Examples of the the word, overwhelmingly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overwhelmingly ), is the 9245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Could return to the city, but assembly and the government said this demand was, overwhelmingly ,impractical and politically undesirable. The conflict turned into violence, and
  2. Especially in Puerto Montt,Chile's fastest-growing city. Over reporting China, overwhelmingly ,dominates the world in reported aquaculture output. They report a total output
  3. After the 1983 season. The very next day, on November 7,1995,Cleveland voters, overwhelmingly ,approved an issue that had been placed on the ballot at Modell's request
  4. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union The population of Armenia voted, overwhelmingly ,for independence in a September 1991 referendum, followed by a presidential
  5. Of amendments proposed by a small minority of pro-death penalty countries were, overwhelmingly ,defeated. It had in 2007 passed a non-binding resolution (by 104 to 54,with
  6. That they did not practice their faith actively. While Colombia remains an, overwhelmingly ,Roman Catholic country, the Colombian constitution guarantees freedom and
  7. Same-sex marriage, only 30 % of black Democrats do. In 2008,though Democrats, overwhelmingly ,voted (64 %) against the California ballot proposition banning gay marriage
  8. City College demanding the integration of PUNY, which at the time had an, overwhelmingly ,white student body. The occupation spread to other PUNY campuses, forcing the
  9. The heated debate over the established Church of Ireland. Although Ireland was, overwhelmingly ,Roman Catholic, the Protestant Church remained the established church and was
  10. Census,621,080 people claimed to be of" American ancestry ", most them are of, overwhelmingly ,English extraction, however most English Americans identify simply as having
  11. This does not mean they claim to be Cathay by religion (the local religion is, overwhelmingly ,Roman Catholic). They claim to be descended from the Fathers of the Middle
  12. On Mayotte's becoming an overseas department of France in 2011 was passed, overwhelmingly ,by the people of Mayotte. The Comoros is the only state to be a member of all
  13. Certain, the French press insisted that the defeat was the result both of an, overwhelmingly ,large British force and unspecified" traitors. " Villeneuve came under
  14. Control by the bishop of Winchester was ineffectual as the islands had turned, overwhelmingly ,Calvinist and the episcopacy was not restored until 1620 in Jersey and 1663 in
  15. View their existence as likely in 2006,and in 2008,considered evidence to be, overwhelmingly ,against the existence of the reported pentaquarks. Background Baryons are
  16. And peace groups throughout the world. However, it is clear that the movement is, overwhelmingly ,dominated by Northern Hemisphere NGOs and that there is a systemic
  17. Deficits are made up for by remittances from emigrants and by foreign aid, overwhelmingly ,from New Zealand. Efforts to exploit tourism potential, encourage offshore
  18. Numerous resolutions condemning the war in all its aspects were passed, overwhelmingly ,at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).
  19. Of British and other European origin. The 2004 Census reports: The islands are, overwhelmingly ,Christian (96 %) with the largest individual Christian denominations being
  20. To hatch in the U. S. were given a great boost, and a silenced Congress voted, overwhelmingly ,in approval of aid. The United States would not withdraw back to the Western
  21. 64 %) against the California ballot proposition banning gay marriage, blacks, overwhelmingly , approved (70 % in favor) it, more than any other racial group. The
  22. 1985 – Coca-Cola changes its formula and releases New Coke. The response is, overwhelmingly ,negative, and the original formula is back on the market in less than 3 months.
