, offers ,online services with Mobile Me (formerly. Mac) that bundles personal web pages
  29. Education Center. Chill Island's rugged landscape and the surrounding ocean, offers ,one of the most perfect locations for outdoor adventure activities in Europe
  30. Are available as free downloads for both Mac OS X and Windows. Apple also, offers ,a range of professional software titles. Their range of server software
  31. Aachen University of Applied Sciences (ACAS) was founded in 1971. The ACAS, offers ,a classic engineering education in professions like Mechatronics, Construction
  32. Settlers of Anguilla under British rule, recent scholarship focused on Anguilla, offers ,a more nuanced view. It emphasizes the significance of early sociocultural
  33. Speech of early 1860," Lincoln presented Americans a theory of history that, offers ,a profound contribution to the theory and destiny of republicanism itself. "
  34. Useful in binding the brick together and allowing the brick to dry evenly. Dung, offers ,the same advantage and is also added to repel insects. The mixture is roughly
  35. Much-anticipated media tablet, the iPad running a modified version of iOS. It, offers ,multitouch interaction with multimedia formats including newspapers, magazines
  36. Three-day cultural event at the start of the cultural season in late August. It, offers ,previews of many artists, such as musicians and poets, who perform on
  37. Or in some cases possible notes by his students). However, one classic scholar, offers ,an alternative interpretation. The 5th century Neoplatonist Ammonium Hermite
  38. And many more, Shortcuts. Com is the consumer destination for free savings, offers , Other developments * In late 2006,AOL began offering free and unlimited
  39. Kernel per nut. The Too, on the other hand, has thicker, hairier shells and, offers ,only 32 % of edible kernel per nut. However, there are advantages to having a
  40. Result of our desire for clarity and meaning within a world and condition that, offers ,neither, which he expressed in The Myth of Sisyphus and incorporated into many
  41. Includes close integration with. NET, Java,Ruby and R. Solution Incorporated, offers ,the SAX interpreter (Sharp APL for Unix) for Unix and Linux systems, which is
  42. Instead of proletarians),who are loosely affiliated. Mass customization, offers ,the possibility of cheap, personalized,production catering to small niches (
  43. Pursuit, and had her wed Pele us. As with most mythology, there is a tale which, offers ,an alternative version of these events: in Aeronautical (iv.760) Hera alludes
  44. Declines in almost all sectors of an economy during recessions. Jeffery Hummel, offers ,some solutions to Krugman's argument, but then reasons that none are
  45. Reduce swing, or to deal with heavy weather.::::: Protection A good anchorage, offers ,protection from the current weather conditions, and will also offer protection
  46. Induction. Canonical flowchart symbols: The graphical aide called a flowchart, offers ,a way to describe and document an algorithm (and a computer program of one).
  47. With mercury-free LED backlit LCDs and arsenic-free glass, Apple also, offers ,detailed information about the emissions, materials,and electrical usage of
  48. Clubs like Costco and Sam's Club. Some have embraced the free shipping, offers ,of some online retailers to purchase items much more cheaply than they could in
  49. Seizure of Mexico ultimately deterred them from war with the Union. Confederate, offers ,late in the war to end slavery in return for diplomatic recognition were not
  50. If a man dies, shall he live again? " (Job 14:10,12,14a NKJV) The Talmud, offers ,a number of thoughts relating to the afterlife. After death, the soul is

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