Examples of the the word, entrepreneurial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( entrepreneurial ), is the 8253 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The existence of financial markets itself does not automatically imply that, entrepreneurial ,speculation will tend towards efficiency. Miles claimed that speculation in
  2. University business development center (UDC),dedicated to assisting with, entrepreneurial ,activities both within the university and throughout Nova Scotia. Founded in
  3. Ethic Another theory is that the British advance was due to the presence of an, entrepreneurial ,class which believed in progress, technology and hard work.
  4. The Northwest Area Foundation in 2004. “ Native American communities that lack, entrepreneurial ,traditions and recent experiences typically do not provide the support that
  5. Established in the PRC. Because of its conservative financial approach and its, entrepreneurial ,strengths, Taiwan suffered little compared with many of its neighbors from the
  6. Intellectual and technological conditions for Gutenberg's invention: the, entrepreneurial ,spirit of emerging capitalism increasingly made its impact on medieval modes of
  7. Or have previously been affiliated with the university. MIT has a strong, entrepreneurial ,culture. The aggregated revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni would rank
  8. An English and Irish Jewish background. The Parsons were a famous Jewish, entrepreneurial ,family of Polish descent. Henri Bergson's great-great-grandfather, Szmul
  9. By the incoming Mitotic and Bantu groups until they wound up in Tanzania. An, entrepreneurial ,community, they have increasingly begun asserting themselves in the business
  10. Based in Kuala Lumpur * Enterprise Canada, a Canadian student-run, entrepreneurial ,business plan competition and conference * Enterprise Plc, a civil engineering
  11. Thinly sliced cured meat and cheese and lettuce. They are often purchased from, entrepreneurial ,home cooks and consumed for a light evening meal. Argentine food also reflects
  12. In arms, sex and drug trafficking. Individual difference Entrepreneurial The, entrepreneurial ,model looks at either the individual criminal, or a smaller group of organized
  13. Both legal and illegal. Because of its conservative financial approach and its, entrepreneurial ,strengths, Taiwan suffered little from the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1999
  14. Degree of resilience, and an environment already conducive to dynamic, entrepreneurial ,activity has moved further toward economic freedom. The island’s institutional
  15. On French imports, inability to capitalize on regional markets, lack of, entrepreneurial ,zeal among the Gabonese, and the fairly regular stream of oil" rent" ). The
  16. The Internet model allows Anonymous (group) in particular to integrate the, entrepreneurial ,and patron-client network models of organized crime by relying on the
  17. Levels of risk detection and high profits lead to a conducive environment for, entrepreneurial ,criminal groups to enter the market and profit by supplying those goods and
  18. Against Lebanon. Remittances Lebanon benefits from its large, cohesive,and, entrepreneurial ,diaspora. Over the course of time, emigration has yielded Lebanese" commercial
  19. In Mound Bayou on such issues as voting rights. Around 1956,Evers's, entrepreneurial ,gifts and his civil rights activism landed him in trouble in Philadelphia
  20. The stock market serves as a ‘ continuous futures market’ that evaluates, entrepreneurial ,plans for production (Eichmann 1978). Generally speaking the problem of
  21. Businesses in the area get started and become profitable. Another factor in the, entrepreneurial ,climate of Fort Collins is Colorado State University's College of Business and
  22. Came to view the game as a profession rather than a pastime. Richer and more, entrepreneurial ,clubs outridden clubs like Geelong for talented and dedicated players. Coaches
  23. Sold vegetables to supplement his income. This began Edison's long streak of, entrepreneurial ,ventures as he discovered his talents as a businessman. These talents
  24. Over the Teutonic Knights in 1466; Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow, ended the, entrepreneurial ,independence of Hansa's Novgorod Honor of Peterson in 1478. New vehicles of
  25. Paving" continue (d) in good order ". Indeed, in 1838,there was a flurry of, entrepreneurial ,activity over asphalt, which had uses beyond paving. For example, asphalt could
  26. Initiated more aggressive programs aimed at actively establishing a Malay, entrepreneurial ,class through direct intervention in the economy, aimed at alleviating poverty.
  27. Of economic change. He argued that economic change revolves around innovation, entrepreneurial ,activities and market power and sought to prove that innovation-originated
  28. Large domestic market. The foreign partner supplied capital, technology, entrepreneurial , expertise,and, in many cases, products and services of world competitive
  29. Loans were noted for their educational achievements, trading activity, entrepreneurial ,skills, and arts and crafts work, particularly wood carving. Many are part of
  30. For production based on their expectations. Futures markets are a link between, entrepreneurial ,investment decisions and household consumer decisions. Since most goods are not
  31. Of 300 million who are not reticent on spending and because the population is, entrepreneurial ,in character. In a highly diversified society, ( see Demographics of India)
  32. Important to the city's economy. The city was recently named as the most, entrepreneurial ,city in South Africa, with the percentage of Capetonians pursuing business
  33. Sub Enterprise Services International (SES or SEMI) – networks between, entrepreneurial ,activities: *Sub Youth Association (SEA) – networks among younger Sub
  34. Justice Entrepreneurship in a Free Market" Examines the Epistemic and, entrepreneurial ,role of Justice agencies. * Edward P. String ham
  35. Of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Lomé's" Grand March" is known for its, entrepreneurial ,market women, who have a stronghold over many areas of trade, particularly in
  36. Nashville Pride is aimed towards community development and serves Nashville's, entrepreneurial ,population. Nashville is home to eleven broadcast television stations, although
  37. 100 technology companies. Mayor Bloomberg has provided over $6.7 million into, entrepreneurial ,programs that partner with Columbia and other universities in New York.
  38. Authors for getting things done) A major barrier to development is the lack of, entrepreneurial ,knowledge and experience across Indian reservations. “ A general lack of
  39. Work in the 1960s,the 1970s were a much quieter decade, as Warhol became more, entrepreneurial , According to Bob Cola cello, Warhol devoted much of his time to rounding up new
  40. Org is a huge gathering ground of ideas and discussions for New York's young, entrepreneurial ,community, the Silicon Alley. On June 14, 2010,Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
  41. Development Bank of India (SIDE) to foster innovation, research,and, entrepreneurial ,activities in technology-based areas. SIC provides a platform to business
  42. Of central planning, trade cycle theory, the division of knowledge, and, entrepreneurial , adaptation especially, differ greatly from the opinions of macroeconomic "
  43. Entrepreneurship Fort Collins is also home to many small businesses and, entrepreneurial ,ventures. The Fort Collins/Latimer Small Business Development Center helps
  44. Subsidies of up to 30 % until 2013. Future SAX, a business plan competition and, entrepreneurial ,support organization, has been in operation since 2002. Microchip makers near
  45. Loans were noted for their educational achievements, trading activity, entrepreneurial ,skills, and arts and crafts work, particularly woodcarving. Many are part of
  46. Over 7 days in 7 different venues. Entrepreneurship Austin has an emerging, entrepreneurial ,scene which supports multiple paths, including craft, bootstrap and
  47. Criminal activities. This decision-making process is constructed from the, entrepreneurial ,nature of its members, their motivations and the environments they work within.
  48. Ethic," involving hard work and a sense of divine predestination, for the, entrepreneurial ,spirit of the Scots. Others credit the educational system, especially its
  49. Established in the PRC. Because of its conservative financial approach and its, entrepreneurial ,strengths, the ROC suffered little compared with many of its neighbors from the
  50. Global needs as opportunities for private enterprise to provide innovative and, entrepreneurial ,solutions. This view is now being taught at many business schools including the

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