Examples of the the word, underwater , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underwater ), is the 9263 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Battleships. Bulges were fitted, including steel tube array to improve both, underwater ,and vertical protection along waterline. The U. S. experimented with cage masts
  2. Typically fly at altitudes of 650 to 1,800 meters, and fish that live deep, underwater ,can be found down to -8,372 meters in the Puerto Rico Trench. A biological
  3. To the surface where they become pollinated. In others, pollination occurs, underwater ,where pollen may form elongated strands, increasing chance of success. Most
  4. Utopian society 'Rapture' in the computer and Xbox 360 game BioS hock is an, underwater ,example of an arcology. * The game Shadow run (2007 video game) mentions, as
  5. Was explored in 1992 and is still being extensively investigated by the French, underwater ,archaeologist Franck Goldie and his team. It raised a noted head of Caesarion.
  6. Were added to improve both buoyancy to counteract weight increase and provide, underwater ,protection against mines and torpedoes. The Japanese rebuilt all of their
  7. Ellis, but at Okinawa the preliminary shelling was superb. Frogmen performing, underwater ,demolition at Two Jim confused the enemy by sweeping both coasts, but later
  8. Passages that persist in widespread closed loops. *The longest surveyed, underwater ,cave is System Sac Acton in Yucatán, Mexico at. This was the first cave to be
  9. Species. In recent years, the increasing popularity of both scuba diving and, underwater ,photography have provided biologists with much new information on the marine
  10. Modified to promote greater speed under sail. The island's waters and striking, underwater ,sites are occasionally visited by scuba divers, though Achill's unpredictable
  11. In prison. The demand for orders is such that they led to the world's first, underwater ,arrest, when Mr. Kempthorne-Leigh of Guernsey was arrested by a police officer
  12. Coleman served as an aquanaut during the NEE MO 7 mission aboard the Aquarius, underwater ,laboratory, living and working underwater for eleven days. Coleman was assigned
  13. Of ecological niches. Loons, diving ducks, penguins and auks pursue their prey, underwater , using their wings or feet for propulsion, Geese and dabbling ducks are
  14. The lower section of business district including Bridge and Grenville streets, underwater ,and causing the loss of two lives. Prolonged drought (an average annual
  15. A typeface designed in 1788 by Richard Austin * Diving bell, a cable-suspended, underwater ,airtight chamber * Bell XFL Aragonite, an experimental shipboard interceptor
  16. And the annual property tax is $991,000. His estate has a swimming pool with an, underwater ,music system, as well as a gym and a dining room. Also, among Gates' private
  17. Of this destructive electrolytic action on ships hulls, their fastenings and, underwater ,equipment, the Victorian scientist-engineer Sir Humphry Davy, developed the
  18. As stone, and neither wolves nor wolverines can penetrate it. The lodge has, underwater ,entrances to make entry nearly impossible for any other animal (however
  19. Have short legs, but can move quite quickly, and have the ability to remain, underwater ,for as long as six minutes. Because of the density of its armor, an armadillo
  20. To dive at extreme depths (600 meters for the Weddell seal). They can remain, underwater ,for long periods of time, sometimes an hour or more, but most dives are usually
  21. A species of ant found in Australian mangrove swamps, can swim and live in, underwater ,nests. Since they lack gills, they breathe in trapped pockets of air in the
  22. On which Cairo was established in 969 (present-day Islamic Cairo) was located, underwater ,just over three hundred years earlier, when Gustav was first built. Low periods
  23. Having fallen from the exposed coal seams on cliffs above or washed out of, underwater ,coal outcrops, In 1257–59,coal from Newcastle was shipped to London for the
  24. Length. Gatherers are not allowed to wear wetsuits or even put their heads, underwater , Any breach of these laws is a criminal offense and can lead to fine of up to
  25. Towards the end of the Cretaceous, exposing land that had previously been, underwater , It was not a smooth process, however,and the seaway would periodically rise
