Examples of the the word, volcano , in a Sentence Context

The word ( volcano ), is the 8251 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mount Cameroon, the highest mountain in Sub-Saharan West Africa, is an active, volcano ,Extreme points This is a list of the extreme points of Cameroon, the points
  2. Have had sporadic eruptions since the 14th Century. Apart from the Tapelines, volcano ,in 1957–58,the last recorded instance of" island formation" occurred off the
  3. And 13 submarine). The last significant volcanic eruption, the Tapelines, volcano ,(), occurred off the coast of the island of Facial (in 1957); the most recent
  4. For example, is home to Mount Shishaldin, which is an occasionally smoldering, volcano ,that rises to above the North Pacific. It is the most perfect volcanic cone on
  5. Base of the crust. This forms a dome, possibly the same morphology of a shield, volcano ,where calderas universally are known to form. List of volcanic calderas See
  6. Form above the ring fracture. As the magma chamber empties, the center of the, volcano ,within the ring fracture begins to collapse. The collapse may occur as the
  7. Dropped a jewel, which formed a great circular inferno. This became the Kampala, volcano ,which, created the island of the Comoros. The early inhabitants of the islands
  8. From April 17 to 19,40,000 citizens were evacuated, and the crater lake in the, volcano ,'s caldera was destroyed. The Comoros also lays claim to the Glorious Islands
  9. The Yukon Territory. They are grouped into five volcanic belts with different, volcano ,types and tectonic settings. The Northern Cordillera Volcanic Province was
  10. And its height above the sea being upwards of. The mountain was originally a, volcano , and some basalt is exposed in places such as The Dales and Dolly Beach, but
  11. Ago. The lake is Africa's second-largest wetland. The EMI Poussin, a dormant, volcano ,in the Tibet Mountains that reaches above sea level, is the highest point in
  12. And Cab ode la Vela on the tip of the Guard Peninsula; the Nevada del Ruiz, volcano , the Cocoa valley and the Catalog Desert in the central Andean region;
  13. The islands are accessible on the islands of Logo, where there is a road to the, volcano ,and walks up to the crater, and the mountainous Santa Antão where there are
  14. And several smaller islands, all of which are volcanic in origin. The Made, volcano ,on Tenerife is the highest mountain in Spain, and the third-largest volcano on
  15. Attractions, especially Made National Park and Mount Made (the third largest, volcano ,in the world),make it a major tourist destination, with over 12 million
  16. Rocky, volcanic.; Elevation extremes:: :* The Highest point: Mount Logo 2,829 m (a, volcano ,on Logo Island); Natural resources:: Salt, basalt rock, limestone,kaolin
  17. Effect upon the component parts of white light. After the eruption of the, volcano ,Krakatoa in 1883,a remarkable series of red sunsets appeared worldwide. These
  18. Gauss, used in the Gauss expedition to the Antarctic, * Gauss berg, an extinct, volcano ,discovered by the above-mentioned expedition, * Gauss Tower, an observation
  19. Poor. As a result, the magma is much less viscous than the magma of a rhyolitic, volcano , and the magma chamber is drained by large lava flows rather than by explosive
  20. Rainy season (December to April); Le Kampala on Grande Com ore is an active, volcano ,Environment - current issues: soil degradation and erosion results from crop
  21. Small airfield (as well as accommodation for visitors). *Band API, an active, volcano ,with a peak of about 650 m *Band Bear is the largest island, long and wide.
