Examples of the the word, pierre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pierre ), is the 8257 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pensent EU'IL a etc construct par Ba bur. On put void 14 colonies faiths en, pierre , noire quit containment DES decoupages ... ... Plus hard Aurangzeb, ou, selon
  2. Pierre de l'invisibility », La Poetic Slovene contemporize: l'scripture de la, pierre , ( Portraits litterers),Editions Du Cygnet, Paris,2010,11–24. * Into
  3. By Jean-Yves Ferry and Emmanuel Larceny, Dargaud ** Le scorpion: La Croix de, pierre , by Enrico Marine and Stephen Desert, Dargaud ** Les Technophobes: Halkattrazz
  4. Cooked for eight minutes over high heat. Then the most delicate fish, the saint, pierre , and Merlin, are added, and the dish is cooked another 5–8 minutes. The broth is
  5. Organized on February 2,1835. The name is an Anglicization of the French la, pierre , which means" flint" or" flint stone. " List of Michigan county name
  6. Works about this character today are Molière's play DOM Juan of LE Fest in de, pierre , ( 1665),Byron's epic poem Don Juan (1821),José de Espronceda's poem El
  7. Come furtive d'Elle et visible JE sens: Que see duvet PCI salon PCI la, pierre , veuve: (" As if by stealth and visible I sense: That fold by fold the widowed
  8. 1664) -- Tartuffe, or The Imposter (or Hypocrite) * DOM Juan of Le Fest in de, pierre , ( February 15, 1665) * L'Amour medicine (September 15, 1665) -- Love Is the
  9. Diphthongs in most other Romance languages; cf. Port., Cat., Sard. Pedra; Fr., pierre , Sp. paid, It. Pietra, Ro. Piatră, from Lat. Petram (" stone" ); or Port.
  10. In his poem Les Patients:« Caves de Lille! On must sous Los plafond de, pierre , » (« Cellars of Lille: there is death below your stone roofs» ) File: Lille
  11. As (the) viper's stone, ( the) black stone, ( her) Schwarz Stein, ( la),Pierre, noire, and (la) Peoria negra or serpent-stone and promoted No scientific
  12. Egual GI DEI ”, Maestoso (Mathilde de Shabran):“ Volvo escolar” ( La, pierre , de touché): Introduction (Allegro con trio):“ E TU quango corner ”
  13. Beautiful' ) *Career < Occitan career ('Cut stone or rock' ) in French, pierre , de faille. Career also means 'corner, angle ' and 'neighborhood '. There is a
  14. Culture ", in J. Böhm & S. J. De Last (eds),L’Europe à la fin de 1’Age de la, pierre , : 193-200. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. * Gimbals, Marija (1963)
  15. Later centuries. Description The pillar is made of a type of limestone called ", pierre , de Saint-Leu-d'Easement ", from Saintly, Oise,France. The original pillar
  16. The Czech version by Milan Under). Poetry His books include: *1963: La, pierre , de la folio, ( Ed. Julliard, Paris ). *1965: Cent sonnets, ( Ed. El Ultimo
  17. Of Sciences. Principal publications *De la Lithotritie, ou movement de la, pierre , (Paris),1827) *Traits critique et historize de la Lithotritie (1847)
  18. Money. It comes perhaps from the standard French word piece (" coin" ) or, pierre , ( " stone" ), or perhaps piaster (dollar, buck ). When speaking in a formal
  19. The Mississippi River. *Lapeer County, Michigan: Named from the French" la, pierre ," meaning flint or flint stone. *Larimer County, Colorado: Larimer County is
  20. Pierre of LE Film criminal * 1665: Molière's comedy DOM Juan of LE Fest in de, pierre , * 1669: Rosimon's Fest in de Pierre, ou l’either foundry * 17th century:
  21. Play IL convict DI Petra * 1658: Mormon (Nicolas Drouin's) Le fest in de, pierre , of LE film criminal * 1659: Jean Deschamps, Sieur de Villiers's play Le
  22. Guyana, Martinique,Réunion, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, St Martin, St,Pierre, et Miquelon, Guadeloupe,TAAF, Wallis and Futuna, Saint Barthélemy, Mayotte )
  23. Poets 3,1981–2000,Alba Tuna, Ljubljana,2007,318–329. * Had Hate,« La, pierre , de l'invisibility », La Poetic Slovene contemporize: l'scripture de la Pierre (
  24. Modern bridges built after 1960: the Point Saint Jean, just south of the Point de, pierre , ( both located downtown),the Point d'Aquitaine, a suspended bridge downstream
  25. Of Flint, on the Flint River. The name is an Americanization of the French la, pierre , which means 'stone '. (See List of Michigan county name etymologies. )
  26. The grenade exploded and she was killed. *" L’average DI pier" ( La verge de, pierre , ) - not completed, not performed Complete discography Released on CD, Sony
  27. Clapia, perrier (French: boules); era (French: sorted'espalier de, pierre , ); blame (French: grotto); Nova (French: turbine); and Lance (French:
  28. Acidity and the potential to exhibit the mine rally, flinty note described as, pierre , à music or gun flint as well as citrus and spice notes.
