Examples of the the word, influenza , in a Sentence Context

The word ( influenza ), is the 9253 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In areas including unexploded ordnance clearance and removal, health and avian, influenza , education, economic development, and governance. In December 2004,the George
  2. Environment, high pH to low pH etc.). For example, hemagglutinin in the, influenza ,virus is activated by a conformational change caused by the acidic conditions
  3. Tuberculosis) * Diseases with droplet transmission (e.g., mumps,rubella, influenza , pertussis) * Transmission by direct or indirect contact with dried skin (e.
  4. Typhoid fever: vector borne disease: malaria note: highly pathogenic H5N1 avian, influenza ,has been identified in this country; it poses a negligible risk with extremely
  5. Distressed him, and to compound his concerns Eugene caught a severe bout of, influenza ,that Christmas, marking the beginning of permanent bronchitis and acute
  6. Venture fund to address the dangers of pandemic diseases, such as H5N1 Avian, influenza ,and biological weapons. Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower
  7. Integrase and reverse transcriptase, or for viral release from cells, like the, influenza ,virus neuraminidase. An important function of enzymes is in the digestive
  8. To hang on to life, she died, aged just thirty. Over Christmas, Anne caught, influenza , Her symptoms intensified, and in early January, her father sent for a Leeds
  9. Liposomes are one example; they combine liposomes with an inactivated HIV or, influenza ,virus. This has been shown to have more efficient gene transfer in respiratory
  10. Aspirin should not be given to children or adolescents to control cold or, influenza ,symptoms, as this has been linked with Reye's syndrome. Although some enteric
  11. S. Slowed during WW I because of reduced immigration during the war, the 1918, influenza , pandemic and the war deaths. In 1921,the Congress passed the Emergency Quota
  12. Campylobacteriosis, mycobacteriosis (avian tuberculosis),avian, influenza ,(bird flu),guardians, and cryptosporidiosis over long distances. Some of
  13. Astrology has had an influence on both language and literature. For example, influenza , from medieval Latin influential 'influence ', was so named because doctors once
  14. Population plunged precipitously because native Hawaiians had no resistance to, influenza , smallpox, and measles, among others. During the 1850s,measles killed a fifth
  15. And other independent Protestant churches. Fear of transmission of diseases In, influenza ,epidemics, some churches suspend the giving of communion under the form of wine
  16. Of 150,000 Hawaiians are estimated to have died of measles, whooping cough and, influenza , Introduced diseases, notably smallpox, nearly wiped out the native population
  17. 1920s-1930s. About 37,000 men died, most of them in prisoner camps ravaged by, influenza ,and other diseases. Finland in the inter-war era After the civil war the
  18. Sciences are subjects of ongoing debate. Recent crises (such as avian, influenza , mad cow disease and issues such as the use of genetically modified organisms)
  19. Disease. A systemic disease is a disease that affects the entire body, such as, influenza ,or high blood pressure. Causes and transmissibility Only some diseases such as
  20. S father enlisted in the Canadian army. After a year of service he contracted, influenza ,and remained in Canada, away from the front. After Herbert's discharge from
  21. Further. Smallpox was only the first epidemic. Typhus (probably) in 1546, influenza , and smallpox together in 1558,smallpox again in 1589,diphtheria in 1614
  22. Suffered a mild stroke, although the media were told he was bedridden with, influenza , In the May election Diefenbaker defeated NDP candidate Stan Holder (who
  23. National emergencies, but the LPA also has upgraded skills to respond to avian, influenza ,outbreaks; there is no perceived external threat to the state and the LPA
  24. B, pertussis,diphtheria, measles,mumps, rubella,pneumococcus, varicella, influenza , Japanese encephalitis, and polio vaccines have all been implicated. In rare
  25. Suggest that interferon applied to mucosa may act as an adjuvant against, influenza ,virus, boosting the specific immune system response against the virus. A flu
