Examples of the the word, pathetic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pathetic ), is the 9258 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Moral level of his works as compared with those of the latter so called ", pathetic ," school. Demetrius calls his statues sublime, and at the same time precise. Of
  2. The past. In the second canto, he turns to Dante and asks from him pity for the, pathetic ,state of his fatherland. In the great anti which follow (forty-one, including
  3. To sell the trigger and most of the handle of his gun to feed his family. This, pathetic ,sight prompts Homer to help him get his job back. Once in a while, Wiggum will
  4. Harvest photograph does in fact exist. It shows Rowan standing amidst a meager, pathetic ,group of boxes, indicating that last year's harvest was a poor one and that
  5. Max Erich) — Snow power and Tommy's co-worker. Key is cast as kind of, pathetic ,little guy. He's not quite a dork or a geek but definitely would not be
  6. Who wants to be Muddy Waters-- and there were a lot of us-- in a way, very, pathetic , but in another way, very ... heartwarming ". Early songwriting Despite The
  7. Construction, but a quality situated in events (" nature itself is wistful and, pathetic , turbulent and passionate" ( Experience and Nature). James also stated that
  8. Had no scholarship system or carrier obverse aux talents. This is stated as, pathetic , but the reader is put into a mood in which one would not try to alter it. ...
  9. In" Doppelgangland ", Willow (posing as Vampire Willow) says" It's, pathetic , She lets everyone walk all over her and gets cranky at her friends for no
  10. Haggard Aeolus? *lines 9.27-46 – Aeolus: The life of serving the needs of, pathetic ,rich men is not paying off. *lines 9.46-47 – Near: But you used to think you
  11. Of Harlan acting like a baby ". Patrick Nielsen Hayden described this as ", pathetic ,and nasty and sad and most of us didn't want to watch it ". Ellison responded
  12. Language. Many of these poems displayed what John Ruskin referred to as the ", pathetic ,fallacy, which is the tendency to ascribe human emotions to animals and even
  13. Within the accepted narrative of music history. Similarly, Gould notes the ", pathetic ,duplicity" in the reception of high-quality forgeries by Hans van Aegean of
  14. Once a brand name above nearly all others in comedy, has become shorthand for, pathetic ,frat boy humor. " The first of the" National Lampoon" movies was a not very
  15. Character to be the owner of Barney's Bowl-A-Rama. However, after making him ", pathetic ,", they could not regard him as a business owner any longer, and it was
  16. inside her, even after having been demonized by Crosby, describing " a, pathetic ,hint of frailty in a wonderful glowing man. That appeals a lot to us. It did to
  17. Gradually losing his nobler qualities. By the end of the series he is a, pathetic ,figure, reduced to stealing his son's blood to preserve his immortality. * Sir
  18. Greening claimed that he feared viewers would" see it as nothing but a, pathetic ,attempt to advertise The Critic at the expense of The Simpsons," and was
  19. weren't gray at all - but they were red, brown and purple and gold. And those, pathetic ,little patches of sludgy snow were shining white. Shining white in the sunlight
  20. However, that " He is, therefore,with all his variety of excellence, not often, pathetic ,; and had so little sensibility of the power of effusions purely natural, that
  21. Hero, count as good; while bad is associated with the poor, weak,sick, and, pathetic , the sort of traits conventionally associated with slaves in ancient times.
