Examples of the the word, happening , in a Sentence Context

The word ( happening ), is the 9255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sustained by the body of the Church. " There are six recorded instances of this, happening ,in the LDS church: *April 6,1830 - When the church was organized, the Bible
  2. By using a jazz style in the music, Weill immediately associates the action as, happening ,in America. In addition to making a relatively exotic sound, Weill manages to
  3. Of Polish sausage, and often featured Todd getting so agitated about what was, happening ,with the Bears that he suffered a heart attack, but quickly recovered (through
  4. An incident that happened at another conference at Pose a year later, as, happening , in 1943. In 2005,British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported that documents
  5. With them a daily newspaper called Atoll which contained news of what was, happening ,in the outside world. Run by airmen in their off-duty hours, it achieved fame
  6. To curb greenhouse gases while simultaneously stating that" Global warming is, happening , It's a serious and important problem ... ". He argues that" ... the cost and
  7. Of any plan, and the fog of war hinders commanders from knowing what is, happening , It is precisely in the context of this challenge that he develops the concept
  8. Cannot be explained by nuclear fusion but by other non-fusion nuclear reactions, happening ,at lower energies, like for instance proton capture with subsequent beta decay
  9. Of a palladium (Pd) electrode. The media reported that nuclear fusion was, happening ,inside the electrolysis cells, Hopes fell with the big number of negative
  10. Made on purpose by political prisoners to make a signal about what was actually, happening ,behind the gates of Auschwitz. The slogan can also be seen at the Dachau
  11. B concourse. This move was to occur weeks after the attacks, but did not end up, happening ,until early 2006. Security camera video On May 16, 2006,the Department of
  12. To see the latest draft of this revision, or to see what other works is, happening ,with the COBOL Standard, see http://www.cobolstandards.com the COBOL Standards
  13. Appearing after statements that they affect, with the actual translation, happening ,during a subsequent pass. The disadvantage of compiling in a single pass is
  14. Believed that the creatures and events she saw in Species were actually, happening ,in reality in Puerto Rico at the time,” and therefore concludes that“ The
  15. Comedies, which usually involve two guys on an adventure with random things, happening ,to them along the way. Big movies of this sub-genre would be Dude,Where's My
  16. Stephen Fry reiterated at the end of Black adder Rides Again, the chances of it, happening ,are extremely slim. There were a couple of ideas that had previously floated
  17. What is happening sometimes lacks similarity of structure with what is actually, happening , He stressed training in awareness of abstracting, using techniques that he had
  18. To Revelation: Usually idealist and millennial. Revelation describes what is, happening ,throughout the Christian era, from Pentecost to the second coming. This view
  19. Xprw or HPR (w) is variously translated as" form "," transformation ",", happening ,"," mode of being" or" what has come into being ", depending on the context.
  20. N't recite it to me, because,you know, very strange and terrible things are, happening ,now: they've begun to pick people up. I'm afraid the walls have ears and
  21. Disseminated or life-threatening infection. The documented incidence of this, happening ,is less than 1 per million immunizations given. In 2007,The WHO stopped
  22. Makes the city itself more powerful in the sense that it can influence what is, happening ,around the world. Following this view of cities, it is possible to rank the
  23. Puppies that will develop Marconi syndrome. To minimize the chances of this, happening ,it is recommended carriers be bred only to those that test as Probably
  24. To draw him a bath in the long-abandoned house of Erroneous. But while this is, happening , Erroneous returns home, finally having given up the search for his long-lost
  25. It is believed that this gives the practitioner a good indication of what is, happening ,inside the body. Classically, in clinical practice, acupuncture is highly
  26. Three in Hebrew is 'sales ', but in Aramaic). Dental/sibilant shifts are still, happening ,in the modern dialects. # New phonetic inventory – Modern dialects have
  27. Song the main singer can change the music's lyrics, telling something that's, happening ,in or outside the Road. Styles of Capoeira Determining styles in capoeira is a
  28. In his home village of Bazaar in the Panther Valley. The funeral, although, happening , in a rather rural area, was attended by hundreds of thousands of people. (
  29. And has not replaced them with new models. The demise of CRT, however,has been, happening ,more slowly in the developing world. According to supply, production in units
  30. Were abuses by the contrast. How can we get people in the U. S. to see what's, happening ,here when so many of the groups who come down are pro-Sandinista? " This was
  31. They will believe they have capacity for alcohol. Physiological changes are, happening ,with the increase tolerance, this will not be noticeable to the drinker or
  32. Was organized with the aim to send out as much information about what was, happening ,in Auschwitz as possible. They buried notes in the ground in the hope a
  33. End of the samurai era, with the last major fighting in which armor was used, happening ,in 1868. Though the age of the knight was over, armour continued to be used in
  34. Negative energy states available. To prevent this physical situation from, happening , Dirac proposed that a" sea" of negative-energy electrons fills the universe
  35. Making them difficult to suck up through a straw and chew. To prevent this from, happening , these slushies must be consumed more quickly than bubble tea. Occasionally
  36. To as being" like a bear" when they are stubborn or not sensitive to what is, happening ,around their surroundings. Used as a phrase to call a person" stubborn bear. "
  37. Us as to the" facts" with which we must deal. Our understanding of what is, happening ,sometimes lacks similarity of structure with what is actually happening . He
  38. COPPeR operates a website called Parader where organizations can post events, happening ,around the city to boost community involvement and cultural awareness. Sports
  39. War protest era. The turmoil that Americans were watching on their TV sets was, happening ,live—right in his own neighborhood. Campus radicals and“ hippies” inevitably
  40. According to this interpretation, events taking place on the internet are not, happening ,in the locations where participants or servers are physically located, but " in
  41. Angle shot. Split-screen techniques have been used to show two separate events, happening ,simultaneously. To emphasize the dramatic impact of a certain scene De Palma
  42. Some examples:" What is this? " Is" Copy to JE? " And" What's, happening , " Is" Copy? " Instead of" Co JE to? / Co see stall? " Or" Why? " Is" Prop
  43. Before the Confederate government realized what was, happening , Lincoln had seized firm control of Maryland and the District of Columbia, by
  44. Ashamed, Xavier tries to explain to them that by the time he realized what was, happening , he could see no other course. The disgusted X-Men leave. House of M Magneto's
  45. Death in 1977,though biographer Deirdre Bear alleges that Guilder knew what was, happening ,while NIN was in California, but consciously" chose not to know ". Though the
  46. A. Being able to do this is an advantage, and being able to prevent it from, happening ,is also an advantage; consequently, Common Lisp supports both lexical and
  47. To shake up people's preconceived notions and make them think about what is, happening ,on stage, or to emotionally distance the audience from the action thus making
  48. That the problems that plagued the original cold fusion announcement are still, happening ,(as of 2009): results from studies are still not being independently verified
  49. On exploring the dramatic unities proposed by Aristotle: a concentrated action, happening ,in one place, within the span of a single day. Several of Tarkovsky's films
  50. End of the tube, the glass of the tube itself began to glow. What was, happening ,was that as more air was pumped from the tubes, the electrons could travel

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