Examples of the the word, semiconductor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( semiconductor ), is the 8250 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of tiny transistors or capacitors. Both volatile and non-volatile forms of, semiconductor ,memory exist. In modern computers, primary storage almost exclusively consists
  2. Is 512×220 bytes (512×, or ). JE DEC Solid State Technology Association,the, semiconductor ,engineering standardization body of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)
  3. Many of the engineering staff to work for AMD as DEC wound down their, semiconductor ,business, and brought in a near-complete team of engineering experts. The
  4. Semiconducting with a very small band gap, otherwise the nanotube is a moderate, semiconductor , Thus, all armchair (n m) nanotubes are metallic, and nanotubes (6,4),(9,1
  5. AMD K6 architecture. One major partnership announced in 1998 paired AMD with, semiconductor ,giant Motorola. In the announcement, Sanders referred to the partnership as
  6. Swats can be separated by the column chromatography method. Yield is 95 % in, semiconductor ,type SWNT and 90 % in metallic type SWNT. In addition to separation of
  7. SiO2 layers serving as isolator above the conducting channel of a metal-oxide, semiconductor ,field-effect transistor (MOS FET). Also, hydrogenated amorphous silicon, a-Si:
  8. Help stabilize the friction coefficient in automotive brake pad materials. The, semiconductor ,gallium nitride doped with antimony has been proposed on theoretical grounds as
  9. And routers into one network * Analog Devices, a multinational producer of, semiconductor ,devices * Analog-to-digital converter (A/D),a circuit which converts
  10. Devices, and the optoelectronics compound gallium arsenide is the most common, semiconductor ,in use after doped silicon. A few species of bacteria are able to use arsenic
  11. Properties; for example, whether the individual nanotube shell is a metal or, semiconductor , Nanotubes are categorized as single-walled nanotubes (Swats) and
  12. Random access memory. Since the turn of the century, a type of non-volatile, semiconductor ,memory known as flash memory has steadily gained share as off-line storage for
  13. An existing Classic Bluetooth controller. Currently, (2011-03) the following, semiconductor ,companies have announced the availability of chips meeting the standard:
  14. Halides with hydrogen at high temperatures. Ultrapure boron, for the use in, semiconductor ,industry, is produced by the decomposition of divorce at high temperatures and
  15. Announced it was pulling out of basic science, material physics, and, semiconductor , research,and it will instead focus on more immediately marketable areas
  16. For new facilities. This partnership also helped to co-develop copper-based, semiconductor ,technology, which would become a cornerstone of the K7 production process. In
  17. And tin undergoes a transformation known as tin pest from a metallic phase to a, semiconductor ,phase below 13.2 °C. As an example of different chemical behavior, ozone (O3
  18. Magnetic strip items such as metro tickets and some credit cards. In modern, semiconductor ,memory, such as dynamic random access memory or flash memory, the two values of
  19. Memory uses semiconductor -based integrated circuits to store information. A, semiconductor ,memory chip may contain millions of tiny transistors or capacitors. Both
  20. Computers, primary storage almost exclusively consists of dynamic volatile, semiconductor ,memory or dynamic random access memory. Since the turn of the century, a type
  21. Microelectronics In tiny amounts, antimony is increasingly being used in the, semiconductor ,industry as a do pant for ultra-high conductivity n-type silicon wafers in the
  22. Storage technologies, the most commonly used data storage technologies are, semiconductor , magnetic, and optical, while paper still sees some limited usage. Media is a
  23. Has steadily gained share as off-line storage for home computers. Non-volatile, semiconductor ,memory is also used for secondary storage in various advanced electronic
  24. Boron nitride Layers of amorphous boron nitride (ABN) are used in some, semiconductor ,devices,e.g. Misfits. They can be prepared by chemical decomposition of
  25. As wood preservation, glass production, nonferrous metal alloys, and electronic, semiconductor ,manufacturing. Inorganic arsenic is also found in coke oven emissions
