Examples of the the word, bureaucratic , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bureaucratic ), is the 8241 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To holders of doctorates from an EU member state. The German university, bureaucratic ,practice of using the post-nominal form," Ph.D." ( or equivalent), too
- Feudal society - decentralized feudalism - Zhou to Sui * feudal society -, bureaucratic ,feudalism - Tang to the First Opium War * feudal society - semicolonial era -
- The opposition lambasted FDR and his administration for domestic corruption, bureaucratic ,inefficiency, tolerance of Communism, and military blunders. Labor unions
- Germany under the Nazis and in the Soviet Union for naming the plethora of new, bureaucratic ,organizations. For example, Gestapo stands for Became Staats-Polizei, or "
- Left the country in a massive exodus creating a difficult void in the, bureaucratic , economic and educational structure of Algeria. On the other hand, the issue of
- To senator, eventually wiping out the equestrian order - at least as a, bureaucratic ,rank - in the process. One could become a senator, either by being elected
- To manage these armies, which some historians argue is the basis of the modern, bureaucratic ,state. The combination of increased taxes and increased centralization of
- Effect of injecting a fundamental instability in the world. " Kissinger, his, bureaucratic , adversary,would later pay him a different sort of compliment, pronouncing him
- Is a free or mixed market characterized by the dominance of hierarchical, bureaucratic ,corporations, which are legally required to pursue profit. State monopoly
- Zones in Azad Kashmir, though much of that amount was subsequently lost in, bureaucratic ,channels, leading to delay in help reaching the most needy, and hundreds of
- To convert some stretches of these roads to six lanes. However, congestion and, bureaucratic ,delays enroute ensure that trucking goods from Gurgaon to the port in Mumbai
- Seen as Eurocentric include perceptions of the EU being undemocratic or too, bureaucratic , An Eurobarometer survey of EU citizens in 2009 showed that support for
- Bargain after the end of the Scourge, wanting to have nothing to do with the, bureaucratic ,nation run on political conflict and powered by slavery. After four hundred
- The family to return to Paris. There Louis-François Cauchy found himself a new, bureaucratic ,job, and quickly moved up the ranks. When Napoleon Bonaparte came to power (
- Turki سنوات ترکی, ) remained in use for chronology, historiography,and, bureaucratic ,purposes in the Persian and Turkish-speaking world from Asia Minor to India and
- From the" western path" typified by Great Britain. The stressed the strong, bureaucratic ,state, reforms initiated by Bismarck and other strong leaders, the Prussian
- Veteran directors experienced precipitous career declines under this system of, bureaucratic ,control; whereas Eisenstein was able to make four features between 1924 and
- Successor, Chadli Bendjedid, was little more open. The state took on a strongly, bureaucratic ,character and corruption was widespread. The modernization drive brought
- In parts and completed in 1534),he based his translation mainly on the, bureaucratic ,standard language used in Saxony (sächsische Kanzleisprache),also known as
- Training; modernizing the welfare state by reducing entitlements; decreasing, bureaucratic ,obstacles for small businesses; and providing new low-interest loans to local
- Which is an oxymoron. The placement of the Tang as the beginning of the, bureaucratic ,phase rests largely on the imperial examination system which finally overcame
- And cultural transformation. To implement central planning in cinema, the new, bureaucratic ,entity Soyuzkino was created in 1930. All the hitherto autonomous studios and
- University the first nuclear power funding of US$6,000. However, due to, bureaucratic ,fears of foreigners doing secret research, the money was not actually issued
- Information and ideas, and rapid decision-making. * Autonomy and freedom from, bureaucratic ,impediments: DARPA has an exemption from Title V civilian personnel
- In the south, painting became one of the official pastimes of Confucian-taught, bureaucratic ,officials and aristocrats (along with music played by the gain zither
- bestseller. This collection of short studies explained the inevitability of, bureaucratic ,expansion, arguing that 'work expands to fill the time available for its
- To face a number of major challenges, including widespread political and, bureaucratic ,corruption, economic competition relative to the world, serious overpopulation
- To Friedman's logic it is observed that legal procedures are technocratic, bureaucratic , rigid and obligatory whereas ethical act is conscientious, voluntary choice
- Within the Japanese and Carolingian (European) empires which both lacked the, bureaucratic ,infrastructure necessary to support cavalry without the ability to allocate
- Spite of Constantine's large expenditure of forces during his civil wars; the, bureaucratic ,transformation of Roman government was completed; and Constantine took
- A nominal vassal state of Ming China and adopted much of its Neo-Confucian, bureaucratic ,structure. Under the Ming Dynasty, China had another golden age, with one of
- Employed from 1960 to 1983. During the 1880s,Peirce's indifference to, bureaucratic ,detail waxed while his Survey work's quality and timeliness waned. Pace took
- Of any topic they desire. Such a program has the potential to remove the, bureaucratic ,inefficiencies of education in modern countries, and with the decreasing
- And tactical mobility. As European states began to assume the character of, bureaucratic ,nation-states supporting professional standing armies, recruitment of these
- Women. After Hitler came to power in 1933,the activist women were replaced by, bureaucratic ,women who emphasized feminine virtues, marriage,and childbirth. As Germany
- Opened fire on the crowd, killing hundreds. Later, military failures and, bureaucratic ,ineptitude soon turned large segments of the population against the government.
- decision-making. Script development became a long, torturous process under this, bureaucratic ,system, with various committees reviewing drafts and calling for cuts or
- On their production and distribution on the cost principle. " Rather than a, bureaucratic ,organization of workers organized into rank and file unions. However, he did
- Of state-owned enterprises. Investment regulations are transparent, and, bureaucratic , procedures are streamlined and open, although somewhat slow. Investment returns
- States. To account for the discrepancy, Chinese Marxists invented the term ", bureaucratic ,feudalism ", which is an oxymoron. The placement of the Tang as the beginning
- Been spread by colonization, invasion,religious conversion, the extension of, bureaucratic ,control and trade, and by introducing agriculture and writing to non-literate
- Within the Hazard community, co-opting sold-out Hazard chiefs into his, bureaucratic ,sales of the enslaved Hazard men, women and children in 1897,the Hazards
- The Empire's provincial divisions, establishing the largest and most, bureaucratic ,government in the history of the Empire. He established new administrative
- Satirical approach, which some have compared to the work of Brecht, to both the, bureaucratic ,world of its hero and the U. S. cultural colonization of Japan. (American pop
- France, and took the name Napoleon III. Not unexpectedly, the idea came up in, bureaucratic ,circles that it would be useful to require a loyalty oath from all state
- The first Chinese empire. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed, bureaucratic ,systems that enabled the Emperor of China to directly control vast territories.
- Trip organizers, event planners and protocol officers. In this official and, bureaucratic ,capacity, the entire household is often referred to as Government House. These
- Of the Soviet Union, which they characterize as being based on a top-down, bureaucratic ,administration of the economy similarly to a capitalist firm. The
- A specific matter. Council documents Church councils were, from the beginning, bureaucratic ,exercises. Written documents were circulated, speeches made and responded to
- Challenges such as small market size, landlocked location, and cumbersome, bureaucratic ,processes, Botswana remains one of the best investment opportunities in the
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