Examples of the the word, locality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( locality ), is the 8244 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Skins, and others representing every shade between, although usually each, locality ,has its prevailing tint. There are pronounced differences in North American
  2. Was almost certainly in the same area as the ancient British settlement—in the, locality ,of the present-day Bartholomew Street. Until 1637 this street was known as
  3. Procurators are court agents and their practice is confined to the, locality ,of the court to which they are admitted. Procurators are regulated by Royal
  4. Wood A fateful battle was fought in the Wood of Ephraim (the name suggests a, locality ,west of the Jordan) and Absalom's army was completely routed. Absalom himself
  5. Quantum mechanical and classical descriptions violate the principle of, locality ,without violating causality. Causality is preserved because there is no way for
  6. Have no local government bodies, and the administrative duties of the former, locality ,representative, the Ortsvorsteher, were taken over by the borough mayors.
  7. A linear search may have superior performance simply because it exhibits better, locality ,of reference. For external searching, care must be taken or each of the first
  8. The properties of a dynamic array, such as constant time random access, good, locality , of reference, and inefficient insertion/removal in the middle, with the
  9. And has a straight tube. The Swiss Alford varies in shape according to the, locality , being curved near the bell in the Bernese Overland. Michael Praetors
  10. County, Colorado File: Microcline-119096. JPG|Amazon ite from the well-known, locality ,on Pikes Peak, Colorado. Size: 5.5 x 3.1 x 2.5 cm. File: Microcline-179612.
  11. From the town of Alabaster, in Egypt, where the stone was quarried. The, locality ,probably owed its name to the mineral; the origin of the mineral name is
  12. Doubt has been cast on EPR's conclusion due to developments in understanding, locality ,and especially quantum decoherence. The word locality has several
  13. In understanding locality and especially quantum decoherence. The word, locality ,has several meanings in physics. For example, in quantum field theory
  14. From the late Bronze Age in the Po plain. It takes its name from Golasecca,a, locality ,next to the Timing where, in the early 19th century, abbot Giovanni Batista
  15. Was described based on a single aberrant feather piece from an unknown, locality ,found in 1871; it was subsequently conjectured to be an extinct species but is
  16. Church of Ireland) and has taken on the mantle of the city's key cultural, locality , It hosts a yearly visual and performing arts festival. Custom House Square is
  17. Local or regional celebrities. A local celebrity is a person well known in one, locality ,but are little known elsewhere. A person might have celebrity status within a
  18. The ACT include Williams dale, Naas, Uriarra, Tharwa and Hall. Tidbinbilla is a, locality ,to the south-west of Canberra that features the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and
  19. Of whether his axis is aligned with Alice's. However, the principle of, locality ,appeals powerfully to physical intuition, and Einstein, Podolsky and Rose were
  20. Again that has been recently requested already. References exhibit spatial, locality ,if data is requested that is physically stored close to data that has been
  21. Of computing because access patterns in typical computer applications have, locality ,of reference. References exhibit temporal locality if data is requested again
  22. In articles of Wikipedia only the term" city" is used for every Ukrainian, locality ,named" місто ". The smallest population of a city of Ukraine can be about
  23. The term may be used either for a town possessing city status; for an urban, locality ,exceeding an arbitrary population size; for a town dominating other towns with
  24. Variety of beryl. It was first described in 1904 for an occurrence, its type, locality , at Maynard's Claim (Pismire Knolls),Thomas Range, Juab County, ). The dark
  25. Toasts and speeches These may follow if desired. It is not unusual to toast the, locality ,or nation in which the supper is being held. Works by Burns After the speeches
  26. Computer applications have locality of reference. References exhibit temporal, locality ,if data is requested again that has been recently requested already. References
  27. several meanings in physics. For example, in quantum field theory ", locality ," means that quantum fields at different points of space do not interact with
  28. The Aberdeen City Council area's population at 212,125,but the Aberdeen, locality ,'s population at 184,788. The latest official population estimate, for,is. The
  29. Is a big number. It (centillion) refers to different quantities based on, locality ,of usage. North American system * In Canadian and U. S. usage, two centillion
  30. This issue is that investiture of two individuals with the imam ate in a single, locality ,within relatively restricted boundaries and limited provinces is not permitted
  31. Of the conventional probabilistic rules. * Violation of the principle of, locality , which contradicts special relativity: MRI splitting is instant and total: this
  32. Axioms, the more so since they concern subtle points on the" reality" and ", locality ," of experiments. In any respect, the role of axioms in mathematics and in the
  33. Slate, quartzite,and so on. ) but these tend to be limited to a particular, locality , Optimal dimensions, characteristics,and strength For efficient handling and
  34. The South Yorkshire town of Rotterdam, United Kingdom, being the first British, locality ,to receive the books. The program distributes more than 2.5 million free books
  35. Or if the barracks already occupied is not suitable, then the best house in the, locality ,is to be commandeered, the occupants thrown into the gutter. Let them die
  36. Anson). In 1897," Current Literature" noted the two versions and said," The, locality , as originally given, is Melville, not Boston; the latter was substituted to
  37. General land masses. It is therefore possible to identify species occurring by, locality , such as" Pacific Algae" or" North Sea Algae ". When they occur out of their
  38. Theories that are" local" in this sense appear to violate the principle of, locality ,as defined by EPR, but they nevertheless do not violate locality in a more
  39. Easy to prepare and measure. Locality in the EPR experiment The principle of, locality ,states that physical processes occurring at one place should have no immediate
  40. The Large Ground-finch collected by Charles Darwin in 1835; he gave no precise, locality , A similar bird was found in 1957,but no others have ever been seen. * Saint
  41. Its name is frequently shortened to in Japan. While there is an official, locality ,named Akihabara nearby, part of Taitō-ku, the area known to most people as
  42. But never recorded afterwards. A single Libyan specimen from an unspecified, locality ,taken in the 19th century is the only record for this island. * Shiva OA Monarch
  43. Fixed interest,few and clearly defined, of which any group or, locality ,has just one. These interests are largely economic or associated with
  44. Has index zero). This method benefits from more compact storage and better, locality ,of reference, particularly during a preorder traversal. However, it is
  45. And there was a likely – although as yet unconfirmed – record near the type, locality ,by Colombian ornithologist Oswaldo Cortés in late 2008. Anseriformes Ducks
  46. And holds Shirley Windmill. South Croydon, to the south of Croydon, is a, locality ,which holds local landmarks such as The Swan and Sugar loaf public house and
  47. Lynch, Dance Arts Project has become a fixture in the community and the premier, locality ,for performance arts training in Alameda. In 1992,Miss Michaela Lynch debuted
  48. Bulk” system by letting the chemical potentials and the affinity apply to any, locality ,in which a chemical reaction (or any other process) is occurring. By
  49. Of Delphi) were so distinct that they might both have shrines in the same, locality , Apollo's cult was already fully established when written sources commenced
  50. Of social media efforts provide means for participatory engagement with the, locality ,of Cambridge, such as Localocracy and Foursquare. Culture, art and architecture

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