Examples of the the word, occupant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( occupant ), is the 8238 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Discovers an empty alien spacecraft, hires a private investigator to find the, occupant ,when no one else will listen to him. * In Tales to Astonish #3 (1959) " I
  2. Unfavorably. In 2006,The Economist wrote that Chiral" is the most unpopular, occupant ,of the Elysee Palace in the fifth republic's history. " Early term As the
  3. Finds included gold foil crosses, suggesting the occupant was Christian. If the, occupant ,was a king, it was probably either Albert or Sievert (murdered AD 653). It
  4. At. This resulted in extremely low wages with no potential for growth since the, occupant ,nations had no intention of selling the products at a higher price to
  5. Tradition, Aristotle did not consider the soul to be a separate, immortal, occupant , of the body; just as the act of cutting cannot occur without a blade, the soul
  6. A representative of the Protons government. Alarms is at odds with the former, occupant ,of the player's position, Tassadar, over his association with Fearful, a
  7. On the WTC Towers – including 30 recommendations for improving building and, occupant ,safety – was released on October 26, 2005. Election technology NIST works in
  8. Activity" at a house nearby when a window was smashed by youths causing the, occupant ,to phone the police. The PSI officers responded to the emergency call, giving
  9. To this view,16 January was really the date of Marcellus' death, the next, occupant ,of the chair being Eugenics (Neuss Archive,1896,XXI,350–3). This hypothesis
  10. Not only to a maximum acceleration, but also to a maximum jerk. Even where, occupant ,safety isn't an issue, excessive jerk may result in an uncomfortable ride on
  11. These commanding premises to be let or sold in consequence of the late, occupant ,'s declining business ". Her uncle Leopold wrote to her advising her to appear
  12. Who discover a crashed alien vessel, complete with a malevolent shape-changing, occupant , was filmed as The Thing from Another World (1951) and The Thing (1982). "
  13. She may have been a more powerful pre-Hellenic deity, and perhaps the original, occupant ,of the oracle. The Oracle at Siva The oracle of Amman at the oasis of Siva in
  14. With other indoor pollutants. Higher CO2 concentrations are associated with, occupant ,health, comfort and performance degradation. ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2007
  15. A new Prime Minister can enter 10 Downing Street for the first time as its, occupant , they are required to announce to the country and the world that they have
  16. And excavated in 2003. Finds included gold foil crosses, suggesting the, occupant ,was Christian. If the occupant was a king, it was probably either Albert or
  17. Is generally considered by historians to be the most favored candidate for the, occupant ,of the Sutton Hui ship-burial, although other theories have been advanced.
  18. castle's appearance and size began to reflect the prestige and power of its, occupant , Comfortable homes were often fashioned within their fortified walls. Although
  19. To Suetonius,3 July according to Tacitus). Nevertheless, Vitellius,the, occupant ,of the throne, had Rome's best troops on his side — the veteran legions of
  20. Decides how we behave. He considered this essence to be an incorporeal, eternal, occupant , of our being. As bodies die the soul is continually reborn in subsequent bodies
  21. The post was created in 1786,with the Lord Dorchester as its first, occupant , However, the governor-in-chief directly governed only Quebec. It was not until
  22. Of other insects, stealing their food, and eventually killing and eating the, occupant , Classification Symphony The suborder Symphony includes the
  23. An out-of-town guest and asked" Is there a party going on here? " To which the, occupant ,responded in the negative. She was booked on charges of attempted robbery
  24. Bicyclists often fear collision with an opening car door in case the car's, occupant ,does not look carefully to check that it is safe to open the door. Because
  25. Emperor, but his brother Ferdinand, who had already been designated as the next, occupant ,of the imperial throne, and Maximilian objected to this proposal. At length a
  26. The greatest zeal on behalf of Gregory XII, whom he regarded as the legitimate, occupant ,of the papal throne. He died at Pisa. Works He was a very prolific theological
  27. The microbes produce chemicals that affect the building materials and, occupant ,health and well-being. Humans manipulate the temperature and humidity to
  28. Manner such that predicted movements lie within acceptable standards of, occupant ,comfort criteria. To ensure that all aspects of the building's performance in
  29. Heart disease, and many cancers. Smoke can obscure visibility, impeding, occupant , exiting from fire areas. In fact, the poor visibility due to the smoke that was
  30. Held by a minority of Traditionalist Catholics, who hold that the present, occupant ,of the papal see is not truly Pope and that, for lack of a valid Pope, the see
  31. 1968. However, if the shoulder strap is used without the lap belt, the vehicle, occupant ,is likely to" submarine ", or slide forward in the seat and out from under the
  32. For a succession of Guardians, Shoghi Effendi remains the first and last, occupant ,of this office. In mathematics, the slope or gradient of a line describes its
  33. Failed and Justinian reestablished the rights of the Empire in Italy. The, occupant ,of the Byzantine patriarchal see was Anthems I, who without the authority of
  34. Or Sievert (murdered AD 653). It is, however,also possible that the, occupant ,was not royal, but simply a wealthy and powerful individual whose identity has
  35. Or that an automobile is not registered, or that either the vehicle or an, occupant ,is otherwise subject to seizure for violation of law, stopping an automobile
  36. As a low-pressure breathing gas is in modern space suits, which surround their, occupant ,'s body with pressurized air. These devices use nearly pure oxygen at about one
  37. A single- occupant vehicle (SO) is a privately operated vehicle whose only, occupant ,is the driver. The drivers of Sons use their vehicles primarily for personal
  38. Brought in no profits for the countries since they were sold to the colonial, occupant ,buyer who controlled the price the products were sold at. This resulted in
  39. Commented on the 'almost non-existent' evidence for the assumption that the, occupant ,of Mound 1 was Edward. Other suggestions as candidates for the burial at
  40. Sometimes called a safety belt, is a safety harness designed to secure the, occupant ,of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result from a collision or a
  41. The body). Lower pressure allows for greater mobility, but requires the suit, occupant ,to breathe pure oxygen for a time before going into this lower pressure, too
  42. Shoulder harness is an adjustable strap that goes diagonally over the vehicle, occupant ,'s outboard shoulder and is buckled inboard of his or her lap. The shoulder
  43. Underway on Canary Wharf itself, Limehouse Studios being the most famous, occupant , Canary Wharf was far from trouble free and the property slump of the early
  44. Bone condition. With the help of him and others, she tracks down the former, occupant ,and places the box in a phone booth, ringing the number as he passes to lure
  45. The belt can be pulled from the reel only slowly and gradually, as when the, occupant ,extends the belt to fasten it. A sudden rapid pull of the belt — as in a sudden
  46. Called Harold Carlsson, who may have been this man, and may also be the, occupant ,of the grave. Legacy and legend. Isabella of France (consort of Edward II)
  47. Able epitomize the servants and the upper class. More privacy is offered to the, occupant ,as Pratt further claims, ‘ the ordinary servants may never publicly appear in
  48. The 2009 science fiction movie Moon, by the story's protagonist Sam Bell,the, occupant ,of a mining station on the far side of the Moon. * The isotope is mined from
  49. Officer needs a warrant before searching a motor vehicle after an arrest of an, occupant ,of that vehicle, unless at the time of the search the person being arrested is
  50. Spacesuit requirements A space suit must perform several functions to allow its, occupant ,to work safely and comfortably, inside or outside a spacecraft. It must

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