Examples of the the word, sift , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sift ), is the 12545 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nature seem to challenge other speculative and opposing beliefs. It is hard to, sift ,through what actual evidence there is regarding Gnosticism in the NT due to
  2. Start represents the limit of how far up the heap to sift . End is the node to, sift ,up. Child: = end while child > start parent: = floor (( child - 1) ÷ 2) if
  3. Not in objective reality but reality as it is perceived. The inclination is to, sift ,through nuances of speech and subtleties of behavior for evidence of lime rent
  4. And monotonous. Also, it is very time-consuming; chemical engineers must, sift ,through millions of various potential chemicals before they find one that works
  5. Baseball Writers Association of America, Kuhn empowered a ten-man committee to, sift ,through hundreds of names and nominate the first group of four Negro leagues
  6. Into the myth may have derived from the local practice of using fleeces to, sift ,gold dust from rivers. Known to its natives as Grist or Lamina, Colchis was
  7. Fact, according to the conclusions of Mr. Edmund Bishop, who was the first to, sift ,the evidence thoroughly, it was not until the twelfth century that the cope
  8. Billy is swayed to the heroes' cause after he is able to use his abilities to, sift ,through the Flash's memories and sees himself as Captain Marvel in the
  9. The East India Company at Kolkata in the year 1776,having the main function to, sift ,and record orders relating to the Army issued by various Departments of the
  10. Fault, offense ". The word may derive from the Latin Cerner -" to decide, to, sift ," (see crisis, mapped on KaiOS and Kronor). But Ernest Klein (citing Karl
  11. Manually search through all of it. So automated Internet surveillance computers, sift ,through the vast amount of intercepted Internet traffic, and filter out and
  12. Rocks, which would save much time for scientists as they would not have to, sift ,through hundreds of images to find the one they want, or examine the
  13. Gideon," There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will, sift ,them for you there. If I say,'This one shall go with you, he shall go; but if
  14. And may lead to inappropriate medical decisions. An abstract allows one to, sift ,through copious amounts of papers for ones in which the researcher can have
  15. In currents and catch food that flows by with their open tentacles. They also, sift ,through the bottom sediments using their tentacles. Other species can dig into
  16. 9/11,Buscemi returned to Engine 55 and worked alongside other firefighters to, sift ,through the rubble from the World Trade Center. Career Acting His first role in
  17. Be only natural to at some point say,'Hey,we've got a lot of stuff. Let's, sift ,through and see what we've got this time. '" Duvall also mentioned that it is
  18. A, start,end) is input: end represents the limit of how far down the heap to, sift , Root: = start while root * 2 + 1 ≤ end do (While the root has at least one
  19. Never belittled or offended anyone. Dr. Salam's strength was that he could ", sift ,jewels from the sand ". Dr. Ishtar Ahmad, former chairman of the PAC and a
  20. The sift ing property or the sampling property. The delta function is said to ", sift ,out" the value at t=T\, It follows that the effect of coevolving a function ƒ
  21. II and were forced to carry the dead from the gas chamber to the furnaces, sift ,through the ashes of the dead, grind up recognizable parts, and bury the ashes
  22. AT&T developed a programming language called" Hancock" which is able to, sift ,through enormous databases of phone call and Internet traffic records, such as
  23. And self-righteousness of public communiqués from cranks in order to eventually, sift ,through my own conflicted thoughts. " Also in 2010 Elvis Costello appeared as
  24. In an of the last parent node) start: = count / 2 - 1 while start ≥ 0 do (, sift ,down the node at index start to the proper place such that all nodes below the
  25. Part, from the practices of some ethnomethodologists including Garfunkel, who, sift , through phenomenological texts, recovering phenomenological concepts and
  26. Index of the first (left) child of the root) end: = 1 while end < count (, sift ,up the node at index end to the proper place such that all nodes above the end
  27. Out what they mean. Other programs are needed to perform traffic analysis and, sift ,through intercepted data looking for important/useful information. Under the
  28. Were laid out for particular ethnic groups as part of the state's strategy to, sift ,black Africans into groupings that would later form the building blocks of the
  29. Up. We would just stockpile these fragments, and then some time later we would, sift ,through the mountain of stuff, and that's what became Black Gives Way to Blue.
  30. American Folk Song of the Library of Congress. Seeger's job was to help Lorax, sift ,through commercial" race" and" hillbilly" music and select recordings that
  31. A general clerk. By using standardized codes, high speed computers can, sift ,and sort through large databases to produce summary reports. It also provides
  32. Gandhi, he joked to Malabar that Gandhi would" ask you if you know how to, sift ,pebbles from wheat. And that is supposed to bring independence. " But Patel was
  33. Is a type of sieve typically used to separate a solid from a liquid. The word ", sift ," derives from sieve. Sieving is a simple and convenient technique of
  34. Extensive use is made of the Internet to publish key information. Users can, sift ,through vast databases to learn about a wide variety of topics. A user can
  35. Rocks, which would save much time for scientists, as they would not have to, sift ,through hundreds of images to find the one they want, or examine the
  36. Immediately. The term comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sift ,or select. Two types of triage exist: simple and advanced. Triage may result in
  37. Which scholars were already using with Classical texts such as the Iliad to, sift ,variant traditions and arrive at the most authentic text. He began by
  38. Then the manuscript is placed in the slush pile, which publisher's readers, sift ,through to identify manuscripts of sufficient quality or revenue potential to
  39. A sluice is a rocker, a cradle-like piece of equipment that could be rocked to, sift ,sands through screens, which was introduced by Chinese miners in British
  40. Folk legend Woody Guthrie. Brooke was invited by Guthrie's daughter Nora to, sift ,through the private archives and hunt through Guthrie's unreleased material
  41. ON. Too has a pl. sitar meaning cognatic, sifi amicus (OH. Sippio, sippo), sift , genus,cognatic. By this sense of the word, Sif would appear to be, like Frigga
  42. Manually search through all of it. So automated Internet surveillance computers, sift ,through the vast amount of intercepted Internet traffic and identify and report
  43. It has been used for many years by businesses, scientists and governments to, sift ,through volumes of data such as airline passenger trip records, census data and
  44. Are the foundations for supra-logical hypothesizing. Men tats are able to, sift ,large volumes of data and devise concise analyses in a process that goes far
  45. Of various newspapers. Fort frequented the parks near the Bronx where he would, sift ,through piles of his clippings. He would often ride the subway down to the main
  46. C m, int lo, int hi) private static extends Comparable > void, sift ,(C m, int shift, int head) private static extends Comparable
  47. The six prion species have bills filled with patellae which act as filters to, sift ,zooplankton from the water. Water is forced through the patellae and small prey
  48. A, start,end) is input: start represents the limit of how far up the heap to, sift , End is the node to sift up. Child: = end while child > start parent: = floor (
  49. Work of Gnostic's. During the last three centuries attempts have been made to, sift ,away successively those gems which had no claim to be considered in any sense
  50. Poor, and Camp later recalled stories of his mother going out in the night to, sift ,through ash barrels for reusable bits of coal. Camp lost his left leg in a

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