Examples of the the word, pagan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pagan ), is the 8242 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Formerly identified with an Egyptian priest who, after the destruction of the, pagan ,temple at Alexandria (389),fled to Constantinople, where he became the tutor
  2. For Old Syriac. A Christian Old Palestinian dialect may have arisen from the, pagan ,one, and this dialect may be behind some Western Aramaic tendencies
  3. That he was desirous of erecting a temple to Jesus, but was dissuaded by the, pagan ,priests. He allowed a synagogue to be built in Rome, and he gave as a gift to
  4. Such works were typically entitled in reference to this tradition. The, pagan ,rector Litanies (c. 314–394) framed his life memoir (Oration I have begun in 374
  5. Augustine the Blessed ". Life Early childhood Augustine was born in 354 to a, pagan ,father named Patricia and a Christian mother named Monica in the municipal of
  6. With public and private religious imagery destroyed. As a consequence,Egypt's, pagan ,culture was continually in decline. While the native population continued to
  7. Term associated with the Proto-Indo-Iranians Aldona (baptized On or Anna; her, pagan ,name Aldona is known only from the writings of Maciej Stryjkowski; Casimir was
  8. The angels in heaven" ). Supposedly, he thereafter resolved to convert their, pagan ,homeland to Christianity. The Aster CT-80,an early home/personal computer
  9. In 391 the Christian Emperor Theodosius introduced legislation that banned, pagan ,rites and closed temples. Alexandria became the scene of great anti- pagan riots
  10. And with many others implicated by the use of torture, cruelly punished. Though, pagan , he was mostly tolerant of Christians. Work At Rome, he wrote in Latin a
  11. And it has yielded many urns and brooches closely resembling those found in, pagan ,graves in England. Of still greater importance are the great deposits at
  12. No fewer than fourteen further creed formulas between 340 and 360,leading the, pagan ,observer Minus Marcellus to comment sarcastically:" The highways were
  13. For magical purposes, it can scarcely be doubted that many of these stones are, pagan ,amulets and instruments of magic. Etymology Gains Julius Cygnus (Fab. 183)
  14. Praises its compactness. However, the codex never gained much popularity in the, pagan ,Hellenistic world, and only within the Christian community did it gain
  15. Centuries). We know that in the 6th century, the Alemannic were predominantly, pagan , and in the 8th century, they were predominantly Christian. The intervening 7th
  16. The Old East Jordanian dialect continued to be used into the 1st century CE by, pagan ,communities living to the east of the Jordan. Their dialect is often then
  17. With the national culture. The current Albanian state has revived some, pagan ,festivals, such as the lunar Spring festival () held yearly on March 14 in the
  18. Of Drupe and Baha'is. Before the coming of Islam, most Arabs followed a, pagan ,religion with a number of deities, including Tubal, Wadd, Allāt, Manat, and
  19. In 948 Emperor Otto I established margraves to exert imperial control over the, pagan ,Slavs west of the Oder River. Otto founded the Bishoprics of Brandenburg and
  20. Britons. Further success Easier to implement were Rome's mandates concerning, pagan ,temples and celebrations. Temples were to be consecrated for Christian use, and
  21. Attempt to reverse the Christianization of the Roman Empire by restoring, pagan ,and, in this case, Jewish practices. Among the letters of Julian are two (29
  22. Believed in groves and barrows, sanctuaries,and sacred enclosures and in the, pagan ,gods. They sacrificed (for?) their sons, daughters and cattle, and practiced
  23. As a deity) differ among religious traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia among, pagan ,Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and
  24. Of developed Orthodox theology. In the first part, Athanasius attacks several, pagan ,practices and beliefs. The second part presents teachings on the redemption.
  25. Scholars have suggested that Muhammad used the term Allah in addressing both, pagan ,Arabs and Jews or Christians in order to establish a common ground for the
  26. Term Allah () is used 46 times respectively. The name was previously used by, pagan ,Meccas as a reference to a creator deity, possibly the supreme deity in
  27. As a place of mystery. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Egyptian, pagan , culture was in decline after the rise of Christianity and later Islam, but
  28. They had mixed views on whether it once existed or was an untrustworthy myth of, pagan ,origin. Tertullian believed Atlantis was once real and wrote that in the
  29. Times—possibly the current St Martin's Church, Canterbury. Æthelberht was a, pagan ,at this point but allowed his wife freedom of worship. One biographer of Bertha
  30. In the pre-Islamic times, some Arab Christians made pilgrimage to the Kaaba,a, pagan ,temple at that time, honoring Allah there as God the Creator. Judaism As Hebrew
  31. These activities, for some time, the Alemannic seem to have continued their, pagan ,cult activities, with only superficial or syncretistic Christian elements. In
  32. Presence of Christians, at least until around 360. After the legions left, pagan ,tribes settled the southern parts of the island, but western Britain, beyond
  33. That cymbals which were played in procession before her represented some, pagan ,Lithuanian tradition. Her husband Casimir is known for his romantic affairs:
  34. In the soul's existence in another world like Christianity, Islam and many, pagan ,belief systems, or in reincarnation like many forms of Hinduism and Buddhism
  35. As only wealthy nobles traditionally used them. The center of Aarhus was once a, pagan ,burial site until Aarhus' first church, Holy Trinity Church, a timber
  36. The mediation of Emperor Justinian. Like his father, Alboin was raised a, pagan , although Audion had at one point attempted to gain Byzantine support against
  37. Church" or church-like institution fostering the reconstructed religion of the, pagan ,Anglo-Saxons, known as Burnside. The group's http://www.fyrnsidu.org website
  38. After Constantius' death in 361,his successor Julian, a devotee of Rome's, pagan ,gods, declared that he would no longer attempt to favor one church faction over
  39. However, in the 5th and 6th centuries Britannia began to be overrun by, pagan , Germanic peoples who came to be known collectively as the Anglo-Saxons. Of the
  40. Legions. * 966 – After his marriage to the Christian Drama of Bohemia,the, pagan ,ruler of the Plans, Mieszko I, converts to Christianity, an event considered
  41. And spent two years there in person (848-850),at the critical moment when a, pagan ,reaction was threatened, which he succeeded in averting. In 854 Ansgar returned
  42. Evidence was provided by coins dating from 410 found melted in the floor. The, pagan ,emperors' tombs of the Mausoleum of Augustus and Castle Sent'Angelo were
  43. Reached new levels of intensity. In 391,the Patriarch Theophilus destroyed all, pagan ,temples in Alexandria under orders from Emperor Theodosius I. The Bruce and
  44. Of the Great (tenth) and last persecution of Christianity at the hands of, pagan ,Rome. This persecution was most severe in the East, particularly in Egypt and
  45. In the late 9th century. The Slavic tribes also brought their mythology and, pagan ,system of believes, the Rodovjerje. In particular, Perun / Перун, the highest
  46. Of Christianity. The Nordendorf fibula (early 7th century) clearly records, pagan ,theonyms, loga orewodanwigi Omar read as" Woman and Dona rare
  47. To Black Ruthenium, which to a greater extent was inhabited by predominantly, pagan ,Balls. Another possible origin for the name is for the white clothing that was
  48. And Dona rare magicians/sorcerers ", but this may be interpreted as either a, pagan ,invocation of the powers of these deities, or a Christian protective charm
  49. Libel ". History Many authors see the roots of economic antisemitism in both, pagan ,antiquity and early Christianity. Jerome Changes identifies six stages in the
  50. Prejudice against Jews and their religion can be found in the works of many, pagan ,Greek and Roman writers. Edward Flannery writes that it was the Jews' refusal

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