  22. Ventures. Since many of the motet texts of the 1589 and 1591 sets are, pathetic ,in tone, it is not surprising that many of them continue and develop the
  23. Used to tell me their stories, dreadful stories some of them, and all of them, pathetic ,with that patient and uncomplaining pathos of poverty. " Her observations of
  24. Duck (1884) on Strindberg because he felt that Ibsen viewed him as a weak and, pathetic ,husband; he reworked the situation of Ibsen's play into a warfare between the
  25. About a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a lonely, pathetic , delusional man who talks to his pets. Consider that Jon, according to Garfield
  26. The authors claim Burton's" occasional triumphs only serve to highlight the, pathetic ,waste in most of his films; for every Equus in which he appears there are at
  27. Of Jean Richepin's novel Nice People (Braves Gens 1886) turned him into a, pathetic ,and alcoholic" phantom "; Paul Verlaine imagined him as a gormandizing naïf in
  28. Of a dialogue between the narrator and Aeolus – the disgruntled client of a, pathetic ,patron. *lines 9.1-26 – Narrator: Why do you look so haggard Aeolus? *lines
  29. Over *, in which words similar in sound but with different meanings are used *, pathetic ,fallacy: Using a word that refers to a human action on something non-human *
  30. So hard to create. I made you a star, I made you glamorous, and you look so, pathetic ,in this gray dress and straight hair and no makeup, you look just pitiful, I
  31. They claim to be helping them. Voltaire depicts the worst of the world and his, pathetic ,hero's desperate effort to fit it into an optimistic outlook. Almost all of
  32. Referred to them) are swindled by confidence men like the (deliberately), pathetic ," Duke" and" Dauphin" roustabouts with whom Huck and Jim travel down the
  33. Of brass and marble so often erected by Roman vanity. The tale is moral and, pathetic , but the truth of it may very fairly be called in question. The letters still
  34. Of Silence, his first poem in English, but was apparently seen as a somewhat, pathetic ,irrelevant figure by other artists at the camp. " I am now the last artist
  35. Water),Intelligence (Air) and Endurance (Earth). Scores range from 1 (, pathetic ,) to 3 (average) to 10 (godlike),so a generic hero would have scores of 5.
  36. Have gone further in presenting Lear as (in the words of R. A. Fakes) " a, pathetic ,senior citizen trapped in a violent and hostile environment ". When John Wood
  37. Seven years old. It makes it harder for her when she gets Louis Walsh's rather, pathetic ,jibes – one of which is she hasn't had a hit record and that's just not true.
  38. Against those who dislike Titanic, but those few who make you feel small and, pathetic ,for doing so (and they do exist, trust me) are way beyond my understanding
  39. Harsh and relentless and only briefly compassionate in its revelation of man's, pathetic ,shortcomings. But it is one of the most honest pictures ever placed upon the
  40. The main purpose of a funeral mute was to stand around at funerals with a sad, pathetic ,face. A symbolic protector of the deceased, the mute would usually stand near
  41. Of early 20th-century prose. For example, it employs literary devices, such as, pathetic ,fallacy (attribution of human-like traits to impersonal forces or inanimate
  42. With her devoted lover and receiving baptism from his hands at the time of her, pathetic ,death; Herminia seeks refuge in the shepherds' hut. These lovely pagan women
  43. German has called Byrd's 'affective-imitative' style, a method of setting, pathetic ,texts in extended paragraphs based on subjects employing curving lines in fluid
  44. I do now; youth is fleeting. *lines 9.130-134 – Near: You will never lack a, pathetic ,patron, don’t worry. *lines 9.134-150 – Nae: But I want so little. Fortuna must
  45. That his" ... legal training was deficient, and his knowledge of economics was, pathetic , " Thanks to the great intellectual migration away from Europe's fascism
  46. His brief bit as the Jewish victim, and Gloria Grahame is believably brazen and, pathetic ,as a girl of the streets. " Critic Dennis Schwartz questioned the noir aspects
  47. Kelly later confided to Edda Hopper," It wasn't pleasant. We worked at a, pathetic ,village – miserable huts and dirty. Part of the crew got shipwrecked ... It was
  48. Reinvented aspects of the castle and its history to tell the story of" the, pathetic , beautiful, undisciplined heroine Amy Robs art and the steely Elizabeth I ".
  49. Bullmoose's corrupt interests were often pitted against those of the, pathetic ,Lower Slobbovians in a classic mismatch of" haves" versus" have-nots. " This
  50. Always portray future societies in which governments have become wimpy and, pathetic ,... Popular science fiction tales by Gibson, Williams,Cardigan and others do

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