Examples of the the word, rug , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rug ), is the 9249 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of thugs enter The Dude's apartment, knock him unconscious, and steal his new, rug , When Bunny's kidnappers call to arrange the ransom exchange, Walter tries to
  2. Latin tapes, which is the Latinization of the Greek τάπης (tapes)," carpet, rug ,". The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek ta-pe-ja
  3. The Big Lebowski is nymphomaniac trophy wife, while leaving the premises with a, rug ,taken from the mansion. Days later,The Big Lebowski contacts The Dude
  4. Into contact and then separated. Examples of turbocharging include walking on a, rug , rubbing a plastic comb against dry hair, rubbing a balloon against a sweater
  5. Opinions and attitudes of peace, terrorism,religion Main may refer to: * Main, rug , name of a traditional pattern and design of Persian carpet; Places * Main
  6. Loops of yarn or fabric through a stiff woven base such as burlap, linen, rug , warp or monks cloth. The loops are pulled through the backing material by using
  7. It automatically makes it into a loop. These loops pack together to create a, rug ,so solid that chewing dogs and clawing cats are its only enemy. As long as you
  8. Embroidered in silk, and his stockings are knitted. He stands on an oriental, rug ,of wool which softens and warms the floor, and heavy curtains both decorate the
  9. On her dress. Longfellow, awakened from his nap, rushed to help her and threw a, rug ,over her, though it was too small. He stifled the flames with his body as best
  10. In carpets and rug s A long tradition of the use of symmetry in carpet and, rug ,patterns spans a variety of cultures. American Navajo Indians used bold
  11. Histories" translated in to Italian, English,German and French. * Medallion, rug , variant Star Usual style, Anatolia (modern Turkey),is made. It is now kept
  12. Of carpet types are the Lava German carpet from German and the Streisand, rug ,from Arab. An important innovation in weaving that was developed in the Muslim
  13. Or unusual reports were ignored, or were effectively swept under the, rug , And repeatedly, Fort reclaimed such data from under the rug , and brought them
  14. As suggested by the ceramic containers that are placed on or front of the, rug ,near the man on the right side of the board, the figures’ seated positions
  15. For example films) and pile rug s. The more tightly a, rug ,is woven or knotted, the more detailed a design can be. " It is generally
  16. Volume Three *http://www.google.ca/search? Q cache:5fGzkWCJg7UJ: stat. Gamma., rug , Nl/spiders/WHF9_Spiders_gang. PDF+individual+capital engine=UTF-8
  17. Hang up your chairs to better sweep/Clear the floor to dance/ Shake the, rug ,into the fireplace" ) are adapted from a speech by Mother Ann Lee. In 2004 the
  18. Who reportedly lived in a dump of an apartment and was proud of a little, rug ,that" tied the room together. " Edline knew Barry Rosenfeld from New York
  19. Skull was cleanly cut off in a way that is commonly used to mount the head on a, rug , There was an egg case inside the skull that had been laid by a tropical
  20. The same length. Sometimes referred to as" speed hooking ", this method of, rug ,hooking is loved for its ease and speed. Prodded Parody rug s are made, as the
  21. And presents the" judge" ( Richards) with what may be the infamous fur, rug ,that had featured so prominently in the press reports of the d rug bust at
  22. In a lordly dish. " Jail promised to hide Sis era and covered him with a, rug , but after he fell asleep, Jael drove a tent peg through his temple with a
  23. Of the world. * February 26 – U. S. politician John Glenn slips on a bathroom, rug ,in his Columbus, Ohio apartment and hits his head on the bathtub, injuring his
  24. Walter Soacha (Goodman),The Dude decides to seek compensation for the, rug ,from the other Jeffrey Borowski. The next day, the titular" Big" Borowski, a
  25. Are sewn on to make the braid longer as lacing continues. Hooking Traditional, rug ,hooking is a craft in which rug s are made by pulling loops of yarn or fabric
  26. Should be one inch longer than the width-length in feet. Example 2' x 4 ', rug ,center strip would be 2'2" long. The center braid is laced together and new
  27. Me and Mary as little mice. " Then, he glances toward the cat lying on a throw, rug ,in a corner and sees his and Livingstone's cartoon alter egos scampering out
  28. At a certain height and would be raised on wooden blocks if necessary. A small, rug ,would sometimes be required for his feet underneath the piano. He had to sit
  29. On the rug quickly. In this case, the box slides backwards relative to the, rug , but moves forward relative to the frame of reference in which the floor is
  30. Civilians: The player is not in uniform. * (He's got 'em) covered like the, rug ,on your floor: Perfect one-on-one defense. * (They) couldn't beat the
  31. Organ (as well as the whole Goldstein province) has a world-famous carpet and, rug ,industry, made by Turkmen. The patterns of these carpets are derived from the
  32. Children went from house to house asking for RNA restored pellets (An old, rug ,) to add to the part. This became a popular song that the children sang to
  33. One can see this by placing a heavy box on a rug , then pulling on the, rug ,quickly. In this case, the box slides backwards relative to the rug , but moves
  34. Cover the warp, giving a weft faced textile, such as a tapestry or a Film, rug , There are a variety of loom styles for hand weaving and tapestry. In tapestry
  35. Sentences such as" put the lamp and sword in the case "," look under the, rug ,", and " drop all except lantern ". The game understands many common verbs
  36. Swept under the rug . And repeatedly, Fort reclaimed such data from under the, rug , and brought them out, as he wrote," for an airing ". So long as any evidence
  37. Which the floor is stationary. Thus, the kinetic friction between the box and, rug ,accelerates the box in the same direction that the box moves, doing positive
  38. Folding the raw edges to the middle and braiding them together. For an oval, rug ,the center braid should be one inch longer than the width-length in feet.
  39. Included in the exhibit are two of her personal scrapbooks and an oriental, rug ,embroidered with the footsteps of her fan dance.
  40. Also criticized it, saying:" Lynch cheats his audience, pulling the, rug ,out from under us. He throws everything into the mix with the lone goal of
  41. Down through the backing, it makes a long thread on the right side of the, rug , Then, as you lift the needle, it automatically makes it into a loop. These
  42. Everybody has a club or an association or some kind—lumber jacks, undertakers, rug , weavers,even garbage collectors—so I don’t see why we can’t have one, too. "
  43. In 2010 Neil Finn said," When we lost Paul it was like someone pulled the, rug ,out from underneath everything, a terrible jolt out of the dark blue. He was
  44. Captain Skyhook" to framed jerseys from his basketball career to an Afghan, rug , In his biography My Life, Magic Johnson recalls that in Abdul-Jabbar's
  45. Apartment where they commit their first crime together, stealing an expensive, rug , Michael meets with Hyman Roth in Roth's home near Miami, and tells him that
  46. Wife owes a man named Jackie Tree horn. After beating him and urinating on his, rug , they realize they are looking for a different person with the same name, and
  47. Or, arguably,mantle of" spider water" ). The design survives today as a, rug ,design being sold in central Mexico, but was associated with the Milky Way and
  48. Died in Britain and that the skull had been imported as part of a leopard-skin, rug , The back of the skull was cleanly cut off in a way that is commonly used to
  49. In certain frames of reference. One can see this by placing a heavy box on a, rug , then pulling on the rug quickly. In this case, the box slides backwards
  50. Painting, Hiffernan holds a lily in her left hand and stands upon a bear skin, rug ,(interpreted by some to represent masculinity and lust) with the bear's head

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