Examples of the the word, catastrophic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( catastrophic ), is the 8255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1963 Friedman and Schwartz proposed a positive feedback loop as a mechanism for, catastrophic ,failures in economics:“ It happens that a liquidity crisis in a unit
  2. Especially potable water supplies and water used in swimming pools. Several, catastrophic ,collapses of swimming pool ceilings have occurred owing to stress corrosion
  3. And his wife Gladys. Playwright Herman J. Mankiewicz based Susan Alexander's, catastrophic ,operatic debut in Citizen Kane on Gladys Wallis Insull's New York role as Lady
  4. Get out anything we want to bury. Councillors' expenses? Although prior to the, catastrophic ,collapse of the towers, the phrase" a good day to bury bad news" ( not
  5. District in 2002 for their unique historical interest. On March 25, 1913,a, catastrophic ,flood devastated the neighborhood of Franklin ton, leaving over ninety people
  6. Changing the electric outlets. Sadly, these kind gestures often resulted in a, catastrophic ,event causing him to get scolded by his mother. His father would mostly laugh
  7. Was actually on There rather than on Crete. According to this theory,the, catastrophic ,loss of the political, administrative and economic center by the eruption as
  8. Saturn V ignited when still close to the first stage, which could have caused a, catastrophic ,event in which the exhaust of the first stage engine would have been forced
  9. Did not meet drawing specifications, which led to fatigue cracks and finally a, catastrophic ,failure of the remaining support structures and breakup of the aircraft in
  10. Designed by Joseph Each which helped crack the Enigma machine cipher. The, catastrophic ,Great Dayton Flood of March 1913 severely affected much of the city, stimulated
  11. Revelation divides the great tribulation into three sets of increasingly, catastrophic ,judgments: the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, and the Seven Bowls, in that
  12. Be certified to DO-178B Level A, which is applicable for preventing potential, catastrophic ,failures. Nevertheless, the top concern for computerized, digital,fly-by-wire
  13. Families. Their domain in the religious sphere had been greatly diminished. The, catastrophic ,political consequences of the struggle between pope and emperor also led to a
  14. Along with the last of the Whigs, Hartington, opposed it. The result was a, catastrophic ,split in the Liberal Party, and heavy defeat in the 1886 election at the hands
  15. Seriously damaged in this region and environmental degradation is severe, with, catastrophic , oil pollution in some areas. Some 38 % of Ecuador's land is forested, and
  16. Caused instead by the harsh Macedonian winter). In an account by Plutarch,the, catastrophic ,failure of the Sicilian expedition led Athenians to trade renditions of
  17. Works ultimately for good. The divine light can still be seen even in the most, catastrophic ,events, and a Christian hope is granted to all. Paneloux's argument is based
  18. The Bulgarian King and his anti-Russian sentiments. The Second Balkan war was a, catastrophic ,blow to Russian policies in the Balkans, where Russia had focused its interests
  19. Behind streamlined islands and longitudinal erosional grooves characteristic of, catastrophic ,megaflood events. It destroyed the isthmus that connected Britain to
  20. Having in mind the bad condition of the forest fund, and in particular the, catastrophic ,wildfires which occurred in the summer of 2007,a citizen's initiative for
  21. The Bosporus sill and eventually into the Mediterranean Sea. There are also, catastrophic ,scenarios, such as the" Black Sea deluge theory" put forward by William Ryan
  22. Research facility Chronologies created El Nido thousands of years ago after a, catastrophic ,experimental failure drew it to the past. The introduction of a temporally
  23. 170.66666666666666. This is a serious problem with Algorithm I and is due to, catastrophic ,cancellation in the subtraction of two similar numbers at the final stage of
  24. MP ratio was the tiniest 101:99. After many buffetings and, finally,after the, catastrophic ,results of the June European Parliament election,2004 Spider resigned after a
  25. To flood geology, and in recent years new theories have been introduced such as, catastrophic ,plate tectonics and catastrophic orogeny. Radiometric dating Creationists point
  26. One mile off Per dido Key after his aircraft struck the water, suffering, catastrophic , engine and structural damage. He suffered minor injuries. *21 April 2007 – Lt.