  29. The wines often have a" flinty" note, sometimes described as" gout de, pierre , à music" ( gun flint) and sometimes as" steely ". Some examples of Chablis
  30. Vaulting and columns are cast in timber and feature a paint wash (faux, pierre , ) to give the effect of stone. It was described as having" the most flamboyant
  31. Molière's comedy DOM Juan of LE Fest in de Pierre * 1669: Rosimon's Fest in de, pierre , of l’either foundry * 17th century: L'Alaska fulminate, Italian play by
  32. Paris Opera House: Saint-Saëns' Assani,1890:" " Mon four est sous la, pierre ,", of Colombo ... sung with exquisite taste and without accompaniment ... a
  33. Mass Market Paperback. French. Isbn: 2207247783,9782207247785 * (1998) La, pierre , des étoiles. Denzel (Editions). Pp.192. Roche. French. Isbn: 2207302431
  34. JPG|Stonemason's mallets of plastic, beechwood and steel File: Taller de, pierre , JPG|A stonemason and his tools. The Bourbon is a large, mastiff dog breed
  35. IL LE grappa d'aboard Alec un cloud'Efrain, : Pews Alec un baton, puis Alec one, pierre , ;: Pews IL cache SES trios complies sous la Terry: Of Mon main quit s'orbit
  36. Chemins, le souffle, for clarinet and orchestra (1970–72) * D'EAU et de, pierre , for 2 instrumental groups (1972) * Les spaces acoustics – II – Periods
  37. Hall, Melbourne - 2 LP Philips) * 1980: Un Enfant de France/Script days la, pierre , ( 45 tours Philips) * 1983: Diddler/Aime-moi (45 tours Kébec-Disc AU Canada
  38. Warsaw:" Alcázar ". Polish. Isbn: 8385784179 9788385784173 * (1998) La, pierre , des étoiles. Denzel (Editions). Pp.192. Mass Market Paperback. French. Isbn:
  39. L'emirate digital, ed 13010) * Airs de Cour, La dispute DES Berger/La, pierre , philosophale Les Arts Florissant/William Christie (Erato 3984-25485-2) *
  40. Bordeaux has four road bridges that cross the Argonne, the Point de, pierre , built in the 1820s and three modern bridges built after 1960: the Point Saint
  41. For this reason, some DVDs of the film include the title" Parish Father (la, pierre , philosophale)," i.e. the title in Bengali and French, respectively. This is
  42. To Flint and Detroit. Lapeer derives from the French word for Flint, la,Pierre, Lapeer's economy depends on manufacturing more than agriculture. Although it
  43. The wines often have a" flinty" note, sometimes described as" gout de, pierre , à music" (" tasting of gun flint" ), and sometimes as" steely ". In
  44. Azzurrum ultramarine, azzurrum transmarinum, azzuro ultramarine, azur d'Acre, pierre , d'azure, Lazurstein. Current terminology for ultramarine include natural
  45. Andrew Christensen and Jacques Flaming, Lithochronos of LE premier vol de la, pierre , Music *Céline Dion, Alanis Morissette, and Shania Twain win major Grammy Awards
  46. Was 5,078 at the 2000 census. The name is an Americanization of the French" la, pierre ,", which means 'flint' or 'flint stone '. Communities * The City of Lapeer is
  47. Rock-paper-scissors contests never use dynamite. Similarly, the French game ", pierre , paper, ciseaux, puits" ( stone, paper,scissors, well ) is unbalanced; both
  48. 1977) * Towns capes (reprint of La Crosier DES doubles, Le Vassal de, pierre , and La Villa quin'existent pas,2004) Nikolai Trilogy * La Fire aux
  49. Marks, which can be seen in the Chapter House of Fountains Abbey File: Table de, pierre , JPG|A modern stonemason's workbench with a block of limestone File: Faille
  50. Andrew Christensen and Jacques Flaming, Lithochronos of LE premier vol de la, pierre , **English - Austin Clarke, The Polished Hoe and Niño Rich, Testament **French

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