  26. Namboodiripad is sworn in as the first chief minister. *1958 – Ripple Rock,an, underwater ,threat to navigation in the Seymour Narrows in Canada is destroyed in one of
  27. And tidal waves, leading to gradual subsidence in the 4th century AD. This, underwater ,section, containing many of the most interesting sections of the Hellenistic
  28. NEE MO 7 mission aboard the Aquarius underwater laboratory, living and working, underwater ,for eleven days. Coleman was assigned as a backup U. S. crew member for
  29. Places to snorkel, have lunch, a small zoo and a lighthouse. There is also an, underwater ,statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe here, created in 1958 by Armando Ques ado in
  30. Land destroyed and of roads damaged or destroyed. Two-thirds of the country was, underwater , There were several reasons for the severity of the flooding. Firstly, there
  31. Channels are similar to land rivers, but they are formed by density currents -, underwater ,flow mixtures of sand, mud and water that are denser than seawater and so sink
  32. Face the would-be excavator in Alexandria: lack of space for excavation and the, underwater ,location of some areas of interest. Since the great and growing modern city
  33. Or stone at the end of the chain. Its holding power is defined by its weight, underwater ,(i.e. taking its buoyancy into account) regardless of the type of seabed
  34. Or two tests in 1961-62. Eventually the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty banning, underwater ,nuclear tests went into effect. The nuclear weapon was never used in combat. An
  35. Study by the University of Leeds in August 2010 reveal that there is in fact an, underwater ,river flowing through the Mediterranean and under the Bosporus (caused by the
  36. 1946. Both battleships proved resistant to nuclear air burst but vulnerable to, underwater ,nuclear explosions. The Italian Giulio Cesare was taken by the Soviets as
  37. With some accounts reporting that 25 % or more of Grand Cayman had been, underwater ,and with the lower floors of buildings being completely flooded. This natural
  38. Islands are located in the western Caribbean Sea and are the peaks of a massive, underwater ,ridge, known as the Cayman Ridge (or Cayman Rise),standing some above the
  39. Of body fat, as determined by such techniques as skin fold measurements or, underwater ,weighing and the limitations of manual measurement have also led to new
  40. Adams reported having used a condom to protect a microphone he used to make an, underwater ,recording. According to one of his traveling companions, this is standard BBC
  41. Area. Contrary to popular belief, beavers actually dig out their dens with, underwater ,entrances after they finish building the dams and lodge structures. There are
  42. Succumbed to the continuous waves of Japanese bombers, and without enhanced, underwater ,protection she went down quickly after a few torpedo hits. The Japanese Kongo
  43. Project (Lericolais, et al.,2003) completed the multibeam mapping of this, underwater ,channel fan-delta. A complete map was published in 2009 by Flood et al. ()
  44. Only precedent being the undersea Satan Tunnel in Japan. A serious risk with, underwater ,tunnels is major water inflow due to the water pressure from the sea above
  45. That occur independently of the mixture's water content; they can harden even, underwater ,or when constantly exposed to wet weather. The chemical reaction that results
  46. Monster hoaxes by Sir Peter S ". However, Robert Lines, who previously made two, underwater ,photographs allegedly showing the monster, countered with the fact that they
  47. And three big areas related to archaeological methodology: ground, urban and, underwater ,archaeology, with scenes, audiovisual and interactive zones. The archaeological
  48. 1926 – Harry Houdini performs his greatest feat, spending 91 minutes, underwater ,in a sealed tank before escaping. *1930 – Judge Joseph Force Crater steps into
  49. Sealed with neoprene cement, to protect non-electric firing assemblies for, underwater ,demolitions—leading to the term" Dual Waterproof Firing Assemblies. " Other
  50. Volume and 7.5 % in total area. The record for the largest continuously placed, underwater ,concrete pour was completed 18 October 2010,in New Orleans, Louisiana by

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