Examples of the the word, warp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( warp ), is the 9260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Races. Earth has interacted with many of them because a major" hyperspace, warp ," happens to exist in our solar system. The three major space empires are: *
  2. Explained that the explosion of the planet Krypton had opened a" dimensional, warp ," (similar to a wormhole in modern theoretical physics) which allowed the
  3. In weaving, threads are always straight, running parallel either lengthwise (, warp ,threads) or crosswise (weft threads). By contrast, the yarn in knitted
  4. Of King Isidora and the UFO, which was teleported by M-11 before it could time, warp , killing Wilson and Wrenching. He then ravages on Tokyo as payback for the
  5. And beyond. Panel is more expensive, heavier,harder to transport, and prone to, warp ,or split in poor conditions. For fine detail, however,the absolute solidity of
  6. More difficult to care for. They do not resist water well, and will crack or, warp ,with prolonged exposure to water. Modern stabilized and laminated woods have
  7. JPG|Close-up view of comber board, harness,mails, weights (Lingoes) and, warp ,with 1040 ends File: WLAN - jpa2003 - detail Jacquard weefgetouw. JPG|Jacquard
  8. Xavier's vast psionic powers enable him to manipulate the minds of others, warp ,perceptions to make himself seem invisible, project mental illusions, cause
  9. Between the warp threads. The needle is passed back through the beads above the, warp ,threads to lock the beads into place. Huddle looms were popular near the
  10. Pear wood is the favored wood for architect's rulers because it does not, warp , It is similar to the wood of its relative, the apple tree, ( Cyrus males also
  11. However,Emmy's companions reveal that their ship is bound to automatic time, warp ,in the event of sabotage, allowing them to return to a future where Japan has
  12. And warp knitting There are two major varieties of knitting: weft knitting and, warp ,knitting. In the more common weft knitting, the wales are perpendicular to the
  13. Matches. The stones they used were the heavy stone weights from the weavers' ", warp ,beams," fitted with a detachable handle for the purpose. Many a wife would
  14. To create an Alcubierre drive, in which a ship would be enclosed in a ", warp ,bubble" where the space at the front of the bubble is rapidly contracting and
  15. Popular patterns. Also, Lancashire businessmen produced gray cloth with linen, warp ,and cotton weft, known as fustian, which they sent to London to be finished.
  16. Piece of equipment utilized in such technologies as tractor beams, shields,and, warp ,drives. The Borg also use gravimetric torpedoes, which utilize the force of
  17. Wale in turn, moving across the fabric as in a raster scan. By contrast, in, warp , knitting,one yarn is required for every wale. Since a typical piece of knitted
  18. Overheating in some environments—the plastic moldings inside the console would, warp ,very slightly and create knock-on effects with the laser assembly. The solution
  19. The University of Massachusetts Amherst would explain the previously mysterious, warp ,in the disk of the Milky Way by the interaction of the Large and Small
  20. On-loom bead weaving When weaving on a loom, the beads are locked in between the, warp ,threads by the weft threads. The most common bead weaving technique requires
  21. The early European calicoes (1680) would thus be a cheap equal weft and, warp ,plain weave cotton fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton, with a block
  22. Of the story, such as the appearance of dragons and wizards in high fantasy, warp ,drives in science fiction, or shootouts at high noon in Westerns. These set-ups
  23. Over the wood basses and violoncellos, as they cannot crack, split or, warp ,and are made to last forever ... possessing a tone quality that is deep
  24. Each new thread on individually. Even for a small loom with only a few thousand, warp ,ends the process of re-threading can take days. Importance to computing The
  25. Beads is strung on the weft thread. Then the beads are pressed in between the, warp ,threads. The needle is passed back through the beads above the warp threads to
  26. Airlock some time previously. A chance to get back to Earth through a dimension, warp ,presents itself, but though it is not quite what it first appears to be, it
  27. Or magnetoplasmadynamic thruster. This is used in conjunction with the ship's, warp ,drive's alteration of the ship's relativistic mass, to achieve mid-to-high
  28. Every wale. Since a typical piece of knitted fabric may have hundreds of wales, warp ,knitting is typically done by machine, whereas weft knitting is done by both
  29. Which was published by Fleet way, Psycho Gran was transported through a time, warp ,into the far future and materialized in Mega City One just as she is training
  30. child's instrument ". Although the recorder is ready-tuned, it is very easy to, warp ,the pitch by over or under blowing, which often results in an unpleasant sound
  31. Fabric with a small, all-over floral print *Muslin—simple, cheap equal weft and, warp ,plain weave fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton and/or a very fine
  32. Looms are threaded only once. Subsequent warp s are then tied in to the existing, warp ,with the help of a knotting robot which ties each new thread on individually.
  33. Typically made of wood or metal. Usually, a comb or spring is used to hold the, warp ,threads a bead-width apart. Some looms have roller bars that allow the weaver
  34. On a yacht near St Trope, France. " Feels like I've been stuck in a time, warp ," said Anderson in her blog entry. " Not able to let go of MY family picture
  35. Common weft knitting, the wales are perpendicular to the course of the yarn. In, warp ,knitting, the wales and courses run roughly parallel. In weft knitting, the
  36. Circle, | z | 1 \, in the z-plane. Other bilinear transforms can be used to, warp ,the frequency response of any discrete-time linear system (for example to
  37. Off-loom techniques can be accomplished using a single needle and thread (no, warp ,threads),but some have two-needle variations. Different stitches produce
  38. Then emanates energy and thus mass gravitational fields that then are able to, warp ,space and time into interconnecting loops. These particles then allow
  39. Have four threads connected to each hook, resulting in a fabric that is 1600, warp , ends wide with four repeats of the weave going across. The term" Jacquard loom
  40. Is solid. The hook raises or lowers the harness, which carries and guides the, warp ,thread so that the weft will either lie above or below it. The sequence of
  41. 4 units of black thread will be succeeded by 32 units of red, etc., in both the, warp ,and the weft. Typically, the units are the actual number of threads, but as
  42. Is a" 2–2 type ", meaning that each weft thread passes over and under two, warp ,threads at a time. The result is a distinctive diagonal-weave pattern in the
  43. Time, and a large amount of planetary debris had also passed through this ", warp ," and emerged near Earth at virtually the same time, accounting for the
  44. Looms, they are not capable of producing so many weaves from one, warp , Modern jacquard looms are controlled by computers in place of the original
  45. Knocking him out before apologizing and disappearing back through the time, warp , Dread, explaining away his bandaged nose, later tells the Chief Judge that he
  46. Lancashire manufactures exploited. The use of colored cotton weft with linen, warp ,was permitted by the 1736 Manchester Act. There now was an artificial demand
  47. Manufactured today. The most difficult part of loom work is finishing off the, warp ,threads. Although loomed pieces are typically rectangular, it is possible to
  48. Machines) or from a knitting needle or frame in hand-knitting. Weft and, warp ,knitting There are two major varieties of knitting: weft knitting and warp
  49. Probably thousands of such realities. It is unknown why this happens, though a, warp ,known as the Nexus of All Realities exists in a swamp in the Florida of
  50. In the UK, Australia and New Zealand: *Calico—simple, cheap equal weft and, warp ,plain weave fabric in white, cream or unbleached cotton. *Muslin—a very fine

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