  26. And later in Beirut. Weakened by alcoholism and frequent sickness, she died of, influenza ,in December 1957. In 1956,Philby began an affair with Eleanor Brewer, the wife
  27. Or high blood pressure. Causes and transmissibility Only some diseases such as, influenza ,are contagious and commonly believed to be infectious. The microorganisms that
  28. Causes and antecedent history Viral infections thought to induce ADAM include, influenza ,virus, enterovirus, measles,mumps, rubella,varicella zoster, Epstein Barr
  29. A number of diseases arrived, and potentially fatal ones, such as smallpox, influenza , and leprosy, killed large numbers of native speakers of Hawaiian. Meanwhile
  30. By nutritional status. Potentially lethal diseases, such as smallpox and, influenza , were so virulent that their spread was independent of nutrition. A significant
  31. Contaminated blankets to spread uncontrollably, and together with measles, influenza , chicken pox, and so on. Had been doing so since the arrival of Europeans and
  32. To tire easily. On his return to Oslo he was laid up for several months, with, influenza , and later phlebitis, and was visited on his sickbed by King Aaron. Death and
  33. The highest morbidity for infectious and parasitic diseases was noted among, influenza ,and acute respiratory infections (4168,2 per 100,000 population). The
  34. Fecal matter, such as E. coli, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, pneumonia,polio, and, influenza , Coprophagia also carries a risk of contracting intestinal parasites. Lewin (
  35. Great advantage, prompting an economic boom in Spain. The outbreak of Spanish, influenza ,in Spain and elsewhere, along with a major economic slowdown in the postwar
  36. Of 'enterocolitis,' with 'Athenian' contributing,i.e. probably a victim of, influenza , He is buried at New York's Washington Cemetery, beside his grandmother, Fanny
  37. This period (usually 2–4 weeks post-exposure) many individuals develop an, influenza ,or mononucleosis-like illness called acute HIV infection, the most common
  38. As ringworm, candidiasis or histoplasmosis. However, other diseases such as, influenza , yellow fever or AIDS are caused by pathogenic viruses, which are not usually
  39. Population of Mexico to fall from 20 million to 3 million. * The first European, influenza ,epidemic occurred between 1556 and 1560,with an estimated mortality rate of 20
  40. With Chaplin. He was devastated in 1921 when he learned that she had died of, influenza ,during the 1918 flu pandemic. * in late 1918 ended any possibility of
  41. Burroughs was educated at a number of local schools, and during the Chicago, influenza ,epidemic in 1891,he spent a half year at his brother's ranch on the Raft
  42. No other Europeans had attempted. On the journey, Crowley was afflicted with, influenza , malaria, and snow blindness, while other expedition members were similarly
  43. In Cairo on 3 February 1970,the day after his death. Russell died of, influenza ,on 2 February 1970 at his home, Plas Person, in Penrhyndeudraeth
  44. On 16 February. Rodin was ill that year; in January, he suffered weakness from, influenza , and on 16 November his physician announced that" congestion of the lungs has
  45. Effect caused by heat-inactivated influenza virus on the growth of live, influenza ,virus in chicken egg chorioallantoic membrane. They published their results
  46. From disease. Listed diseases were fever, dysentery,cholera, smallpox and, influenza ,; the first two being the main killers (222,021 and 93,232). The commissioners
  47. Weak and ill from May 1558,and died aged 42 at St. James's Palace during an, influenza ,epidemic that claimed the life of Reginald Pole later the same day,17 November
  48. The nation's 1.25 million chickens to stop the spread of a potentially deadly, influenza ,strain. *1998 – Leaders of the Khmer Rouge apologize for the 1970s genocide in
  49. Vienna on February 6,1918,having suffered a stroke and pneumonia due to the, influenza ,epidemic of 1918. He was buried at the Hitting Cemetery in Vienna. Numerous
  50. Research in London, noticed an interference effect caused by heat-inactivated, influenza ,virus on the growth of live influenza virus in chicken egg chorioallantoic

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