Examples of the the word, borrowing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( borrowing ), is the 8247 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Margins of the family, and that the observed pattern is consistent with, borrowing , Furthermore, they argued that many of the typological features of the supposed
  2. Languages such as Maltese and King derive from Arabic, rather than merely, borrowing ,vocabulary or grammar rules. The terms borrowed range from religious
  3. But only a few traits of structural (either phonological or grammatical), borrowing , from the Indo-Aryan tongues. On the other hand, Indo-Aryan shows rather
  4. And highlight the different traditions of operatic writing for soprano, even, borrowing , stylistic flourishes from opera-seria in the use of coloratura in what was a
  5. Of military spending are often cited as reasons for resorting to inflation and, borrowing , as this can be a short term way of acquiring marketable resources and is often
  6. Allowed for costs of producing the investment income, such as interest on, borrowing , In 1991,under Governor Lowell P. Wacker, Jr., an Independent, the system was
  7. Cycle unfolds in the following way: Low interest rates tend to stimulate, borrowing ,from the banking system. This expansion of credit causes an expansion of the
  8. The process of coining new lexical items started as soon as the colonists began, borrowing ,names for unfamiliar flora, fauna,and topography from the Native American
  9. As" the steward of Assure" ( Isaiah Assure),where the term for steward is a, borrowing ,from Sumerian ENSI (k). The third center of power was the eponym (litmus)
  10. With national and synod presidents before they were re-titled as bishops (, borrowing ,from the Lutheran churches in Germany) in the 1980s. Methodism United
  11. Three means by which it can fund its activities, the other two being taxing and, borrowing , Therefore, Austrians often seek to identify reasons why the state resorts to
  12. And its financial losses huge. It was already in financial trouble and its, borrowing ,to pay for the war used up all its credit and created the financial disasters
  13. Data. For example, English taboo () is like the six Polynesian forms due to, borrowing ,from Tongan into English, and not because of a genetic similarity. This problem
  14. Burg (Germany),Borg (Scandinavia),Burch (Dutch) and the Germanic, borrowing ,present in neighboring Indo-European languages such as Borg (Italian)
  15. Including words describing imported objects and ideas. However, direct phonetic, borrowing ,of foreign words has gone on since ancient times. Words borrowed from along the
  16. Indo-Aryan languages. Dravidian languages show extensive lexical (vocabulary), borrowing , but only a few traits of structural (either phonological or grammatical)
  17. Laws of the languages from which they were borrowed rather than the laws of the, borrowing ,language. Areal diffusion Borrowing on a larger scale occurs in areal diffusion
  18. From about the 14th to 18th centuries, is referred to as Middle Khmer and saw, borrowing ,from Thai, Lao and, to a lesser extent, Vietnamese. The changes during this
  19. Vehicles. Etymology The word" armor" came into use in the Middle Ages as a, borrowing ,from the French. It is dated from 1297,as a" mail, defensive covering worn in
  20. 1978,China and Japan began normalized diplomatic relations, and China started, borrowing ,money from Japan in soft loans. Since 1978,Japan has been China's most
  21. Trying to" stimulate" the economy through money supply growth and further, borrowing ,via artificially low interest rates. Accordingly, many Austrian School
  22. Sociocultural anthropologist have diminished with increasing dialogue and, borrowing ,of both theory and methods. Today, social anthropology in Britain engages
  23. Of the Council of the European Union proposed an EU patent jurisdiction,", borrowing ,heavily from the rejected draft European Patent Litigation Agreement (ELLA) "
  24. Or duchies based on a walled town. The innovation adopted was part of Alboin's, borrowing ,of Roman and Ostrogothic administrative models, as in Late Antiquity the comes
  25. By reaching the star system of Alpha Centauri. Development Meier admits to ", borrowing ," many of the technology tree ideas from a board game also called Civilization
  26. An ellipse. See, for example, the brain structure amygdala, which uses a direct, borrowing ,of the Greek term. Production Global production of almonds is around 1.7
  27. Have rejected that the relationship goes beyond contact, such as the mutual, borrowing ,of words between Japanese and Ainu. In fact, no attempt to show a relationship
  28. As it emerged from a commercially fallow period. This subgenre was notable for, borrowing ,from 1950s pop styling: a prominent and" smooth" vocal, backed by a string
  29. Term presents problems for Croatian financial sector due to higher cost of, borrowing ,to cover current account deficit. List of the largest companies by turnover in
  30. Are not sufficient evidence of a subgroup. For example, as a result of heavy, borrowing ,from Arabic into Persian, Modern Persian in fact takes more of its vocabulary
  31. Credit-fuelled boom" during which the" artificially stimulated ", borrowing ,seeks out diminishing investment opportunities. This boom results in widespread
  32. Mortgage lender that suddenly became unable to rely on wholesale market, borrowing ,to finance its lending operation following the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis.
  33. Amsterdam-based Bettendorf Co. Lilís's dictatorship was dependent upon heavy, borrowing ,from European and American banks to enrich himself, stabilize the existing debt
  34. But only a few traits of structural (either phonological or grammatical), borrowing , from Indo-Aryan, whereas Indo-Aryan shows more structural features than
  35. Largely through the courts and government. Thus, English developed into a ", borrowing ," language of great flexibility and with a huge vocabulary. Dialects
  36. Political and civil rights. Rising export commodity prices and government, borrowing ,allowed the funding of public works projects and the expansion and
  37. Tongues. On the other hand, Indo-Aryan shows rather large-scale structural, borrowing ,from Dravidian, but relatively few loanwords. However, it has now been
  38. Fed funds rate, which its Open Market Committee tries to match by lending or, borrowing ,in the money market ... a fiat money system set by command of the central bank.
  39. Resources of the language, or to repurpose old words, rather than directly, borrowing ,foreign words. Classical, Modern Standard, and spoken Arabic usually
  40. Can be observed are due either to chance (as in the above example) or to, borrowing ,(for example, Latin diabolic and English devil, both ultimately of Greek
  41. Economy recovered from recessions. Some economists contend that the U. S. is, borrowing ,to fund consumption of imports while accumulating unsustainable amounts of debt
  42. The Vedic speech. Dravidian languages show extensive lexical (vocabulary), borrowing , but only a few traits of structural (either phonological or grammatical)
  43. And Tunguska form a Sprachbund – the result of convergence through intensive, borrowing ,and long contact among speakers of languages that are not necessarily closely
  44. Earle emphasizes the fact that this kind of symbol manipulation is syntactic (, borrowing ,a term from the study of grammar). The CPU manipulates the symbols using a
  45. Name for the river was simply Jiang (江, Old Chinese *truing),most likely a, borrowing ,from the Austro-Asiatic languages. By the Han Dynasty, the term Jiang was
  46. The book of Zephaniah also interacts with the prophetic tradition – both, borrowing ,from and contributing to the corpus in terms of language and images. The Book
  47. Close to the target. Central banks may do so by lending money to and, borrowing ,money from (taking deposits from) a limited number of qualified banks, or by
  48. When features are adopted by contiguous languages over a geographical area. The, borrowing ,may be phonological, morphological or lexical. A false protolanguage over the
  49. Iconography Christian art began, about two centuries after Christ, by, borrowing , motifs from Roman Imperial imagery, classical Greek and Roman religion and
  50. Concerns have been raised about the state of public finances and spiraling, borrowing ,costs. Furthermore, Cyprus was dealt a severe blow by the Evangelist Floras

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