Examples of the the word, inhabit , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Have also found significant levels of toxins in fish and the waters they, inhabit ,within the basin. Accumulation of toxins in fish threatens the survival of fish
  2. The time when Apollo would live among the Hyperbolas. Dionysus would, inhabit ,the temple during his absence. H. W. Park writes that the foundation of Delphi
  3. Side Park. In, the team moved into historic Mickey Park, which they would, inhabit ,for more than eight decades. The White Sox were a strong team during their
  4. Coral extinctions show that approximately 98 % of colonial species, ones that, inhabit ,warm, shallow tropical waters, became extinct. The solitary corals, which
  5. Hares, hyraxes, jackals,foxes, and even leopards. Hundreds of bird species, inhabit ,the zone as well. Both Jordan and Israel have established nature reserves
  6. Or grizzly bears, seem to prefer open landscapes, whereas in Eurasia they, inhabit ,mostly dense forests. It is thought the Eurasian bears which colonized America
  7. In general, most of the Christians live in the highlands, the Muslims mainly, inhabit ,the lowlands, and adherents of animist religions populate the southernmost
  8. Now commonly occur in a majority of the United States and Canada. Coyotes, inhabit ,nearly every contiguous U. S. state and Alaska. Coyotes have moved into most of
  9. Inhabited by speakers of Bantu and Semi-Bantu languages. Bantu-speaking groups, inhabit ,the coastal and equatorial zones, while speakers of Semi-Bantu languages live
  10. These species tend to range in tropical habitats, although a few species do, inhabit ,temperate and subarctic habitats. Many are arboreal or semiarboreal, and the
  11. Collaboration A Torrent of Faces, set in the future where a trillion people, inhabit ,the Earth, features several semi-enclosed 'cities'—massive buildings big enough
  12. Characteristics Wild can ids are found on every continent except Antarctica, and, inhabit , a wide range of different habitats, including deserts, mountains,forests, and
  13. The first lines of the poem are preserved by Diogenes Laertes: Friends who, inhabit ,the mighty town by tawny Acragas which crowns the citadel, caring for good
  14. Fresh water amphibians There are currently three lizards and one toad known to, inhabit ,Diego Garcia, and possibly one snake. All are believed to have been introduced
  15. There, though they lost two of them because not enough Dravidians came to, inhabit ,the villages. Due to their efforts, along with those of others (mostly Jews)
  16. Bobcats, and Roosevelt elk. Reptiles such as the garter snakes and rattlesnakes, inhabit ,the zone. In addition, amphibians such as the water puppy and redwood
  17. Saxony. Because the trees were worshiped and the spirits who were believed to, inhabit ,the trees were feared for their powers, this was done to demonstrate to the
  18. Black Sea, the location of the mythical" White Island" which he was said to, inhabit ,after his death, together with many other heroes. The kings of the Virus
  19. In that heaven we think this abode is. But we believe that none but Light-Elves, inhabit ,these mansions now. It is not indicated whether these heavens are identical to
  20. Oxygen levels in the river were depleted to the point where fish were unable to, inhabit ,its waters. Because much of this pollution drained into and affected Lake Erie
  21. And political obstacles make them difficult to study. Normally, they, inhabit , the dense African rain forests of central and western Africa, although
  22. Became extinct. The solitary corals, which generally do not form reefs and, inhabit ,colder and deeper (below the photic zone) areas of the ocean were less
  23. Most amphibians require fresh water. A few (e.g. Fejervarya Raja) can, inhabit ,brackish water and even survive (though not thrive) in seawater, but there
  24. It figured prominently in the late 17th century when the Trekkers began to, inhabit ,the northern and Eastern Cape frontiers, again during the Great Trek when the
  25. Felix silvers lyrics) and the Arabian Sand Cat (Felix margarita) both, inhabit ,desert environments, Hunting by domestic cats may be contributing to the
  26. Areas and, like modern cattle, could swim for short distances, enabling them to, inhabit ,islands within their range. Their diet is thought to have consisted of green
  27. Earliest inhabit ants of Cameroon were probably the Aka (Pygmies). They still, inhabit ,the forests of the south and east provinces. Bantu speakers originating in the
  28. Cabra" goat ", literally " goat sucker" ) is a legendary cryptid rumored to, inhabit ,parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an
  29. Profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now, inhabit ,that ancient land. In my opinion that is right. What I have never been able to
  30. Archipelago, erased the memories of most Chronopolis's staff, and sent them to, inhabit ,and populate its new paradise. Thousands of years later, a panther demon
  31. By people, especially in Australia, Hawaii,and the Mediterranean region. Cacti, inhabit ,diverse regions, from coastal plains to high mountain areas. Adaptations to dry
  32. Emergence myths humanity emerges from another world into the one they currently, inhabit , The previous world is often considered the womb of the earth mother, and the
  33. Find any possible universe, but they can spend character points to know of or, inhabit ,shadows which are (in some sense) " real" and therefore useful. The
  34. With an overall length of. All species are native to the Americas, where they, inhabit ,a variety of environments. Armadillos species are primarily found in South and
  35. To damage" ) were often credited with possession. Similarly, a shed might, inhabit ,an otherwise inanimate statue. Judaism In some rabbinic sources, the demons
  36. Jesus is far superior to the power of demons over the beings that they, inhabit , and he is able to free these victims by commanding and casting out the demons
  37. For 2 years without food because of low metabolic rate. Other animals which, inhabit ,the Mammoth Cave National Park include: two genera of Crickets (Hadenoecus
  38. To live in the house until 2004. The last of his direct descendants to, inhabit ,Abbotsford was his great-great-great-granddaughter Dame Jean Maxwell-Scott (8
  39. From above. In shallow relief, sculpted figure-groups of the Corner family, inhabit ,in opera boxes along the two side walls of the chapel. The setting places the
  40. Describes the Mermaids, a race of men who grow to twice normal size, and, inhabit , two cities on the island of Meiosis (Cos? ): Fusees (," Pious-town" ) and
  41. And local lore states that the gods resided here when they lived on Earth. They, inhabit ,about a million hectares of rainforest but from the 16th century to the present
  42. By Dutch zoologist Albert us Sea, who mistakenly believed the cane toad to, inhabit ,both terrestrial and marine environments. Other common names include" Giant
  43. Corals, sea pens and sea fans live in deep, cold waters, and some sea anemones, inhabit ,polar seabeds while others live near hydrothermal vents over below sea-level.
  44. Bristle-thighed curlew and Pacific golden plover are shorebirds that, inhabit ,the island and are considered species of High Concern on the national
  45. And more than 100 species of weakly-electric fishes Gymnotiformes also, inhabit ,the Amazon Basin. Colonial encounters During what many archaeologists call the
  46. 5bn). Basque (, ) is the ancestral language of the Basque people, who, inhabit , the Basque Country, a region spanning an area in northeastern Spain and
  47. The most significant of which are the Bribe and Boru ca tribes who still, inhabit ,the mountains of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the southern part of Costa
  48. Of their English Dominican brothers. As already stated, the first nuns to, inhabit ,Hartford were sent from Prissy Priory in France. Rosary Throughout the
  49. In banana leaves, and steamed. The Basques (, ) as an ethnic group, primarily, inhabit , an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (), a region that is located
  50. 90 percent of Algerians live in the northern, coastal area; the minority who, inhabit ,the Sahara desert are mainly concentrated in oases, although some 1.5 million

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