Examples of the the word, nsf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nsf ), is the 11932 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. So that it now occurs at field level. A database is a Notes Storage Facility (., nsf , ) file, containing basic units of storage known as a" note ". Every note has a
  2. Com net mil org gov int | | | | | | google, nsf , army Wikipedia Whitehorse for / | \ en BS SV | database (imaginary)* Flicker is
  3. Gas, at present the amounts are too small to have any effect. Name ", nsf , ./JJ"> gov-pressrelease"/> The amount of crude oil in the largest of the structures
  4. It works for any data in any application that uses Notes Storage Facility (., nsf , ) files, which are the standard container for data in the Notes architecture
  5. JPG|Chinstrap Penguin Pygostyles Antarctica Image: Gentoo penguin, nsf , cropped. JPG|Gentoo Penguin Pygostyles papa Image: Adélie penguin.
  6. Store their configuration in their own databases / application files (*., nsf , ). No relevant configuration settings are saved in the Windows Registry if the
  7. And for performing anomaly detection. Name" Garfunkel" /> name ", nsf ," />; Live analysis: The examination of computers from within the operating
  8. Catbird Press Paperback, ISBN 0-945774-25-7 * Short story collection, Mystery (, nsf , ) Translated by Norma Comrade June 1994,Catbird Press Paperback ISBN
  9. Cytoplasms (and its associated gene) Computing * NEW Sound Format (., nsf , ),an audio file format for the Nintendo Entertainment System * Notes Storage
  10. And works before 2007 can be found at http://www. nsf .gov/od/opp/aawr.jsp, nsf , Gov. *Werner Herzog, filmmaker,Encounters at the End of the World *Kim
  11. File format for the Nintendo Entertainment System * Notes Storage Format (., nsf , ),the file type for IBM Lotus Notes databases Entertainment * National

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