Examples of the the word, novelty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( novelty ), is the 9242 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rate of animals with albinism in the wild is usually quite low. However, the, novelty ,of albino animals has occasionally led to their protection by groups such as
  2. Doctrines as nominalism, conceptual realism, idealism and phenomenalism. The, novelty ,of Dummett's approach consisted in seeing these disputes as analogous to the
  3. Of stock to pay their expenses while having no source of income at all. The, novelty ,of these stocks, combined with the difficulty of valuing the companies, sent
  4. Of his age, and he bridged genres — rock, jazz,classical, avant-garde and even, novelty ,music — with masterful ease ". He received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement
  5. By John Perry Barlow) failed to materialize, and the word lost some of its, novelty ,appeal, it remains current as of 2006. Some virtual communities explicitly
  6. The merchandising, whether it was films like A Hard Day's Night or, novelty ,goods were possibly the first aimed at a certain demographic on a large scale
  7. A product that was useless as a sealant, but pliable and semi-elastic. This, novelty ,product was demonstrated by Rally Bond ite management to visiting executives
  8. Artistic visionary:" The painters then in Rome were greatly taken by this, novelty , and the young ones particularly gathered around him, praised him as the unique
  9. Was, a mathematician, said of this testament," This letter, if judged by the, novelty ,and profundity of ideas it contains, is perhaps the most substantial piece of
  10. Of insect pollination was well established before bees first appeared. The, novelty ,is that bees are specialized as pollination agents, with behavioral and
  11. Century to the present day. Motion pictures developed gradually from a carnival, novelty ,to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass
  12. Alexandria. Diocletian found much to be offended by in Manichean religion: its, novelty , its alien origins, the way it corrupted the morals of the Roman race, and its
  13. Promoters eventually ran out of plausible opponents for him and, as the, novelty ,of his size wore off, the gate receipts dwindled. McMahon suggested several
  14. Abstracts is a common way to find relevant prior art document to question to, novelty ,or inventive step (or non-obviousness in the United States patent law) of an
  15. 1960s' " Dalmatia" fad. Dalek's voices were sampled and recreated in the 1988, novelty , single " Doctoring' the Tardis" by The Time lords (who later performed as The
  16. With respect to attention, orientiation to auditory and visual stimuli, novelty ,detection, language and face processing, and information storage; several
  17. Accounting for Alaska's extremely well-developed bush air services—an Alaskan, novelty , Anchorage itself, and to a lesser extent Fairbanks, are served by many majors
  18. Printed in the Mercury de France in May 1734. The critic implied that the, novelty ,in this opera was" Du baroque ", complaining that the music lacked coherent
  19. Night, even if DJs change in the middle. Beat matching is no longer considered a, novelty , and new digital mixers have made the technique much easier to master.
  20. To 1906 The first eleven years of motion pictures show the cinema moving from a, novelty ,to an established large-scale entertainment industry. The films represent a
  21. Characteristics but were able to sell their ideas to investors because of the, novelty ,of the dot-com concept. A canonical" dot-com" company's business model
  22. Made. As human culture advanced, different populations of humans introduced, novelty ,to existing technologies: artifacts such as fishhooks, buttons and bone
  23. School. The rising of the doctor of philosophy to its present level is a modern, novelty , At its origins, a doctorate was simply a qualification for a guild—that of
  24. Powers. With electricity ceasing to be a, novelty ,and becoming a necessity of everyday life in the later half of the 20th century
  25. Zappa from his few singles successes now thought of him as a person writing ", novelty ,songs ", even though the rest of the album contained highly challenging music.
  26. Remarking laconically" I hate when that happens" ); Herb Milkman, a shady, novelty ,toy maker with a brother named Al (played by Crystal); Rajeev Vandalism, an
  27. Musicians and composers adapted a number of acoustic instruments to exploit the, novelty ,of electricity. Thus, in the broadest sense, the first electrified musical
  28. Mechanisms, on the other hand, are proposed to deal with evolutionary, novelty , EP has roots in cognitive psychology and evolutionary biology but also draws
  29. Three in the UK singles chart. Entering the same chart in September,Bowie's, novelty ,record from 1967," The Laughing Gnome ", would reach number four. Pin Ups, a
  30. American actress (d. 1967) *1934 – Mickie Goodman, American producer of, novelty ,songs (d. 1989) *1935 – Dudley Moore, English actor, comedian and composer (
  31. As an admiralty anchor, albeit with small diamond shaped flukes or palms. The, novelty ,of the design lay in the means by which it could be broken down into three
  32. Even dead toads have value. Cane toad skin has been made into leather and, novelty ,items; stuffed cane toads, posed and accessorized, have found a home in the
  33. Had ruled art for almost a century, no longer seemed adequate. Caravaggio's, novelty ,was a radical naturalism that combined close physical observation with a
  34. Of the lane, and Somerset's heavy cavalry still pressing them from behind. The, novelty ,of fighting armored foes impressed the British cavalrymen, as was recorded by
  35. What'd I Say ", Ray Charles)? The 12-bar blues structure can be found even in, novelty ,pop songs, such as Bob Dylan's" Obviously Five Believers" and Esther and Abi
  36. Late years of the Atari ST Omicron. Basic was bundled with it in Germany. Even, novelty ,tools such as STUCK were available. Games The ST enjoyed success in gaming due
  37. Sperm life. Some condom-like devices are intended for entertainment only, such, novelty , condoms may not provide protection against pregnancy and STDs. Effectiveness In
  38. Cinematograph was perceived as an attraction for upper class audiences, but the, novelty ,of moving pictures did not last long. Soon, trivial short films were being
  39. On the show. Music The first known musical reference to Dales is the 1964, novelty , single " I'm Going to Spend My Christmas With A Dale" by The Go-Go's, released
  40. Morphology is similar to other insects, although there are several examples of, novelty , Such examples include species of water beetle who use air bubbles in order to
  41. He created the device named after him. It is still manufactured and sold as a, novelty ,item. General description The radiometer is made from a glass bulb from which
  42. Bio-process engineering, biosystem engineering and so on. Because of the, novelty ,of the field, the definition of a bioengineer is still undefined. However, in
  43. Or 'print '. History Pre-1900 Early film (pre-1900) was dominated by the, novelty ,of showing an event. They were single-shot moments captured on film: a train
  44. Several other lesser-known and historical forms of archery, as well as archery, novelty ,games. Hugo Altar Henrik Alto (February 3,1898,Korean – May 11, 1976
  45. A few solo recordings following the show's success, including Ryan's 1966, novelty , single," Granny's Miniskirt. " The series generally featured no country music
  46. Their then-revolutionary 46 defense and a cast of characters that recorded the, novelty ,rap song" The Super Bowl Shuffle ". The season was notable in that the Bears
  47. With the measurement itself. Radiometers are now commonly sold worldwide as a, novelty ,ornament; needing no batteries, but only light to get the vanes to turn. They
  48. Fabric and yarn. Today, embroidery thread is manufactured in cotton, rayon,and, novelty ,yarns as well as in traditional wool, linen,and silk. Ribbon embroidery uses
  49. To a pair of ten-sided dice, it is rarely seen and is generally more of a, novelty ,item. Standard variations Dice are often sold in sets, matching in color, of
  50. Of electrical microphones in 1925 transformed the gramophone from a, novelty ,into a realistic medium for reproducing orchestral and choral music. These were

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