Examples of the the word, moss , in a Sentence Context
The word ( moss ), is the 8258 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Chorus Crispus, known under the common name Irish moss , or Carragher, moss ,(Irish arraign," little rock" ), is a species of red algae which grows
- Longship less likely to tip or bring in water. The hull was waterproofed with, moss ,drenched in tar. In the autumn the ships would be tarred and then left in a
- Dishes sown with germinated and/or etiolated seedlings. Experiments with the, moss ,Physcomitrella patent, however,have shown that choice of the gelling agent —
- Made to go further using pulse (Pal maria palmate; in Icelandic, söl),Iceland, moss ,(Etruria island; in Icelandic, fjallagrös) or Irish moss (Chorus
- Valley flower on the obverse (0.02) * 50 Penna (silver-coloured) - hair cap, moss ,on the reverse and a bear on the obverse (0.08) * 1 markka (copper-coloured
- Clarifying agents include isinglass, obtained from swim bladders of fish; Irish, moss , a seaweed; kappa Cartagena, from the seaweed Kappaphycus cotton ii; Popular
- Was dug. Then it was covered with logs and poles and then sealed by earth and, moss , Inside there would be benches along the side with the hearth in the middle.
- The same work. The common name" moss animals" is based on the Greek βρυόν (, moss ,) and ζῷα (animals),and refers to the moss y appearance of encrusting species
- Made with milk or cream and sugar thickened with gelatin, cornstarch or Irish, moss , and often flavored with almonds. It is usually set in a mold and served cold.
- Redneck who, after touching a fallen meteorite in hopes of selling it, grows, moss , all over his body. He has since made cameos in several adaptations of his works
- And lock islands. The flora is dominated by Arctic-alpine plants, wild flowers, moss ,and lichen. Spring Quill, Buck's-Horn Plantain, Scots Lavage, Roseroot and Sea
- In the uppermost Ordovician sediments. The green algae was similar to today's sea, moss , Among the first land fungi may have been carbuncular mycorrhiza fungi (
- Variations may have been derived from the French word Mouscron in reference to, moss ,(mousse). The toadstool's connection to toads may be direct, in reference to
- Stories (see House-elf). Variations of the German elf in folklore include the, moss ,people and the waste Frauen (" white women" ). On the latter Jacob Grimm
- On hard, rough terrain where a firm grip is needed; on soft substrates such as, moss , the velvet worm walks on the foot cushions at the base of the claws. The
- Are kidney ore (round shapes in iron ore) and moss agates, which look like, moss ,or plant leaves. Concretions, spherical or ovoid-shaped nodules found in some
- Underneath the body was a thin layer of moss . Scientists know that this, moss ,was formed in Danish peat bogs in the early Iron Age, therefore,the body was
- Later stating“ Their lichen woodlands persistence, along with their previous, moss ,forest histories and current occurrence adjacent to closed moss forests
- Red, to a dark purple or purplish-brown. The principal constituent of Irish, moss ,is a mucilaginous body, made of the polysaccharide Cartagena of which it
- Those who commit violence. Chorus Crispus, known under the common name Irish, moss , or Carragher moss (Irish arraign," little rock" ), is a species of red
- Tertiary survivors include the vascular plant Pringles antiscorbutica and six, moss ,species. Volcanic activity has altered the distribution and abundance of the
- Nansen decided to camp for the winter. In a sheltered cove, with stones and, moss ,for building materials, the pair erected a hut which was to be their home for
- Seaweed from which agar is derived are sometimes called Ceylon moss or Jana, moss , Gracilis lichenoides specifically is referred to as agal-agal or Ceylon agar
- Clarifying agents include isinglass, obtained from swim bladders of fish; Irish, moss , a seaweed; kappa Cartagena, from the seaweed Kappaphycus cotton ii; Popular
- Of alga or seaweed from which agar is derived are sometimes called Ceylon, moss ,or Jana moss . Gracilis lichenoides specifically is referred to as agal-agal
- Is a small trailing plant that grows in salt marshes that are overgrown with, moss , The berries are of a pale yellow color, afterwards red, as big as a cherry
- Known as the wax apple) *Java moss , Versicularia Guyana, a common aquarium, moss ,*Java plum, Spondias mom bin, also known as the golden apple Transportation *USS
- Their previous moss forest histories and current occurrence adjacent to closed, moss ,forests, indicate that they are an alternative stable state to the spruce– moss
- Plastic cylindrical lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells or small, moss ,plants. It was named after German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petra, who
- The Giant African longhorn beetle (Retrognathia gigs) which resembles the, moss ,and bark of the tree from which it feeds on. Another defense that often uses
- Is further subdivided into the shrub layer, herb layer, and sometimes also a, moss ,layer. In some complex forests, there is also a well-defined lower tree layer.
- Scientific examination and conclusions Underneath the body was a thin layer of, moss , Scientists know that this moss was formed in Danish peat bogs in the early
- Found in a stream, traced from its source in the hills among the yellow-red, moss ,and conical glass-shaped tufts of bent, to the first break or fall, where its
- Devonian Period, life was well underway in its colonization of the land. The, moss ,forests, bacterial and algal mats of the Silurian were joined early in the
- Other types of pseudofossils are kidney ore (round shapes in iron ore) and, moss ,agates, which look like moss or plant leaves. Concretions, spherical or
- Söl),Iceland moss (Etruria island; in Icelandic, fjallagrös) or Irish, moss ,(Chorus Crispus; in Icelandic, fjörugrös) in compotes and breads. It was
- Samarangense, that produces java apples (also known as the wax apple) *Java, moss , Vesicular Guyana, a common aquarium moss *Java plum, Spondias mom bin, also
- And other forms suggestive of vegetable growth, gives rise to dendritic or, moss ,agate. Dendritic agates have fern like patterns in them formed due to the
- Some have used more than one approach in the same work. The common name ", moss ,animals" is based on the Greek βρυόν ( moss ) and ζῷα (animals),and refers
- Is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, : Bearded with, moss , and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, : Stand like Druids of old
- Again and becomes what may be considered a pest. As another example, in lawns, moss ,can become dominant and be impossible to eradicate. In some lawns, lichens
- Its crash landing from 63 km inside a 4 kg locker, and samples of already dead, moss ,were not damaged. Though this is not a very good example, being protected by
- Is also Bulgarian. The Bryozoa, also known as Ectoprocta or commonly as, moss ,animals, are a phylum of aquatic invertebrate animals. Typically, about long
- Of the seeds. Upon germination, the embryo grows into a seedling. In the, moss ,Physcomitrella patent, the Poly comb protein FIE is expressed in the
- Seals and seabirds. * Salt spray vegetation is dominated by the salt–tolerant, moss ,Muelleriella crassifolia and limited in extent, being found at low elevations
- With nothing but knit and purl stitches, including garter stitch, ribbing,and, moss ,and seed stitches. Adding a" slip stitch" ( where a loop is passed from one
- Responsible for loading the phloem with sugars. The bryophytes lack phloem, but, moss , sporophytes have a simpler tissue with analogous function known as the epitome.
- In the rainforests of the tropics and temperate zones, where they live among, moss ,cushions and leaf litter, under tree trunks and stones, in rotting wood or in
- Valley with thick forests of drooping and crumbling firs and larches hung with, moss , and often dramatic coloring from a rising or setting sun. His Landscape with
- Peat-cutters. Window Man is not the only bog body to have been found in the, moss ,; Window Woman was discovered the year before, and other body parts have also
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