  27. Having won just ten out of their forty-two games. However even that was not as, catastrophic ,as the calamity of next season. Winning only seven in forty-two, the club were
  28. Proposed sites share some characteristics of the Atlantis story (water, catastrophic ,end, relevant time period),but none has been demonstrated to be a true
  29. 20 drachma. During the German-Italian occupation of Greece from 1941 to 1944, catastrophic , hyperinflation and Nazi looting of the Greek treasury caused much higher
  30. Activated. The accident investigation determined that the engine had suffered, catastrophic ,failure, in which engine blades cut through the engine mounts, causing the
  31. They were ambushed and routed. The immense slaughter marked one of the most, catastrophic ,defeats in the history of the Roman Empire and resulted in the death of Delius
  32. Short growing season. Alston found that excessive usage of the compound caused, catastrophic ,defoliation — a finding later used by his colleague Ian Sussex to develop the
  33. One deck only.: The rule that bets on tied hands are lost rather than pushed is, catastrophic ,to the player. Though rarely used in standard blackjack, it is sometimes seen
  34. Loose dynamical associations, whereas families are tighter and result from the, catastrophic ,break-up of a large parent asteroid sometime in the past. Families have only
  35. Cause floods. The terrain below the Sears Lake in Tajikistan is in danger of, catastrophic ,flood if the landslide dam formed by the earthquake, known as the USO Dam
  36. Fossil record. Some mass extinctions (such as the end-Permian) were equally, catastrophic ,for plants, whereas others, such as the end-Devonian, did not affect the flora.
  37. Only after the Battle of Tours when the Caliph expressed shock at his army's, catastrophic ,defeat. Battle of Tours Lead-up and importance The Cordoba emirate had
  38. Tragic event with great loss stemming from events such as earthquakes, floods, catastrophic , accidents,fires, or explosions. In contemporary academia, disasters are seen
  39. New theories have been introduced such as catastrophic plate tectonics and, catastrophic ,orogeny. Radiometric dating Creationists point to experiments they have
  40. Of one half of the cerebrum. It is reserved for people suffering from the most, catastrophic ,epileptics, such as those due to Rasmussen syndrome. If the surgery is
  41. Water to move into cells, leading to multiple cerebral hemorrhages, equally, catastrophic , as osmotic declination. Causes The most common cause is the rapid correction
  42. In the United States. The American Revolutionary War broke out in 1776,and was, catastrophic ,for the operation of King's College, which suspended instruction for eight
  43. The ocean bottom surrounding them found a complete lack of any evidence for the, catastrophic ,subsidence of these islands at any time during their existence and a complete
  44. Fallout from a hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll, in 1969,an ecologically, catastrophic ,oil spill from an offshore well in California's Santa Barbara Channel, Barry
  45. In as Elijah" The Shiite ". He warns Ahab that there will be years of, catastrophic ,drought so severe that not even dew will fall, because Ahab and his queen stand
  46. It is thought to have been created between 450,000 and 180,000 years ago by two, catastrophic ,glacial lake outburst floods caused by the breaching of the Weld–Artist
  47. Prowess during the Medieval period. Christian Western Europe had suffered a, catastrophic ,loss of knowledge following the fall of the Western Roman Empire. But thanks to
  48. Of spells. * Wizard: The primary nuking class; these casters are able to deal, catastrophic ,damage to enemies over a very short time from a distance, particularly with
  49. Scientists theorize that the K–T extinctions were caused by one or more, catastrophic ,events, such as massive asteroid impact (s) (like the Chicxulub impact),or
  50. Were more than about 10 times its observed value, the universe would suffer, catastrophic ,inflation, which would preclude the formation of stars, and hence life. The

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