Examples of the the word, claire , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Visage aux migrants dahlias.: Elle route AU loin LES breves mosques: Newt, claire , aux seizures d'accords, : Et la lassitude a Berle son corps: Au rhythm odor ant
  2. Atomic style" ). Contemporary use of the line, claire , is often ironic. For example, van den Board used the simple, clear style to
  3. Include Herge's The Adventures of Tintin (in his" personal trademark" Line, claire , style ), Will Eisner's Spirit and SAMU Tezuka's Buddha, among many others.
  4. Popular. Although not in its earlier form, the strip adapted to the Line, claire , style pioneered by Here, a change taking place when the strip became
  5. Cigarettes made by Lollard Tobacco Company *"Max ", pen name of Catalan line, claire , cartoonist Frances Capella Gilbert The Fizeau–Foucault apparatus (1850) (
  6. 1930s. It was only after World War II that his drawing style evolved into line, claire , For Here, the style was not limited to the drawings but extended to the story
  7. Has proven influential. Contributors to the Tintin magazine have employed line, claire , and more recently, Jacques Tardy, Yves Zealand, Jason Little, Phil Elliott
  8. If the pictures of Tintin’s creator were characterized by the use of line, claire , flat colors and a certain staticism, Franquin’s graphic approach progressively
  9. Is a Dutch comic artist and graphic designer. He is best known for his line, claire , or clear line style of drawing, and in fact coined the term. Comic series and
  10. 1980) Recherché de Proust, Editions du Stool: Paris. * (1980) La chamber, claire , : note SUR la photographic. - Paris: Cashiers Du cinema: Hallmark: Le Stool
  11. Feel produced by meticulous and wide-ranging research, and Hergé's line, claire , drawing style. Adult readers enjoy the many satirical references to the history
  12. Were redrawn and colorized in order to fit in with Hergé's developed line, claire , style. Most of them followed the original plots with only minor changes to the
  13. Here have inspired many artists within comics. Most notably,Hergé's line, claire , style has proven influential. Contributors to the Tintin magazine have employed
  14. Semiologist Roland Barthes, in a Spanish edition of his book" La chamber, claire ,"," La camera Lucia" ( Paid, Barcelona,1989) shows a picture from 1822,"
  15. Together with Ted Benoit, Serge Clerk and FLoC'h, he relaunched the Line, claire , style (more accurately, his sub-genre the" futuristic" Atomic style) in
  16. Australian Bill Leak or Norwegian Jason are heavily influenced by the line, claire , of Here, while others like the Spanish Daniel Torres, Finnish Port and French
  17. Famous scenarist Jean Van Hammer provided the storylines while Line, claire , specialist draftman Ted Benoit (whose style resembles the later Jacobs's)
  18. 1606993828). Style His style can at times seem similar to Hergé's early line, claire , style (clear line),paired with meticulous research and typically featuring
  19. Not the medium). It is often cited in books in opposition to Hergé's line, claire , style. Though both styles have much in common, Marcinelle school is all about
  20. The styles of the two magazines were distinctly different, with the Line, claire , and the more serious, didactic tone of Tintin contrasting with the humorous
  21. Is usually drawn in a minimalist, clean style, influenced by Hergé's line, claire , His protagonists are usually anthropomorphic animals and/or B-movie monsters.
