Examples of the the word, organizations , in a Sentence Context

The word ( organizations ), is the 8245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Relations with 158 countries so far and holds membership in 38 international, organizations , Integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structure; contribution to
  2. Specific ways. After a large amount of media coverage including mainstream news, organizations , Apple held a press conference where they offered buyers a free rubber 'bumper
  3. Is made up of Anthropologists from around the globe. Hundreds of other, organizations ,exist in the various subfields of anthropology, sometimes divided up by nation
  4. U. S. policy and technical positions in international and regional standards, organizations , and encourages the adoption of international standards as national standards
  5. Standards. Members ANSI's membership comprises government agencies, organizations , corporations, academic and international bodies, and individuals. In total
  6. By any vocation, although employment by educational institutions or charitable, organizations ,is most common. Priests also serve as chaplains of hospitals, schools,prisons
  7. N'Ajmer, a mountain range. Affiliations Algeria is a member of the following, organizations ,: This is a list of characters in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas
  8. In the first step, in the second one commercial banks and other non-bank credit, organizations ,) functions in the republic. Since 2002 important stage of restructuring of
  9. Safety The agriculture industry works with government agencies and other, organizations ,to ensure that farmers have access to the technologies required to support
  10. Apache projects, and to prevent the Apache brand name from being used by other, organizations ,without permission. The ASF also holds several http://www.apachecon.com/
  11. Of" degrees" ( Dan),pursuant to formal testing procedures. Some aikido, organizations ,use belts to distinguish practitioners' grades, often simply white and black
  12. Of large telescopes that are available to professional astronomers. Several, organizations , such as the American Association of Variable Star Observers and
  13. Of state capital,23 of foreign capital. To the same date,98 non-bank credit, organizations ,operate in the republic along with banks. Growth of real money incomes of
  14. And terms, and that products are tested the same way. ANSI also accredits, organizations ,that carry out product or personnel certification in accordance with
  15. III, Legacy Program. The Foundation remains one of the largest grant-giving, organizations ,for the visual arts in the U. S. Works Paintings By the beginning of the 1960s
  16. Opera company, though there are several volunteers and semi-professional, organizations ,in the state as well. The official state song of Alaska is" Alaska's Flag "
  17. Especially the Durand Line, which is a disputed border often used by criminal, organizations ,and terrorists for their illegal activities. Reports in 2011 suggested that up
  18. Contribution to international security; cooperation with international, organizations ,; regional cooperation and bilateral relations; strengthening of defense
  19. As a cooperative, commune,etc. Since there will be no taxes, such cooperative, organizations ,(labor unions, communes,voluntary socialist associations wherein the product
  20. On the bigger currents and individualists also participated in large anarchist, organizations , Most anarchists oppose all forms of aggression, supporting self-defense or
  21. Of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, the African Union and other multilateral, organizations , South Africa Angola-South Africa relations are quite strong as the ruling
  22. And Hong Kong. The term Argonaut is used by some English-language news media, organizations ,for professional space travelers from China. The word has featured in the
  23. Is the official U. S. representative to the two major international standards, organizations , the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),as a founding
  24. Contributed to present air and water pollution problems. Several environmental, organizations ,exist in Azerbaijan, yet few funds have been allocated to begin the necessary
  25. Are about 4,000 active Jehovah's witnesses in Albania. Among other religious, organizations ,making inroads into this nation is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
  26. To improve ethics in an organization * Organizational ethics, or ethics among, organizations ,* Social ethics, or ethics among nations and as one global unit Modern approach
  27. Extent responsible for this situation. The largest and most militant of these, organizations ,was the Federation Opera Regional Argentina ... it grew quickly to a
  28. Creation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, one of the principal, organizations ,of the African-American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. *1969 – The EC-121
  29. Studies and reports by FAS and AFC, as well as other non-governmental, organizations ,on its website GlobalTrade. Net. List of countries by agricultural output Below
  30. Since squatters had no claim to western lands under federal law, extra-legal, organizations , formed to fill the void. Benson explains: According to Anderson," Defining
  31. And use of standards by accrediting the procedures of standards developing, organizations , ANSI accreditation signifies that the procedures used by standards developing
  32. Or shareholder, etc.) and the size and location of the firm. Professional, organizations ,Refer to the international list of professional architecture organizations for
  33. Organizations Refer to the international list of professional architecture, organizations ,for groups created to promote career and business development in architecture.
  34. Of all voluntary associations in society: cooperatives, non-profit, organizations , ( which would, just as today, be funded by individuals for their existence)
  35. And members of the diaspora donating aid through NGOs (non-governmental, organizations ,) such as the church. There are some foreign capital inflows, but no robust
  36. The most heritable of all psychiatric conditions. Although the rise of parent, organizations ,and the stigmatization of childhood ASD have deeply affected how we view ASD
  37. Of those unable to pay for such protection might be financed by charitable, organizations ,relying on voluntary donation rather than by state institutions relying on
  38. Of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, commercial banks and non-banking credit, organizations , The National (now Central) Bank was created in 1992 based on the Azerbaijan
  39. Typology for applied ethics (Porter,2006) uses six domains to help improve, organizations ,and social issues at the national and global level: * Decision ethics, or
  40. ANSI accreditation signifies that the procedures used by standards developing, organizations ,meet the Institute's requirements for openness, balance,consensus, and due
  41. In mental health problems after abortion. Other researchers and professional, organizations ,have noted that such studies typically fail to use appropriate comparison
  42. Example, members of the major syndicalist movements of the CGT and IWC left the, organizations ,and joined the Communist International. The revolutionary wave of 1917–23 saw
  43. Collections of art are the preserve of the rich, of governments and wealthy, organizations , Fine and expensive goods have been popular markers of status in many cultures
  44. In employment, access to residential and resort areas, membership in clubs and, organizations , and in tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions in
  45. The (now left-wing) antiwar movement, and to start specifically libertarian, organizations ,such as the (U. S.) Libertarian Party. Nineteenth century individualist
  46. Is a lot of diversity in lifestyles (“ subcultures” ). Autocracies (fluid, organizations ,) adapt quickly to changes. Information can substitute most of the material
  47. Standards that are developed by representatives of standards developing, organizations , government agencies, consumer groups, companies,and others. These standards
  48. Including the manufacture of herbal tinctures and products. The courses, books, organizations , and conferences generated by their students continue to influence popular
  49. Relations with 158 countries and holds membership in 38 international, organizations , It is one of the founding members of GUAM and the Organization for the
  50. Projects through the United Nations system and non-governmental, organizations , The Afghan Ministry of Finance is focusing on improved revenue collection and

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