Examples of the the word, incidentally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incidentally ), is the 8240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, the head of the committee, Dominique-François-Jean Aragon, and who, incidentally ,later became Prime Minister of France, decided to perform the experiment in
  2. Electronic devices A 1972 paper in the journal Science Their material also, incidentally ,demonstrated" negative differential resistance ", now a hall-mark of such
  3. Term for good night. Until the modern era lullabies were usually only recorded, incidentally ,in written sources. The Roman nurses' lullaby," Calla, Lalla, Lalla, aut
  4. One of important commercial groups in Bombay ". Maneck's generosity is, incidentally ,also the first documented instance of Paris philanthropy. In 1689,the Anglican
  5. Embouchure. Among humans, flatulence occasionally happens accidentally, such as, incidentally ,to coughing or sneezing or during orgasm; on other occasions, flatulence can be
  6. Oliver Morocco decided did not do well enough to take to Broadway. Morocco, incidentally , quickly turned to film production, as would Baum. In 1914,having moved to
  7. Had been confiscated after the end of the standoff. In that suit they, almost, incidentally , attempted to gain title to the church's property, Mt. Carmel Center. In 1996
  8. Private communications of law-abiding American citizens might be intercepted, incidentally ,", while the Electronic Frontier Foundation held that the lower standard
  9. Of Max Sterner, Benj. Tucker & John Henry Mackay ... The Mackay Society, incidentally , represents a little-known current of individualist thought which never cut its
  10. In 2005 as an anniversary edition. Selections from this trio's work have been, incidentally ,used for Japanese anime and other live action films. Jones and Durham left in
  11. Set by Anatolia himself; for, in the course of his" Ballad," he not only cites, incidentally ,allegoric suggestions made to him by Frederick II., but several times—Demand
  12. Home of the imperial family, and was filled with splendor and wealth. However, incidentally ,it was not the economic hub during the Tang Dynasty. The city of Hangzhou along
  13. Countries, and by gender, educational level and other factors. A US survey that, incidentally ,screened for personality disorder found a rate of 14.79 %. Approximately 7 % of
  14. 332 BC. Cyrus was succeeded as king by Cambyses, who added Egypt to the empire, incidentally ,transforming Feud and the Philistine plain into an important frontier zone.
  15. He is often referred to as the son of NER. Biography Abner is only referred to, incidentally ,in Saul's history (1 Samuel 17:55,26:5),and is not mentioned in the
  16. Which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light. Nowhere, incidentally , was it nobler than in England, nor more early sanctified and Christianized. In
  17. Krill, unable to pass through the plates, are swallowed. The blue whale also, incidentally ,consumes small fish, crustaceans and squid caught up with krill. Life history
  18. Below in" Color encoding ". Synchronization of the refresh rate to the power, incidentally ,helped kine scope cameras record early live television broadcasts, as it was
  19. Milton and Reverend Henry Ward Beecher, a prominent Protestant figure (who, incidentally ,was a supporter of female suffrage). She published this article to highlight
  20. Theory" - a philosophically inspired theory of literary criticism. And thus, incidentally ,critical theory in the sociological sense also became, especially among
  21. And assistant, this and other missing drafts were found among his papers (, incidentally ,demonstrating that Salvolini's own publication on the stone, in 1837,was
  22. Making moral deliberation; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be, incidentally ,detrimental, beneficial,or neutral in its effect on others. Individualism
  23. The campaign against the Avers (796),an epistle to David (Charlemagne), incidentally , reveals a delightful picture of the poet living with his children in a house
  24. As the Aster did. In the meantime IBM had released its original IBM PC, which, incidentally , looked remarkably like the Asters base with floppy drives + separate keyboard
  25. Natural headword: C-D-E-F-G-A). This long use of B as the only altered note, incidentally ,helps explain some notational peculiarities: *the flat sign actually derives
  26. Of the rotational pattern established by the Head of State, Mobutu,who, incidentally ,retained the most sensitive ministerial portfolios, such as Defense, for
  27. In adaptive complexes. ... By this definition, adaptive evolution is not just, incidentally ,progressive, it is deeply, dyed-in-the wool, indispensably progressive. "
  28. The American Base-Ball League formed as a rival professional league, and, incidentally , the club's old White Stockings nickname would be adopted by a new American
  29. Image and reintroducing the mischievous side of his personality. All wine was, incidentally , married to Russia Taylor, the current voice of Minnie Mouse. Les Perkins did
  30. Elements of the novel, such as the" scramble suit" employed by Fred (which, incidentally , emerged from one of the mystical experiences). Yet much of the dialogue
  31. But now also known from a few long-persisting natural occurrences *The three, incidentally ,occurring natural elements (neptunium, promethium,and technetium),all first
  32. Of life or limb of armed enemies, and of other persons whose destruction is, incidentally ,unavoidable in the armed contests of the war; it allows of the capturing of
  33. on March 18, 1919,with Octavio Augusto Mil ego Díaz as its first president;, incidentally ,the presidency was decided by a coin toss. The club played its first
  34. Long-persisting, and the remaining 10 transient, produced either recurrently or, incidentally ,as decay products or through other nuclear processes, but not themselves
  35. Or a thumb keyboard for input; this is typically seen on telephones that are, incidentally ,Pas. In order to have the functions expected of a PDA, a device's software
  36. The most infamous case of gerrymandering was in the 1956 elections, which was, incidentally ,the first election where women voted. While in all other post World War II
  37. Sentence, a paragraph, or occasionally many paragraphs added, often hastily and, incidentally , after the signature of a letter or (sometimes) the main body of an essay or
  38. Crafted to be contradictory and those phrases that inadvertently or, incidentally ,contain a contradiction, often as a result of a punning use of one or both
  39. Was directed toward another than God and thus lacked Temperance. The final four, incidentally ,are positive examples of the cardinal virtues, all led on by the Sun
  40. SQL, such as the DATE or TIME data types. The most obvious such examples, and, incidentally , the most popular commercial, proprietary SQL DBMS's, are Oracle (whose DATE
  41. Phoneme) would be intercalated between words with initial SCA- and sci- (all, incidentally ,loanwords) instead of this graphic cluster appearing after the letter s, as
  42. Naturally occurring elements, technetium,promethium, and neptunium, are only, incidentally ,occurring, present in natural materials only as transiently existing atoms
  43. And then the rebel fiddle, evolving into the modern violin family by 1520 (, incidentally ,also in Italy). The plucked family led to lute-like instruments in 2000 BC
  44. Or persons. All realities are in themselves good; they produce bad results only, incidentally ,; and consequently the ultimate cause of evil is fundamentally good, as well as
  45. But not) foul if one pockets one's called shot but also pockets another ball, incidentally , even if it is one's own (however, if that secondary pocketing was also
  46. It can also be used to determine if a tumor is malignant when it is found, incidentally ,during surgery on a patient. Processing - dehydration, clearing,and
  47. A seed-dispersal tool that attracts animals to eat or otherwise disturb it, incidentally ,scattering the seeds it contains (see frugivore). While many such mutualistic
  48. Instead to write his orders on a note pad on his dressing-table. Holman, incidentally , was said to greatly resemble Napoleon. In 1824 Wellington received a letter
  49. Other radioactive elements, technetium,promethium, and neptunium, occur only, incidentally ,in natural materials, produced as individual atoms by natural fission of the

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