  22. His own work. He would later be considered one of the great five of the line, claire , style,along with Here, Edgar P. Jacobs, Bob de Moor and Willy Andersen. In
  23. Albert-Tessier. Filmography Features *On n'engrains pas LES cocoons à l'EAU, claire , ( 1973) Other Work *Launch Literacy of Canada: The Changing Workplace (
  24. Such as Frances Capella Gilbert ("" ) have also used it. Notable line, claire , books/series Here Others * Hector and Dexter (a. k. a. Cotton et Piston and
  25. School is all about conveying the impression of movement, while line, claire , tends to be more schematic. The artists most closely associated to the
  26. Australia) Singles - Billboard (North America) Awards Grammy Awards Line, claire , ( French for" clear line" ) is a style of drawing pioneered by Here, the
  27. River, happened upon the Eau Claire River, excitedly exclaiming" Voice l'EAU, claire , " (" Here is clear water! "),the city motto, which appears on the city seal
  28. Are some key themes of the series. The art is drawn in Line, claire , style. When depicting real-world settings, Leloup aspires to be as true to
  29. G. Kresge to the semi-realism of Jean Du lieu, to the more caricature" line, claire ," artists like Peter de Smet to the wild style of Han de Kort. There is no
  30. As an illustrator and designer. His most recent work, an example of the line, claire , comic form, is a mystery adventure, The Rainbow Orchid, and has received much
  31. Quirkyness of the early years was balanced with the more rigorous Line, claire , of Here. Many of these stories were loosely based on popular classics, ranging
  32. While working on his own albums. It was from Here that he learned of the line, claire , style and, under Hergé's guidance, began to use it in his own work. He would
  33. Completely even. It is also known as the Belgian clean line style or line, claire , The Adventures of Tintin is a good example of this. Other works in this style
  34. 1980s,Yves Zealand, Ted Benoit, Serge Clerk and FLoC'h relaunched the Line, claire , style in France. This incarnation was a very stylistic and artistic variation
  35. The prototype for many Belgian comics to come, in style (the so-called Line, claire , ),appearance rhythm (weekly),use of speech balloons (whereas comics from
  36. Knife, who wanted Susie and Wise for his publications rebuilt in the Line, claire , style. Andersen made the adaptation and Susie en Wise first appeared in
  37. New York Times, etc. * Joost Swartz, a Dutch comic artist known for his line, claire , or clear line style of drawing * Howard Taylor, pioneered web-cartooning as a
  38. From UC Berkeley and was inspired by the book of Roland Barthes La chamber, claire , 24h00 is playing with 24 epiphanies based on time and experiences. After
  39. Bloc de metal) :1 Wood block (bloc de boys) :1 Cymbal :1 Side drum (case, claire , ) :1 Tenor drum with snares (case roulette) :1 Tom-tom (Tambourine) :1
  40. The University of Richmond (1998–2007) Camera Lucia (in French, La Chamber, claire , ) is a short book published in 1980 by the French literary theorist and
  41. Has drawn etchings, white and black illustrations, work in color of the line, claire , genre,water colors. The artist's working methods were also various and
  42. Read the conclusion of his books. Guarding art style recalls the French line, claire , while his writing owes a lot to famous hard-boiled and spy story authors like
  43. Of many magazines like Famine, Maxim India, Prevention,GoodHousekeeping, Marie,Claire, and Cosmopolitan. She has also done many fashion features for magazines like
  44. Joue (play),but CA Sonny (it sounds); * not Seymour (drum),but case, claire , ( snare drum); * and not cavern (barracks),but quarter (neighborhood
  45. And Jacques Martin, many of whom also worked for Tintin magazine. The line, claire , style achieved its highest popularity in the 1950s,but its influence started
  46. Transmitted orally by the early French settlers. A popular French ballad, À la, claire , fontaine was adapted by the voyageurs and gave us the version that is known
  47. Threads, such as the theme of subterranean descent and the consistent Line, claire , drawing style. Bibliography # Le Rayon U (The U Ray),in 1943 # Le Secret de
  48. For these two characters Undergo even used Hergé's characteristic line, claire , style,which is quite different from his own style. This also references the
  49. Megawave,1990. ISBN 2-908910-00-4 *Bouchard, Benoit. An l'ombre de la line, claire , : Jacques Van Melkebeke, le clandestine de la B. D. Paris: Vertigo Graphic,2002.
  50. Created the Rampant series about the Dutch colonization of Indonesia. Line, claire , is not confined to Franco-Belgian comics. British artists such as Martin

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