  26. Floor, non-linearities, temperature coefficient, and parasitic effects within, semiconductor ,devices. For commercially available electronic components, ranges of these
  27. Was developed by J. R. Arthur and A. Y. CHO; molecular beam epitaxy allows, semiconductor ,chips and laser matrices to be manufactured one atomic layer at a time. In 1969
  28. Until the 1970s,when advances in integrated circuit technology allowed, semiconductor ,memory to become economically competitive. This led to modern random-access
  29. Data loss (bit flipping, or single event upset). In radiation hardened, semiconductor ,designs, one countermeasure is to use depleted boron which is greatly enriched
  30. Name for a type of company * Analog Devices, a multinational producer of, semiconductor ,devices In linguistics, ablative case (abbreviated) is a name given to cases
  31. Of a series voltage dropper resistance and a rectifier valve (tube) or, semiconductor ,diode. This avoided the cost of a large high voltage mains supply (50 or 60 Hz
  32. On subtle surface features a nanotube may act as a plain conductor or as a, semiconductor , A fully automated method has however been developed to remove
  33. By the presence of a few percent of arsenic. Gallium arsenide is an important, semiconductor ,material, used in integrated circuits. Circuits made from Gas are much faster
  34. Poor conductor at room temperature. Elemental boron is used as a do pant in the, semiconductor ,industry. The major industrial-scale uses of boron compounds are in sodium
  35. Become feasible. Garnering much excitement is the possible use of diamond as a, semiconductor ,suitable to build microchips from, or the use of diamond as a heat sink in
  36. For example, in automotive batteries). Arsenic is a common n-type do pant in, semiconductor ,electronic devices, and the optoelectronics compound gallium arsenide is the
  37. United. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. () or AMD is an American multinational, semiconductor ,company based in Sunnyvale, California,that develops computer processors and
  38. Melbourne, Australia Science and technology * Plasma ashing, a process in, semiconductor ,manufacturing * Volcanic ash, material ejected from the top of a volcano * Ash
  39. And a lithium-ion. These resultant decay products may then irradiate nearby, semiconductor ,'chip' structures, causing data loss (bit flipping, or single event upset).
  40. Components of computers. In contemporary usage, memory usually refers to, semiconductor ,storage random-access memory, typically DRAM (Dynamic-RAM). Memory can refer
  41. 19.5 billion in specific sectors, following the example of the software and, semiconductor , pharmaceutical and medicine product, and capital goods sectors. Mergers &
  42. Townes. 1960s In 1960,Dawn Keying and Martin Tall invented the metal oxide, semiconductor ,field-effect transistor (MOS FET); the MOS FET has achieved electronic hegemony
  43. A lot of heat which led to premature failures in the circuitry. In the 1960s, semiconductor , technology was introduced into time base circuits. During the late 1960s in the
  44. Which results distinct bulk properties. Other arsenic alloys include the II-IV, semiconductor ,cadmium arsenide. Occurrence and production Minerals with the formula Mass and
  45. Attraction. It also accelerates the flow of these electrons. Diode anode In a, semiconductor ,diode, the anode is the P-doped layer which initially supplies holes to the
  46. Or indirectly engage in a business that manufactures or supplies standalone, semiconductor ,devices (including single chip, multiple chip or system devices) containing
  47. But the theory behind the Johnsen-Rahbek effect was not understood until the, semiconductor ,era. Mechanical amplifiers were used in the
  48. BF3 as a boron source. Boron trichloride gas is also an important chemical in, semiconductor ,industry, however not for doping but rather for plasma etching of metals and
  49. Sciences. And Brazil is the first and only Latin American country to have a, semiconductor ,company with its own fab, the CEI TEC. Transport Brazil has a large and diverse
  50. With Charles K. Key. Boyle and Smith were cited for the invention of an imaging, semiconductor ,circuit—the CCD sensor. 1920s During its first year of operation, facsimile (

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