Examples of the the word, redundant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( redundant ), is the 8246 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In this case it is the DBMS software's responsibility to ensure that any, redundant ,copies are kept consistent. This method is often implemented in SQL as indexed
  2. Of Spelling. This reformed alphabet discarded six letters Franklin regarded as, redundant ,(c, j,q, w,x, and y),and substituted six new letters for sounds he felt
  3. Me/for me) In spoken Basque, the auxiliary verb is never dropped even if it is, redundant ,:" Zuck NIR egunkariak erosion dizkidazue ", you pl. buying the newspapers for
  4. Steam-driven displacement (that is, not hydroplaning) torpedo boat had become, redundant ,as a separate type. Germany nevertheless continued to build such torpedo boats
  5. Span the space). * Velocity, being derived from length and time (V=L/T),is, redundant ,(the set is not linearly independent). Other fields of physics and chemistry
  6. Also commonly check for misspelled identifiers, visibility of packages, redundant ,declarations, etc. and can provide warnings and useful suggestions on how to
  7. Hydrogen bonding means that the information contained within each strand is, redundant , The nucleotides on a single strand can be used to reconstruct nucleotides on a
  8. Opening of the Tilbury container docks, further east in Essex, rendered them, redundant ,and in 1980 the British government gained control. The Jubilee line of the
  9. Done by creating rules in the database called constraints, that specify how the, redundant ,copies of information must be kept synchronized. It is the increase in logical
  10. The next spacecraft to use STAR engines was the Dawn spacecraft, with three, redundant ,units. Remote Agent (remote intelligent self-repair software) (
  11. Are available. Apatosaurus (), also known by the popular but scientifically, redundant ,synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived from about 154
  12. Circumcision: #To complete the form of man, by removing what he claims to be a, redundant ,organ; #To mark the chosen people, so their body will be different as their
  13. X*X)The correspondence to binary trees should be obvious, and the addition of, redundant ,parentheses (around an already parenthesized expression or around the full
  14. On freight variants. The 747 has multiple structural redundancy including four, redundant ,hydraulic systems and four main landing gears with four wheels each, which
  15. Can save 50-75 % of the gas otherwise used. Also, some combinations provide, redundant ,reliability by having several sources of heat. Some authorities advocate that
  16. By up to five digits (four digits are the most that have been used, as, redundant , numbers are re-issued). In Park, where most motor traffic is prohibited, the
  17. Complexity of such models. Classes can accelerate development by reducing, redundant ,program code, testing and bug fixing. If a class has been thoroughly tested and
  18. Who used guitar tuners that came in banks of three and so if 5 stringed had a, redundant ,tuner. The banjos could also be somewhat easily converted over to a six string
  19. Troops and in 1944,the Canadian general Guy Simmonds ordered the conversion of, redundant ,armored vehicles to carry troops (generically named" Kangaroos" ). This
  20. Data that has accumulated over a long period of time. For such databases, redundant ,or" denormalized" data may facilitate business intelligence applications.
  21. Good spread of support on the ground and safety in case of tire blow-outs. The, redundant ,main gear allows for landing on two opposing landing gears if the others do not
  22. By versus preceding aircraft. Flight systems The 767 is equipped with three, redundant ,hydraulic systems for operation of control surfaces, landing gear, and other
  23. Militias. With some 1,500 well-connected British officers who would have become, redundant ,in the aftermath of the Seven Years War, London would have had to discharge
  24. Not always notated, as a matter of course, so the word" obbligato" became, redundant , By 1800,the term was practically extinct. The changes in economic situation
  25. Union," nobody would have deliberately designed a government as complex and as, redundant ,as the EU ". Even the Parliament's two seats, which have switched several
  26. Which other statements are logically derived. Unlike theorems, axioms (unless, redundant ,) cannot be derived by principles of deduction, nor are they demonstrable by
  27. Due to the introduction of new technologies, many workers have been made, redundant ,in recent years, creating a total unemployment rate of about 10 %. Simona
  28. Smith's Wealth of Nations, published in 1776,had argued that colonies were, redundant , and that free trade should replace the old mercantilist policies that had
  29. Significant condition, that of sensitivity to initial conditions, is actually, redundant ,in the definition, being implied by two (or for intervals, one ) purely
  30. Offers seven unique derived uniform honeycombs via truncation operations. (One, redundant ,form, the ruminated cubic honeycomb, is included for completeness though
  31. And not with the peers. * Any single entity paradigm lacks the robustness of a, redundant ,configuration. Under client–server, should a critical server fail, clients ’
  32. Storage space of digital devices is measured in bits. Thus, uncompressed, redundant , data occupy more than one bit of storage per Shannon of information entropy.
  33. Never a name by itself; additionally the ending -UL and the beginning Al- are, redundant ,), but Shared may allude to Hazard, a pun on the book's destructive and
  34. Profitability and other concerns. Ethical marketing issues include marketing, redundant ,or dangerous products/services transparency about environmental risks
  35. Process of attempting to optimize the read performance of a database by adding, redundant ,data or by grouping data. In some cases, denormalisation helps cover up the
  36. 6: GOT step 6 ELSE swap the contents of R and S.: 4 L ← R (this first step is, redundant , but will be useful for later discussion).: 5 R ← S: 6 S ← L E1: Find
  37. Tables in a star schema often contain denormalized data. The denormalized or, redundant ,data must be carefully controlled during extract, transform,load (ETL)
  38. And the English distinction can be analyzed as one of aspiration, with voicing, redundant ,and predictable. (1990:60) Romanization of 道 The history of transcribing
  39. Street on the Railway Lands, a large railway switching yard that was being made, redundant ,by newer yards outside the city. Key project team members were NCK Engineering
  40. Celestial objects can be assigned to only one constellation. Consequently,the, redundant ,Bayer designations for those two stars were scrapped, and now only Beta Lauri
  41. The switch to one person operation or low floor technology, renders some buses, redundant ,while still relatively new. Bali is an Indonesian island located in the
  42. Or mark the Cell Loss Priority (CLP) bit (to identify a cell as potentially, redundant ,). Basic policing works on a cell by cell basis, but this is suboptimal for
  43. Subsequently became part of the company's name. The title can be considered a, redundant ,initialism. DC Comics has its headquarters at 1700 Broadway, Midtown Manhattan
  44. From the axiom of extensionality. However, the axiom of empty set can be shown, redundant ,in either of two ways: *A logic such that provability and truth hold for both
  45. That standard Apple hardware did not have, including stoppable hard drives, redundant ,power supplies, and external monitoring capability. These systems were more or
  46. Signalling was carried out solely by flag instead of wireless or using, redundant ,methods to ensure communications — a questionable procedure given the mixture
  47. Normalization usually involves dividing large tables into smaller (and less, redundant ,) tables and defining relationships between them. The objective is to isolate
  48. But he was assassinated before it could start. However, the campaign was made, redundant ,by Burebista's overthrow and death in the same year, after which his GEPAN
  49. Pass through them. Second, rasterization can improve cache coherency and reduce, redundant ,work by taking advantage of the fact that the pixels occupied by a single
  50. But allow the database management system (DBMS) to store additional, redundant ,information on disk to optimize query response. In this case it is the DBMS

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