Examples of the the word, comfortably , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comfortably ), is the 8249 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Says Earle, that this computer performs its task so convincingly that it, comfortably ,passes the Turing test: it convinces a human Chinese speaker that the program
  2. Took on an alternate from Argentina, Leonardo Mayer and came through the match, comfortably ,winning 6-2 6-3. In the second round the played Andreas Sep pi and defeated him
  3. Of Beads" ) and Henry James. Taking his cue from Balzac, Maupassant wrote, comfortably ,in both the high-Realist and fantastic modes; stories and novels such as "
  4. Was out for exactly 100. Ratcliffe went on to make 161 and England won the game, comfortably , Australian captain Herbie Collins was stripped of all captaincy positions down
  5. Limited parole. With the financial assistance of his brother Ira, he lived, comfortably , if out of action, until August 1777. He then learned of the death of his young
  6. In retired racing Greyhounds, this is usually not the case. Greyhounds can live, comfortably ,as apartment dogs, as they do not require much space and sleep close to 18
  7. Win. In two one-pagers that followed, he took five wickets as South Africa, comfortably ,won both. South Africa won the five Test series against England 1-0 despite
  8. Perspective). For Christians, the concept of a Judeo-Christian tradition, comfortably ,suggests that Judaism progresses into Christianity—that Judaism is somehow
  9. Where he meets Jim. The Floating House and Huck as a Girl While living quite, comfortably ,in the wilderness along the Mississippi, Huck happily encounters Miss Watson's
  10. Locate another incident:" Let's find another incident that you feel you can, comfortably ,face. " The process outlined at steps 5 and 6a then repeats until the auditing
  11. Ideas for a new kind of novel. Ballard's avant-garde inclinations did not sit, comfortably ,in the science fiction mainstream of that time, which held attitudes he
  12. Reign Greenwich Hospital, then well outside the boundary of London, but now, comfortably ,inside it, was begun; it was the naval complement to the Chelsea Hospital for
  13. Fist thrusting towards the sky in defiance. The tower is so large that it can, comfortably ,contain stables, barracks,armory and lord's chambers all in the same
  14. Rupert practiced law, specializing in equity law and conveyancing. They lived, comfortably ,at No. 2 Bolton Gardens, South Kensington, where Helen Beatrix was born on 28
  15. More energy efficient than other bows, but the limbs are too stiff to be drawn, comfortably ,with a string attached directly to them. The compound bow has the string
  16. Illness, he was forced to sleep in a straight-back chair in order to breathe, comfortably , On those nights, he would play his guitar until he fell asleep holding it, a
  17. According to Denmark," The many worlds' interpretation (MRI) scored second, comfortably ,ahead of the consistent histories and Böhm interpretations. " Michael Nielsen
  18. And Gray Mouser series, were enough in themselves to ensure that he lived, comfortably , Leiber's death occurred a few weeks after a physical collapse while traveling
  19. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) * Seating products that assist people to sit, comfortably ,and safely (seating systems, cushions,therapeutic seats). * Standing
  20. Powerful senators. There were accusations of bribery by all sides. Caesar won, comfortably , despite his opponents' greater experience and standing. When Cicero, who was
  21. Button layout of the arcade games Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat cannot be, comfortably ,emulated on a console joy pad, so licensed home arcade sticks for these games
  22. The spread of the bubonic plague. The main character, Dr. Bernard Room, lives, comfortably , in an apartment building when strangely the building's concierge’M. Michel, a
  23. He kept the blades sharp because he believed that no ruler should ever sit, comfortably , Centuries later, kings still cut themselves on the throne. It is a common
  24. As noir evidence a variety of visual approaches, including ones that fit, comfortably ,within the Hollywood mainstream. Film noir similarly embrace a variety of
  25. Wife, Camille. He was released on June 4,2008,and was listed as" resting, comfortably ," at his Hawaiian residence. Seven weeks after his attack, Grammer told
  26. The carbine's length was portability. Troops could carry full length muskets, comfortably ,enough on horseback if just riding from A to B (the practice of the original
  27. Fact that specific skills are often needed to work in the modern world, living, comfortably , becomes difficult for people without education. Education moves us forward:
  28. Or a skin rash—quickly acclimate themselves to a particular animal and live, comfortably ,in the same house with it, while retaining an allergy to cats in general.
  29. Vienna, the third of four children of Johanna and Conrad Berg. His family lived, comfortably ,until the death of his father in 1900. Education He was more interested in
  30. San Francisco. Welles' father had been friends with Hearst, so Welles tried to, comfortably ,ask if Hearst would see the film. Hearst ignored him. " As he was getting off
  31. He gets inside a church ". The family department store made the Goldwater's, comfortably ,wealthy. Goldwater graduated from Staunton Military Academy, an elite private
  32. Those with dollar incomes based upon the service industry began to live more, comfortably , This widened the gulf between Cubans' material standards of living, in
  33. Rearden's wife with owning the world's the most powerful horse. Since she cannot, comfortably ,ride a horse that goes too fast, she must bridle it down to her level, even if
  34. Feel that Hedda's intensity and drive are much more complex and much less, comfortably ,explained than what they view as rather routine feminism on the part of Nora.
  35. Both Hans Hoffmann (see gallery) and Robert Mother well (gallery) can be, comfortably ,described as practitioners of action painting and Color Field painting.
  36. Under the men, to absorb perspiration and provide a base for the men to fit, comfortably , Modern practice Kendo training is quite noisy in comparison to other martial
  37. Results. For example, four miles past the Inane River, after the British had, comfortably ,crossed, and after they had spent a day consolidating their advance, the Zulu
  38. A London Assembly. The first election took place on 4 May, with Ken Livingstone, comfortably ,regaining his previous post. London was also recognized as one of the nine
  39. De Jerusalem) lacked scientific method, and drew wrong conclusions that, comfortably ,entered the academic canon. For Gold, the amount of documents is too extensive
  40. And after Maloney released the ball, Bench dropped his catcher's mitt and, comfortably ,caught the fastball barehanded. Bench was the Reds' catcher on April 30, 1969
  41. See the article on brass instruments. The euphonium has an extensive range, comfortably ,from E2 to about D5 for intermediate players (using scientific pitch notation
  42. Serial. The picture of Monsieur Serial depicts a man of wealth, sitting, comfortably , with his horse-riding equipment. The picture of the Madame shows her wearing an
  43. Melbourne Football Club as Essendon won the preliminary final a good deal more, comfortably ,than the ultimate margin of 17 points suggested. In the grand final, Essendon
  44. 10 bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still, comfortably ,ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (
  45. That can be worn instead of a nagajuban in summer, when it can be too hot to, comfortably ,wear a nagajuban. It replaces the nagajuban collar in supporting the kimono's
  46. Between the two groups to allow most of the traditional diplomats to work, comfortably ,for the Nazis. This was especially the case as the men of the Auswärtiges Amt
  47. For the Tories in that year's election. Diefenbaker was reelected, comfortably ,in his home riding, and the Progressive Conservatives came within two seats of
  48. To the prepare in his past:" Locate an incident that you feel you can, comfortably ,face. " :5. The prepare is invited by the auditor to" Go through the incident
  49. Were again mathematically relegated with Birmingham City and Reading leading, comfortably , However, Fulham earned a free-kick with seventy-six minutes played, and Ballard
  50. The cinema's capacity for spectacle ... under the rein of an outdated by, comfortably ,literary form of historical narrative. Griffith's models ... are not the

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