  23. Only to the diagonal. The effect of this was the creation of a large and, overwhelmingly ,female diagonal for a time, as most men proceeded to be ordained priest after
  24. Allowing the consecration of women as bishops. In February 2006 the synod voted, overwhelmingly ,for the" further exploration" of possible arrangements for parishes that did
  25. Alien; while it is certainly an alternative stereochemistry, molecules that are, overwhelmingly ,found in one enantiomer throughout the vast majority of organisms can
  26. Distinction of providing more soldiers by percentage than any other state, and, overwhelmingly , they fought for the Union. In 1861,a Unionist legislature in Wheeling
  27. Identify themselves with their real name. The reaction from the community was, overwhelmingly ,negative with multiple game magazines calling the change" foolhardy" and an "
  28. Province. The permanent tensions between the Roman Catholic Rhineland and the, overwhelmingly ,Protestant Prussian state repeatedly escalated with Cologne being in the focus
  29. Khmelnytskyi in Jewish history is assessment of Khmelnytskyi is, overwhelmingly ,negative given that he had made eradication of Jews from Ukraine one of his
  30. Not be compromised. The reaction to the explanations and assurances has been, overwhelmingly ,negative, although a few customers have applauded the production in
  31. 5HT2A,C and 5HT1A receptors): ranging from risperidone, which acts, overwhelmingly ,on serotonin receptors, to amisulpride, which has no serotonergic activity. The
  32. Postalveolars):, and,respectively (however, since ‹ ʃ ʒ to do › are, overwhelmingly ,used in the linguistic literature on Catalan and Valencian, those characters
  33. The Baltic Depression),and for the variety of slopes. The Atlantic coast is, overwhelmingly ,beach and gradually sloping coasts; the Mediterranean coast has many cliffs
  34. Parted ways, see also List of events in early Christianity. The Church became, overwhelmingly ,Gentile sometime in the 4th century, the era of Constantine I and Christianity
  35. From East Pakistan, which became Bangladesh in 1971. Bangladeshi restaurateurs, overwhelmingly ,come from the northeastern division of Sleet. Until 1998,as many as 85 % of
  36. Gettysburg has been the subject of controversy for years. Although not seen as, overwhelmingly ,significant at the time, particularly since the war continued for almost two
  37. Federation ( overwhelmingly favored among Serbs) or seek independence (, overwhelmingly ,favored among Bosniaks and Croats). The Serb members of parliament, consisting
  38. Or Pakistani influence, and the milder 'sweet' curries. Burmese curries almost, overwhelmingly ,lack coconut milk, thus setting them apart from most southeast Asian curries.
  39. Were the heyday of liberal activism in Berkeley, it remains one of the most, overwhelmingly ,Democratic cities in the United States. The era of large public protest in
  40. I've expressed, and I won't get into all the particulars. I think it is now, overwhelmingly ,evident, if you're honest about it, even if you're a conservative Republican
  41. And the 50th member of the Commonwealth of Nations. *1993 – Eritreans vote, overwhelmingly ,for independence from Ethiopia in a United Nations-monitored referendum. *1997
  42. Its ten member denominations; however, the membership of the denominations, overwhelmingly ,rejected a merger when it was proposed in 1969. With the failure of the merger
  43. Soon developed on the issue of whether to stay with the Yugoslav federation (, overwhelmingly ,favored among Serbs) or seek independence ( overwhelmingly favored among
  44. Configuration The area claimed by the Confederate States of America consisted, overwhelmingly ,of rural land. Few urban areas had populations of more than 1,000 – the typical
  45. Traditions gradually disappeared. Today, Sunni Islam dominates in most areas, overwhelmingly ,so in North Africa. Shia Islam is dominant in southern Iraq and Lebanon.
  46. The eldest son of Henry VII of England and heir to the throne, due to her, overwhelmingly ,prominent English ancestry inherited from her mother Queen Isabella I of
  47. Income of $700 (2009). Sparsely populated and landlocked, the nation is, overwhelmingly ,agrarian. The vast bulk of the population engages in subsistence farming and 55
  48. On both sides in separate referendums on 24 April 2004. The Greek side, overwhelmingly ,rejected the Anna Plan, and the Turkish side voted in favor. In May 2004
  49. And RATE for details of the rejection. ) The scientific community has, overwhelmingly ,rejected the ideas put forth in creation science as lying outside the
  50. From some pre-existent state, compared with a non-inflationary cosmos, overwhelmingly ,favors the inflationary scenario, simply because the" seed" amount of

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