Examples of the the word, flap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flap ), is the 8239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And akin () by many speakers. * the conversion of () from an alveolar, flap ,to a voiced uvular fricative or trill, by most of the speakers. See Guttural R
  2. Is ळ, which represented the intervocalic lateral, flap ,allophone of the voiced retroflex stop in Vedic Sanskrit, and which is a
  3. Refinements --" The quality of the fine woolen cloth, the slope of a pocket, flap ,or coat revers, exactly the right color for the gloves, the correct amount of
  4. Side. * Local Tissue Flaps - a nipple may be created by raising a small, flap ,in the target area and producing a raised mound of skin. To create an areola, a
  5. The rivers of Massive. A rare subrace of t'sprang, the k'tsunami, possess a, flap ,of skin much like a flying squirrel's stadium, allowing them to glide. While
  6. Was last revised in May 2005,with the addition of a letter for a labiodental, flap , Apart from the addition and removal of symbols, changes to the IPA have
  7. Abdominal flap s The abdominal flap for breast reconstruction is the TRAM, flap ,(Transverse Rectus Abdominis Cutaneous flap ) or its technically distinct
  8. The energy for the tornado, it does" cause" it in the sense that the, flap ,of its wings is an essential part of the initial conditions resulting in a
  9. DNA polymerase I" reads" the fragments, removes the RNA using its, flap ,endonuclease domain (RNA primers are removed by 5'-3' endonuclease activity of
  10. An operculum (lid) over the end of the NIDA. The lid may be a single hinged, flap ,or three flap s arranged like slices of pie. It is difficult to study the firing
  11. Perforator techniques such as the DIED (deep inferior epigastric perforator), flap , and SEA (superficial inferior epigastric artery) flap require precise
  12. High or low side panels, string sides or tie sides, and most lack a button or, flap ,front. Many do not have a visible waistband like briefs. Suits less than 1.5
  13. Stroke of ㅌ represents the burst of aspiration. The top of ㄹ represents a, flap ,of the tongue. * Bilabial consonants (순음, 唇音 museum" labial sounds" ): **
  14. From plywood. Even with its streamlining and high speed abilities, with full, flap ,deployment of 60°,the Corsair could fly slowly enough for carrier landings. In
  15. Tissue between the umbilicus and the pubis. The DIED flap and free-TRAM, flap ,require advanced microsurgical technique and are less common as a result. Both
  16. And infection, since the previously useless and exposed organ is sealed with a, flap ,of protective skin Another likely explanation for the loss of its eyes is that
  17. Reconstruct small breasts without an implant. **Abdominal flap s The abdominal, flap ,for breast reconstruction is the TRAM flap (Transverse Rectus Abdominis
  18. Exit without the main door being opened. It may be simply covered by a rubber, flap ,or it may be an actual door hinged on the top that the pet can push through.
  19. Noting that" One meteorologist remarked that if the theory were correct, one, flap , of a seagull's wings could change the course of weather forever. " Later
  20. Part of formal clothing for clergy, academics and lawyers * Strap, an elongated, flap ,or ribbon, usually of fabric or leather Science and technology * Band (radio)
  21. A bilabial flap as the preferred allophone of what is elsewhere a labiodental, flap , It has been suggested that this be written with the labiodental flap letter
  22. With Use of Allover - as above, a nipple may be created by raising a small, flap ,in the target area and producing a raised mound of skin. Allover (cadaver
  23. Vortex shedding, however flags that are held by lanyards also can be seen to, flap , Flores is one of the Lesser Sunday Islands, an island arc with an estimated
  24. For the Advancement of Science in 1972,Philip Merciless concocted Does the, flap ,of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? As a title.
  25. As an aid during surgery. It is used as a guide for orienting and shaping the, flap ,to improve accuracy and symmetry. Other considerations Nipple reconstruction is
  26. Was posthumously awarded the George Cross. * On 3 July 1968,the port, flap ,operating rod of GAMED, an Airspeed Ambassador operated by BKS Air Transport
  27. The hack foot shoe may also have a rubberized coating on the top surface or a, flap ,that hangs over the toe to reduce wear on the top of the shoe as it drags on
  28. Is ejected close to the rim at low velocities to form an overturned coherent, flap ,of eject immediately outside the rim. As eject escapes from the growing
  29. Signatures urging IKEA to respect workers rights. Typeface change IKEA caused a, flap ,in the graphic design world in 2009 when it changed the typeface used in its
  30. TRAM flap s. This also explains the significant patient interest in perforator, flap ,techniques such as the DIED flap which preserves abdominal muscle function
  31. By J. B. Heath and Dancer & Serene. Many of the other parts, including flap s, flap ,shrouds, fins,leading edge assemblies and bomb doors were also produced in
  32. Or autologous tissue transfer, using fat and tissues from the abdomen (TRAM, flap ,) or back (latissiumus muscle flap ). Breast reduction surgery is a common
  33. Be cut off and new blood supply may be connected. **The latissimus dorsi muscle, flap ,is the donor tissue available on the back. It is a large flat muscle which can
  34. Fat and tissues from the abdomen (TRAM flap ) or back (latissiumus muscle, flap ,). Breast reduction surgery is a common procedure which involves removing
  35. Part of the initial conditions resulting in a tornado, and without that, flap ,that particular tornado would not have existed. Illustration: Mathematical
  36. Holes to fit the two middle strings. It sits just after the bridge and has a, flap ,that can be placed over the top of the bridge to mute the vibrations travelling
  37. Moving large objects in and out. * A pet door (also known as a dog door or cat, flap ,) is an opening in a door to allow pets to enter and exit without the main door
  38. As raised lateral approximate, A few languages such as Band have a bilabial, flap ,as the preferred allophone of what is elsewhere a labiodental flap . It has been
  39. Still attached to its blood supply under the arm pit (maxilla). A longissimus, flap ,is usually used to recruit soft-tissue coverage over an underlying implant.
  40. The significant patient interest in perforator flap techniques such as the DIED, flap ,which preserves abdominal muscle function long-term. These patients tend to
  41. Perforator) flap and SEA (superficial inferior epigastric artery), flap , require precise dissection of small perforating vessels through the rectus
  42. Sports, overhead lifting, and sexual activity during the recovery period. TRAM, flap ,patients can show abdominal-muscle weakness on EMG studies, but clinically most
  43. Over cartilage and a rich network of blood vessels. On hot days, elephants will, flap ,their ears constantly, creating a slight breeze. This breeze cools the surface
  44. Use the abdominal tissue between the umbilicus and the pubis. The DIED, flap ,and free-TRAM flap require advanced microsurgical technique and are less common
  45. Of the B-25 was its ability to extend range by using one-quarter wing, flap ,settings. Since the aircraft normally cruised in a slightly nose-high attitude
  46. Display (SD),presenting information about the engine, landing gear, slat and, flap ,settings, and fuel and weapons status. Initially, the F-16A/B had monochrome
  47. To be reconstructed with one's own tissues instead of a foreign implant. TRAM, flap ,procedures may weaken the abdominal wall and torso strength, but are tolerated
  48. Pronunciation depends on context and regional accent. Generally one can find a, flap ,consonant in unstressed position while it is more common in stressed syllables
  49. Reconstruction is the TRAM flap (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Cutaneous, flap ,) or its technically distinct variants of microvascular" perforator flap s "
  50. Ability. (Batting helmets at that time were not required to have an" ear, flap ,"; indeed, it was not until 2002 that all major league batters were required to

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