Examples of the the word, siege , in a Sentence Context

The word ( siege ), is the 9261 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Guerrillas launch a surprise attack on U. S. infantry and begin a four-day, siege ,of Causing, Philippines. *1912 – The British passenger liner,the, sinks in the
  2. S army avoided capture. At the same time, after initial setbacks, Grant laid, siege ,to Vicksburg and the Union navy attained some success in Charleston harbor.
  3. That time. Moreover, Thomas, in order to get more time for preparation of a, siege , sent the armies to delay or if possible halt Khalid's march to Damascus, one
  4. Outlet for the Batman trade routes. War with Ptolemy Lathers After a failed, siege ,against Gaza, Jannaeus struck a phony league of friendship with the Egyptian
  5. He wanted to advance before reinforcements arrived to Aden. He accordingly laid, siege ,to the city. Aden was a fortified city, but although having scaling ladders
  6. 73 – Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of, siege , ending the Jewish Revolt. *1346 – Susan the Mighty is proclaimed Emperor, with
  7. BC, he was forced to attack Tyre, which he eventually captured after a famous, siege , After the capture of Tyre, Alexander massacred all the men of military age
  8. French colonial outposts there, capturing Pondicherry after two months of, siege , The capture of the French-controlled port of Mahé on India's west coast
  9. A rival emperor, the prefect of the city, a Greek named Prices At talus. Third, siege ,of Rome Alaric cashiered his ineffectual puppet emperor after eleven months and
  10. With the most impressive artillery of the time, again be siege d Naples. The, siege ,began on 10 November 1441,and ended on 2 June of the following year. After the
  11. He sailed to Italy in 40 BC with a large force to oppose Octavian, laying, siege , to Brunssum. However, this new conflict proved untenable for both Octavian
  12. enemy's machinations, marched southward and in deadly earnest, began his third, siege ,of Rome. Apparently, defence was impossible; there are hints, not well
  13. The Ashes. *1941 – World War II: German troops reach Leningrad, leading to the, siege ,of Leningrad. *1942 – World War II: Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.
  14. Then half of his force Native Americans led by Sayenqueraghta—had laid, siege ,to Fort Steinway. American militiamen and their Native American allies marched
  15. Of the Continental Army to fortify New York City. Quebec Three weeks after the, siege ,of Boston began, a troop of militia volunteers led by Ethan Allen and Benedict
  16. The Bruce during the Wars of Scottish Independence, when he and his men laid, siege ,to Aberdeen Castle before destroying it in 1308. Geography Being sited between
  17. Arnold, St. Leger's Indian support abandoned him, forcing him to break off the, siege ,and return to Quebec. Burgoyne's army had been reduced to about 6,000 men by
  18. The only one to attempt anything significant, was defeated at Square, and the, siege ,of Constantinople began. Unfortunately for Constantinople, Alexios III's
  19. Hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper. Thus ended Alaric's first, siege ,of Rome. Second siege of Rome Throughout his career,Alaric's primary goal was
  20. Raiders. However, the Vikings lacked both the equipment necessary to undertake a, siege ,against the Bush and a developed doctrine of siege craft, having tailored their
  21. When the Byzantine contingent under Ratios failed to help them during the, siege ,of Antioch; Personal life During the last twenty years of his life Alexios lost
  22. The combined forces of Khalid, Shurhabil and Abu Obadiah then laid the, siege ,of Basra, which surrendered some time in mid-July 634. Thus effectively ending
  23. Perhaps spurious) in which Odysseus accuses Parameter of treachery during the, siege ,of Troy According to Alcidamas, the highest aim of the orator was the power of
  24. American militiamen and their Native American allies marched to relieve the, siege ,but were ambushed and scattered at the Battle of Brisbane. When a second relief
  25. As Alexios now recovered a number of important cities and islands. The crusader, siege ,of Nicaea forced the city to surrender to the emperor in 1097,and the
  26. Order of Avid, is made king John I of Portugal. *1453 – Mehmed II begins his, siege ,of Constantinople (Istanbul),which falls on May 29. *1580 – One of the
  27. Others, they conquer most of the world but a" Fortress America" exists under, siege ,; while in others, there is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War comparable to the US/Soviet
  28. And 3,000 pounds of pepper. Thus ended Alaric's first siege of Rome. Second, siege ,of Rome Throughout his career,Alaric's primary goal was not to undermine the
  29. Engagements delayed Khalid’s advance and gave Thomas enough time to prepare for, siege , Meanwhile, Heraculis's reinforcement had reached the city, which he had
  30. Huns, equipped with new military weapons like the battering rams and rolling, siege ,towers, overran the military centers of Ra tiara and successfully be siege d
  31. Back, but British losses were so heavy that the attack was not followed up. The, siege ,was not broken, and Gage was soon replaced by Howe as the British
  32. Negotiation with this emperor failed, Alaric,after instituting a second, siege ,and blockade of Rome in 409,came to terms with the senate. With their consent
  33. British victory in the largest battle of the entire Revolution. Howe then laid, siege ,to fortifications there. In a feat considered by many historians to be one of
  34. Khalid's forces withstood three Roman sallies that tried to break the, siege , Khalid finally attacked and conquered Damascus on 18 September 634 after a
  35. Of the Sultan of Rum, launched a fleet and attempted to arrange a joint, siege ,of Constantinople with the Achenes. Alexios overcame this crisis by entering
  36. FBI HRT sniper Lon Mariachi shoots and kills Vicki Weaver during an 11-day, siege , at her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. *1996 – Bill Clinton signs welfare reform
  37. Squadron of British ships under Captain Charles Douglas arrived to relieve the, siege , Another attempt was made by the Americans to push back towards Quebec, but
  38. Previously overthrown Ben-hadad and his thirty-two kings, who had come to lay, siege ,to Samaria, and in the following year obtained a decisive victory over him at
  39. From the Soviet Union * 1991 – The Battle of Vulgar begins. An 87-day, siege , of a Croatian city by the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA),supported by various
  40. Forcing it back to trenches outside Petersburg, Virginia,where Grant began a, siege , Lincoln then made an extended visit to Grant's headquarters at City Point
  41. Novellas, Mallén, Rueda, Épila and populated the region of Syria. He began the, siege ,of Calaway, but left to defeat the army at Uganda trying to retake Zaragoza.
  42. Byzantine emperor (5 February – 12 April 1204) during the second and final, siege ,of Constantinople by the participants of the Fourth Crusade. He was related to
  43. In Syria had ordered Shurhabil in Havana to attack Basra. The latter laid, siege ,of Basra with his small army of 4000 men. Roman and Ghassanid Arab garrison
  44. The neighborhood of Constantinople but, finding himself unable to undertake a, siege , retraced his steps westward and then marched southward through Thessaly and
  45. York City, Charleston,and Savannah. The war continued elsewhere, including the, siege ,of Gibraltar and naval operations in the East and West Indies, until peace was
  46. By the magister minimum Richer. * 626 – The Agar and Slav armies leave the, siege ,of Constantinople. *1420 – Construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore
  47. Independence, Aberdeen was under English rule, so Robert the Bruce laid, siege ,to Aberdeen Castle before destroying it in 1308 followed by the massacring of
  48. Finally, in 96 BC Antaeus outlasted the inhabitants of Gaza in a year long, siege , This impressive victory gained Judea control over the Mediterranean outlet
  49. British forces, as at the battles of Concord, Bennington and Saratoga, and the, siege ,of Boston. Both sides used partisan warfare but the Americans effectively
  50. City, Milan. Pa via offered stiff resistance however, and was only taken after a, siege ,lasting three years. During that time Albion turned his attention to Tuscany

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