Examples of the the word, infrared , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infrared ), is the 9252 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Guitars. * Optical pickups are another type of non-magnetic pickup. They use an, infrared ,LED to optically track the movement of the string, which allows them to
  2. Obtained using the launching aircraft's radar, although it could come from an, infrared ,search and tracking system (FIRST),from a data link from another fighter
  3. Most common types of CDs are sensitive to near- infrared light, which allows, infrared ,photography, night-vision devices, and zero lux (or near zero lux)
  4. Maverick F, designed specially for US Navy, uses a modified Maverick D, infrared ,guidance system optimized for tracking ships fitted onto Maverick-E body and
  5. Worse the compatibility. A CD is read by focusing a 780 nm wavelength (near, infrared ,) semiconductor laser through the bottom of the polycarbonate layer. The change
  6. Night and in adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television sensor, infrared ,sensor, and radar. These sensors allow the gunship to visually or
  7. And ecosystem fluxes using eddy covariance method when used with fast-response, infrared ,gas analyzer or laser-based analyzer. Ping-pong ball anemometers A common
  8. On an n-wafer. This second method, reportedly,reduces smear, dark current, and, infrared , and red response. This method of manufacture is used in the construction of
  9. Results in physics, specifically the fact that the absorption and emission of, infrared ,radiation by increases as its atmospheric concentration increases. First
  10. Though it is important that it be black (a nearly perfect absorber) in the, infrared ,as well. In elementary science, far Ultraviolet light is called" black light "
  11. Ammunition and as a bleaching agent. *Barium fluoride is used for optics in, infrared ,applications, since it is transparent from about 0.15 to 12 micrometers.
  12. Underestimates its strength as much of the" light" it gives off is in the, infrared ,; total (volumetric) power output is about 180 times that of the Sun. The
  13. For ultra-high conductivity n-type silicon wafers in the production of diodes, infrared ,detectors, and Hall-effect devices. In the 1950s,tiny beads of a lead-antimony
  14. Vision telescope was installed in the forward door, an early forward-looking, infrared ,(FLIR) in the forward part of the left wheel well, and Gatling guns fixed
  15. And more. In other animals additional senses may be present, such as the, infrared ,heat-sense of snakes, the magnetic field sense of some birds, or the electric
  16. Flares such as the LUU-19 flare, because it emits much of its light in the near, infrared ,spectrum. Cesium has been used to reduce the radar signature of exhaust plumes
  17. Network eight or fewer players). Common was originally developed to run over, infrared ,links (and was code named Redye). This was changed to a cable-based
  18. Behavioral observations from extended video recordings of laboratory animals *, infrared ,measurements for metabolic activity determination * inferring clone overlaps in
  19. With a companion YAG laser designator, an improved forward-looking, infrared ,(FLIR) sensor, video recording for TV and FLIR, an inertial navigation system
  20. From space by Karl Jan sky. Non-visual amateur astronomy includes the use of, infrared ,filters on conventional telescopes, and also the use of radio telescopes. Some
  21. Netting, natural materials, disruptive color patterns, and paint with special, infrared , thermal, and radar qualities have also been used on military vehicles, ships
  22. The main problems of ABM systems. This included developing several advanced, infrared ,detectors for terminal guidance, a number of missile airframe designs, a new
  23. Of Infrared Imaging Technologists (IIT) awards the IIT designation to, infrared ,choreographers who meet the training standards regulated by the association.
  24. Atmosphere is at a concentration of 392 ppm by, before slowly re-emitting the, infrared ,at the same wavelength as what was absorbed. Before the advent of human-caused
  25. Telescope, in a joint venture of NASA and DLR. High altitudes are needed for, infrared ,astronomy,to rise above infrared -absorbing water vapor in the atmosphere
  26. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared ,spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, dual polarization interferometry, nuclear
  27. Two molecular clouds, which are associated with the high-latitude galactic, infrared ,cirrus. The finding is significant because they may represent the birthplaces
  28. Sensitivity is limited to 1.1 km. One other consequence of their sensitivity to, infrared ,is that infrared from remote controls often appears on CCD-based digital
  29. Until they proved highly effective in dogfights. Together with the short range, infrared ,guided AIM-9 Sidewinder, they replaced the AIM-4 Falcon IR and radar guided
  30. Nitrate is used as an oxidizer and pyrotechnic colorant to burn silicon in, infrared ,flares such as the LUU-19 flare, because it emits much of its light in the near
  31. Of 12 MJU-23A/B flares. The MJU-23A/B flare is one of the world's largest, infrared ,countermeasure flares at a weight of over 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg). The B-1 has
  32. Spatial and temporal resolution. * Optical imaging. This technique uses, infrared ,transmitters and receivers to measure the amount of light reflectance by blood
  33. Out, and other ports was also discovered. In addition, all Newton devices have, infrared ,connectivity, initially only the Sharp ASK protocol, but later also IRA
  34. Curve as the planet passes between the star and the spacecraft. Progress in, infrared ,astronomy and submillimeter astronomy has revealed the constituents of other
  35. Nine, is not visible with the unaided eye; however, it is much brighter in, infrared ,light than it is in visible light. Barnard's Star has been the subject of much
  36. Km/s. Other interferometric studies with multiple telescopes, operating in the, infrared , have imaged and confirmed this phenomenon. Star Altair is located 16.8
  37. D. Bonnier and his coworkers produced an image of Altair's surface from 2006, infrared , observations made with the MARC instrument on the CHART array interferometer;
  38. Radiate mostly ultraviolet radiation, while very cool stars radiate mostly, infrared ,radiation (see Planck's law). The dimmer an object (at a distance of 10
  39. Characterization Carboxylic acids are most readily identified as such by, infrared ,spectroscopy. They exhibit a sharp band associated with vibration of the C-O
  40. Size of the Pacific Ocean appeared in Jupiter's Southern Hemisphere. Thermal, infrared ,measurements showed the impact site was warm and spectroscopic analysis
  41. Which can be used for light detection or solar cells. Hecate is sensitive to, infrared ,Biological role Cadmium has no known useful role in higher organisms. A role
  42. Included photoelectric cells, photomultiplier tubes, optical components of, infrared ,spectrophotometers, catalysts for several organic reactions, crystals for
  43. Networking device) reached retail shelves. A voice modem and VR headset (with, infrared ,head-tracking) existed in prototype form, but were never commercialized (see
  44. Electromagnetic radiation to the earth with outgoing energy as long wave (, infrared ,) electromagnetic radiation from the earth. Any imbalance results in a change
  45. Targets. The bomber's stealth comes from a combination of reduced acoustic, infrared , visual and radar signatures, making it difficult for opposition defenses to
  46. To 1.1 km. One other consequence of their sensitivity to infrared is that, infrared ,from remote controls often appears on CCD-based digital cameras or camcorders
  47. Over 100,since they emit extremely little visible light, but are strongest in, infrared , Measures of magnitude need cautious treatment, and it is extremely important to
  48. Maverick E. *Maverick D replaced the electro-optical guidance with an imaging, infrared ,system which doubled practical firing distance and allowed for use at night and
  49. Observe its ob lateness. Altair was later observed to be flattened by, infrared ,interferometric measurements made by the Palomar Tested Interferometer in 1999
  50. Munitions including, smoke,phosphorus, tear gas, illumination,anti-personnel, infrared ,and radar-jamming rounds. Turret stabilization is an

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