  22. Well as the highest point in the Sahara Desert—is EMI Poussin, a dormant, volcano ,that reaches 3,414 meters above sea level. The basin's northeastern limit is
  23. Parasitic cone (or satellite cone) is a geographical feature found around a, volcano ,*Shatter cone, rare geological feature in the bedrock beneath meteorite impact
  24. Of the largest strike in South Korean history. *1997 – The Software Hills, volcano ,on the island of Montserrat explodes, creating a small tsunami offshore. *1998
  25. Ecoregion with Mount Cameroon considered separately because as an active, volcano ,it has a distinct environment from the other mountains. From the forested
  26. A collapse is triggered by the emptying of the magma chamber beneath the, volcano , usually as the result of a large volcanic eruption. If enough magma is ejected
  27. Is part of the Continental Divide east of Lake Arena and the nearby active, volcano ,Arena, and running into the Cordillera Central range further east. It is
  28. Infects humans parasitically through its spores is discovered living deep in a, volcano , * Also from The X-Files, the first-season episode" Ice" deals with an
  29. From east to west and from north to south, with an area of about. An extinct, volcano ,constitutes two thirds of Regina. The northern and western side consist of
  30. At Lincoln seems failure to realize that" the country was sleeping on a, volcano ," and that the South was preparing for war. Donald concludes that," His
  31. Carved by many valleys and escarpments; Facial characterized for its shield, volcano ,and caldera (Cabécou Gordon); PICO, is the highest point, at,in the Azores and
  32. Archipelago were formed by volcanic activity. Mount Martial, an active shield, volcano ,located on Ngaliema, is the country's the highest point, at 2,361 m, or It contains
  33. The city, on the border with Weinberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, is an extinct, volcano ,the Rosenberg Education The Headache Friedrich Wilhelm's University Bonn (
  34. To the Earth's surface by deep-origin volcanic eruptions. The magma for such a, volcano ,must originate at a depth where diamonds can be formed Roughly 49 % of diamonds
  35. Prussia defeats Austria in the Battle of Monowitz. *1815 – The Mount Tamara, volcano ,begins a three-month-long eruption, lasting until July 15. The eruption
  36. Provincial Park *Cinder Cone and the Fantastic Lava Beds, a cinder cone, volcano ,in Lassen Volcanic National Park, Northern California in the USA *Cinder Cone
  37. Morphology. While some differences can be explained by which volcanic zone a, volcano ,belongs to, there are significant differences inside volcanic zones and even
  38. Ancient Iconic) in Turkey, approximately 140 km (87 mi) from the twin-coned, volcano ,of Mount Hasan. The eastern settlement forms a mound which would have risen
  39. Volcano on Tenerife is the highest mountain in Spain, and the third largest, volcano ,on Earth on a volcanic ocean island. All the islands except La Camera have been
  40. To an enormous amount of exceedingly fine dust blown to a great height by the, volcano ,'s explosion, and then globally diffused by the high atmospheric currents.
  41. Can be seen in the monobromination of propane: Also on Titan, a methane-spewing, volcano ,was spotted, and this volcanism is believed to be a significant source of the
  42. Population, which was apparently sufficient to survive the Courier Hills, volcano ,eruption in 1995. In 1920,the cane toad was introduced into Puerto Rico to
  43. Dividing line between Mexico and Guatemala goes over the summit of this, volcano , The Summer Canyon was once the site of an epic battle between the Spaniards
  44. Semiconductor manufacturing * Volcanic ash, material ejected from the top of a, volcano ,* Ash, a physiological term for the portion of consumed food that cannot be
  45. Of 320 square kilometers. Le Martial (2316 m) on Grande Com ore is an active, volcano , From April 17 to 19, 2005,the volcano began spewing ash and gas, forcing as
  46. To this day. The Australian Burning Mountain was originally believed to be a, volcano , but the smoke and ash comes from a coal fire that has been burning for some
  47. 2316 m) on Grande Com ore is an active volcano . From April 17 to 19, 2005,the, volcano ,began spewing ash and gas, forcing as many as 10,000 people to flee. Geographic
  48. Then negatively. The Champagne hydrothermal vent, found at the Northwest Izuku, volcano ,at Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, produces almost pure liquid carbon
  49. Chirico, at; it is the fifth-highest peak in Central America. The highest, volcano ,in the country is the Iraq Volcano (). The largest lake in Costa Rica is Lake
  50. Lake Toby eruption in Indonesia. Toby About 75,000 years ago, this Indonesian, volcano ,released about 2,800 km3 ARE of eject, the largest known eruption within the

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