Examples of the the word, thwart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thwart ), is the 9248 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally in recognition of its efforts to, thwart ,international terrorism. On January 1,2006,a comprehensive bilateral free
  2. Way to acquire wealth is to" earn it square ", and he goes to great lengths to, thwart ,those (sometimes even his own nephews) who gain money dishonestly. This code
  3. Groups, spies on citizens, and conspires with lobbyists and politicians to, thwart ,democracy. " Instances with the use of front groups as a public relation
  4. Last year of the war, although Borman used his privileged access to Hitler to, thwart ,them when he could. In this Borman was very successful, as the Party
  5. And some in Swiss-German areas more pro-Axis. The government attempted to, thwart ,the activities of any individual, party,or faction in Switzerland that acted
  6. Was believed that destruction of enemy agriculture on a strategic scale could, thwart ,Sino-Soviet aggression in a general war. Diseases such as wheat blast and rice
  7. Functions convert one file to have the statistical profile of another. This can, thwart ,statistical methods that help brute-force attacks identify the right solution
  8. Their desperate comrades who stayed behind up in the hill, shooting arrows to, thwart ,the raiders, but to little effects. So they suffered defeat in the Battle of
  9. The White and Red Queens who relentlessly confound Alice by using word play to, thwart ,her attempts at logical discussion. They then invite one another to a party
  10. A careful sniping strategy can use a few individuals and resources to, thwart ,the movement or other progress of a much better equipped or larger force.
  11. Remainder theorem optimization used by many RSA implementations. One way to, thwart ,these attacks is to ensure that the decryption operation takes a constant
  12. Demiurge, varied. The Often held that he and his demons constantly oppose and, thwart ,the human race, as it was on their account the devil was cast down into this
  13. After her fiancé left her. When she is rediscovered by her fans, Largo helps, thwart ,a fanboy horde, but not well enough to escape being dismissed by the TPCD for
  14. Non-epic) story concerning the hero's quest for revenge and his efforts to, thwart ,a single megalomaniac—while saving a beautiful princess in the process. Some
  15. France and the U. S. in response to terrorist concerns. ** The Spanish police, thwart ,an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p. m. on Christmas
  16. Still hunts for treasure in Duck tales, many episodes focus on him attempting to, thwart ,villains. He remains, however,just as tightfisted with money as he has always
  17. The United States. In 1873,Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald, anxious to, thwart ,American expansionism and facing the distraction of the Pacific Scandal
  18. Aubrey Hawkins is murdered during the robbery. *2003 – The Spanish police, thwart ,an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p. m. inside Madrid
  19. Canadians near Lexington and Hinesville have organized protest groups to, thwart ,attempts to bring wind turbines to the lake; reasons against the turbines
  20. Republic closes the border between the eastern and western sectors of Berlin to, thwart ,its inhabitants' attempts to escape to the West. *1962 – Representatives from
  21. Become the seventh and final member. Build-up to Easter Week In an effort to, thwart ,informers and, indeed,the Volunteers' own leadership, Pearse issued orders in
  22. Walks' daughters, who treat him with kindness and courtesy, so he tries to, thwart ,the grifters' plans by stealing back the inheritance money. However, when he
  23. Deed. Later, he is allowed to briefly return to the world of the living to help, thwart ,a vicious killer who has escaped from the underworld. He and Lena spend a night
  24. And threatened Hitler with war in the event of a German invasion of Austria to, thwart ,the putsch. The assassination of Doll fuss was accompanied by uprisings in many
  25. And partly due to behind-the-scenes maneuverings by Shiner Yeshiva to, thwart ,attempts to cast him as a European-style monarch. While Emperor Show was
  26. God is almighty (not omnipotent) because there is no other entity that can, thwart ,Him in whatever he decides to do. Therefore, the proper questions relative to
  27. One censored CIA memo suggested that Robeson's appearance could be used to, thwart ,the desegregation of a swimming pool. In 1960,Robeson made his only appearance
  28. Spain followed in the War of the Quadruple Alliance, in which the Navy helped, thwart ,a Spanish attempt to regain Sicily and Sardinia from Austria and Savoy
  29. Of King Amongst, who needed a European trained military force in order to, thwart ,any western threat and any attempts at colonization. By 1887 during the next
  30. With Mac heath. This does not suit Pea chum at all, and he becomes determined to, thwart ,this relationship and destroy Mac heath. The scene shifts to an empty stable
  31. Of a fourth-quarter injury to Montana and converted a faked punt attempt to, thwart ,the 49ers attempt at a" three-peat. " The Giants kicked a last-second field
  32. Superman, either to determine who is faster or as part of a mutual effort to, thwart ,some type of threat; these races, however,often resulted in ties because of
  33. Saying that Odysseus has blinded him. This enrages Poseidon, causing the god to, thwart ,Odysseus' homecoming for a very long time. Structure The Odyssey opens in
  34. The Watergate burglaries soon after they took place, and had approved plans to, thwart ,the investigation. In a statement accompanying the release of the" Smoking Gun
  35. And France, air marshals have also been added to some flights to deter and, thwart ,hijackers. Airport security plays a major role in preventing hijackers.
  36. Lawsuits Intel has often been accused by competitors of using legal claims to, thwart ,competition. Intel claims that it is defending its intellectual property. Intel
  37. Now receive extensive anti-hijacking and self-defense training designed to, thwart ,a hijacking. Informing air traffic control To communicate to air traffic
  38. History armies have used skirmishers to break up enemy formations and to, thwart ,the enemy from flanking the main body of their attack force. In general, a
  39. It became a British protectorate by the request of Queen Make Take, mainly to, thwart ,French expansionism. Then later were transferred to New Zealand in 1901. They
  40. Backs across the line of scrimmage in an attempt to tackle the quarterback or, thwart ,his ability to pass – the quarterback may want to change the play. To do this
  41. Condemned it. Because the Non-Aligned Movement was formed as an attempt to, thwart ,the Cold War, it has struggled to find relevance since the Cold War ended.
  42. As one will; love when, where and with whom one will; and kill those who would, thwart ,these rights. Duty is described as" A note on the chief rules of practical
  43. A major effects assignment, and Book man does everything in his power to, thwart ,Little. The feature film is also filled with subliminal messages, many hidden
  44. An unsuccessful coup against the government of SIAD Barre; security forces, thwart ,the attempt within hours, and several conspirators are arrested. * April 10 –
  45. King and his court in Pa via. On the foreign affairs side, Authari managed to, thwart ,the dangerous alliance between the Byzantines and the Franks. Author died in
  46. A crisis in the regime. Goebbels was forced to ally himself with Göring to, thwart ,a bid for power by Borman, head of the Nazi Party Chancellery and Secretary to
  47. Transitioning to majority black by the 1970s. In 1961,the city attempted to, thwart ,blockbusting by erecting road barriers in Cascade Heights, countering the
  48. Antivirus software consists of computer programs that attempt to identify, thwart ,and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software (malware). *
  49. Of outing as a controversial political campaign or tactic. In an attempt to, thwart ,or pre-empt being outed, LGBT public figures may decide to come out publicly
  50. It seems to be that the tired rower moves aside for the rested rower on the, thwart ,when he relieves him. At the same time, vika is the same word as a week 'seven

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