Examples of the the word, dine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dine ), is the 9254 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brunswick. The band found it interesting that" Enid" spelled backwards is ", dine , " However, the song is not actually about her. The title of I Mother Earth's
  2. The best known is this (1905):: Sir Christopher Wren: Said," I am going to, dine ,with some men.: If anyone calls: Say I am designing St. Paul's. " Born in
  3. And Guildford in southern England. Spectators were allowed to see him, dine ,in public at Hampton Court Palace. An attempt on his life at Drug Lane Theatre
  4. First meeting, on Friday 13 January 1881 at 8:13 p. m.,13 people sat down to, dine ,in room 13 of the venue. The guests walked under a ladder to enter the room and
  5. That Wellington said so often that the army would march" at daybreak" and, dine ,on" cold meat ", that he began to dread those two phrases. While on campaign
  6. Felt by his loyal and long-suffering wife, Mary. Queen Elizabeth II came to, dine ,at 10 Downing Street to mark his resignation, an honor she has bestowed on
  7. Reach the hotel—I enter the same door—I am shown into the same parlor—I, dine ,at the same table—and no one is offended ... I find myself regarded and treated
  8. Following a scathing newspaper column by Addison, Margo and Bill reconcile, dine ,with the Richardses, and decide to marry. That same night at the restaurant
  9. Sets' of living and sleeping rooms. Members of the College can choose to, dine ,either in the Hall, where silver service three-course meals are served, or in
  10. To have a late supper" in most varieties, while the preferred word for" to, dine ," is actually January (related to archaic Spanish Yanmar" to eat" ) because
  11. To the question 'Who was the one person, dead or live, that you would choose to, dine ,with? '. He continued that" He's somebody I find a lot of inspiration in. He
  12. The last ones had not yet left Jacobs. All four estates were invited to, dine ,at the castle. Fountains at the marketplace splashed out wine, roast was
  13. In 1847 evicted 3,000 people, and according to John Disney were still able to, dine ,on lobster soup. After Clare, the worst area for evictions was County Mayo
  14. Don Giovanni! A cedar tech m'invitation – Don Giovanni! You invited me to, dine ,with you" ), the Commendatory offers a last chance to repent, but Giovanni
  15. His best known is this (1905):: Sir Christopher Wren: Said," I am going to, dine ,with some men.: If anyone calls: Say I am designing St. Paul's. " Form A
  16. Of the French forces after the latter died on October 29,invited Washington to, dine ,with him that evening. Over dinner, Washington presented Saint-Pierre with the
  17. Work hard on bad films deserve some respect. Murphy then invited Vonnegut to, dine ,with his group, which Vonnegut declined, claiming that he had other plans. When
  18. Becoming a missionary to British East Africa. For the rest of his life he would, dine ,out on the story of his finals. When he had arrived in Britain he had notified
  19. Source of jovial contention when eaters of different" traditions" of lutenist, dine ,together. Today, akvavit and beer often accompany the meal due to its use at
  20. British Empire .... The food and the ambience lured people from the clubs to, dine ,in public and give great parties there. It allowed ladies, hitherto fearful of
  21. Frágua, French forge *" to breakfast" > Old French dinner > French dine r" to, dine ," (but > Old French destine" he dine s" > French (IL) demesne" he eats
  22. Times, this was the most important room of the palace; here, the King would, dine ,in state seated at a table upon a raised dais. The hall took five years to
  23. The hub for all activities in Nassau. Thousands of people visit daily, to shop, dine , sightseer and to enjoy the tropical climate of the city. While the busiest part
  24. Various European courts. As a visiting Englishman he was once invited to, dine ,with the prince of Cont who was unaware of who he was. At dinner the prince
  25. Sergei Diaghilev, James Joyce, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Proust and Igor Stravinsky, dine ,together in Paris, at the Majestic hotel, their only joint meeting. * May 19 –
  26. So quickly. To show there are no hard feelings, he invites Sir Henry to, dine ,with him and his sister on Friday. The convict Sir Henry then becomes the
  27. The toy seller. The friends enter the Café Moms. As the men and Mimi, dine ,at the café, Musetta, formerly Marcello's sweetheart, arrives with her rich (
  28. It is said that he would not dine until the indigent were fed. When he did, dine ,he shared the family table, which he had saved (and which still exists),with
  29. Luxurious living, the council of Aachen, AD 817,decreed that the abbot should, dine ,in the refectory, and be content with the ordinary fare of the monks, unless he
  30. Here is an English translation, roughly preserving word order:: You will, dine ,well, my Fabulous, at my house: in a few, if the gods favor you, days,: and if
  31. Of my college classmates whom I had not seen for 25 years, and he invited me to, dine ,with him. I did not think I could refuse; but since Barbarous’s denunciation
  32. Was being plotted by the council of ministers, procured him an invitation to, dine ,at the Calais Royal, where he was openly and effusively received by the citizen
  33. The latest tenant being" The Signature Room on the 95th Floor. " While patrons, dine , they can look out at Chicago and Lake Michigan. John Hancock Center's
  34. Many proverbs adapted and used in advertising include: *" Live by the sauce, dine ,by the sauce" ( Buffalo Wild wings) *" At D & D Dogs, you can teach an old
  35. Son of the Kirby's, falls in love with Alice Sycamore and brings his parents to, dine ,at the Sycamore house on the wrong evening. The shock sustained by Mr. and Mrs.
  36. Extravagance of the tables of the abbots. When the abbot condescended to, dine ,in the refectory, his chaplains waited upon him with the dishes, a servant, if
  37. To store the kitchenware, there were a table and chairs, where the family would, dine , and sometimes—if space allowed—even a factual or a couch. Gas pipes were
  38. Were going through Georgia. When they became tired and hungry they stopped to, dine , They saw a Georgian shepherd and decided to ask him to feed them. First
  39. Of scrambling has changed several times in recent years. All 4,000 cadets, dine ,together at breakfast and lunch in the Washington Hall during the weekdays. The
  40. The Om Bar which attracts a number of the Bhutanese elite and expatriates who, dine ,and discuss their business ventures there. Other notable hotels in the area
  41. Usually took the same form: Wilde would meet the boy, offer him gifts, dine ,him privately and then take him to a hotel room. Unlike Wilde's idealized
  42. Spotless as the lamb. Ineffable liabilities are in me. I would sit down and, dine ,with you and all the gods in old Rome's Pantheon. It is a strange feeling—no
  43. This town along with KL Tower and Petronas Twin Towers at night. If you need to, dine ,and chill, this is highly recommended with friendly staff and great ambience.
  44. Darwin and Hermann von Helmholtz were entertained from time to time. They would, dine ,early on first Thursdays at a hotel, planning what to do; high on the agenda
  45. Body has a unique rank structure and lexicon. All cadets reside on campus and, dine ,together en masse on weekdays for breakfast and lunch. The academy fields
  46. Up his son Plops, boiled him, and served him as food when he was invited to, dine ,with the gods. He also stole the ambrosia from the Gods and told his people its
  47. And finished by six or earlier on Thursdays (when Hitchcock and his wife would, dine ,at Chasen's). Nearly the whole film was shot with 50 mm lenses on 35 mm
  48. A Swedish masculine name) is a popular bookcase, DINERA (meaning: (to), dine , ) for tableware, KASSETT (meaning: cassette) for media storage. One range of
  49. Mainly monks, every morning with prepared food. It is said that he would not, dine ,until the indigent were fed. When he did dine he shared the family table, which
  50. Pauli nus to have carried around 12,000 pounds of silver service on which to, dine ,on campaign against the Germans (a practice which would not have endeared him

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