Examples of the the word, yang , in a Sentence Context

The word ( yang ), is the 9262 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For example, cold is identified to be a yin aspect, while heat is attributed to, yang , This evaluation can be done # in respect of the meridians (经络辩证, ) ) There
  2. Also Sacred Chao),a symbol that is similar in design to the Taoist yin, yang , Another dualism put forward by Discordianism is the use of seriousness and
  3. To transmute into each other. In the yin- yang symbol there is a dot of yin in, yang ,and a dot of yang in yin. This symbolizes the inter-connectedness of the
  4. In the seeds. The result was hardy but rotten-tasting fruit, implying a yin and, yang ,balance within fruit, as well as within humans. An accident with this process
  5. Opposition and combination of the universe's two basic principles of yin and, yang ,is a large part of Chinese philosophy, and is an important feature of Taoism
  6. Balance. Therefore, lists of macrobiotic foods that determine food as yin or, yang ,generally compare them to whole grains. Nightshade vegetables, including
  7. Characteristic symptoms. Yin vacuity can also be termed" vacuity-heat ", while, yang , vacuity is equivalent to" vacuity-cold ". * Repletion (实, ) often called "
  8. Nature - Heart, Liver,Spleen, Lung,Kidney -, while FM (腑) refers to the six, yang ,organs - Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Gallbladder,Urinary Bladder
  9. Water) and different" principles" to Western: the WU XING teachings, yin and, yang , astronomy: five planet, the 10 Celestial stems, the 12 Earthly Branches, the
  10. And therapy. " Which was later absorbed by Daoism. Yin and yang Yin and, yang ,are ancient Chinese concepts which can be traced back to the Shang dynasty (
  11. To treat these specific symptom combinations, i. e., to reinforce yin and, yang , Five Phases theory Five Phases (五行, sometimes also translated as" Five
  12. Would experience nothingness. Therefore, the independent principles of yin and, yang ,are actually dependent on one another for each other's distinguishable
  13. Organs such as the liver, while the FM systems are associated with the hollow, yang ,organs such as the, with disease ascribed to either of these forces being
  14. Diagnostics and therapy. " Which was later absorbed by Daoism. Yin and, yang ,Yin and yang are ancient Chinese concepts which can be traced back to the Shang
  15. Is called Wi-Fi (衛氣),its main function is defense, and it has pronounced, yang ,nature. (also called 真氣, ‘ ’ true ‘’ QI, or 原氣, ‘ ’ original ‘’ QI). Due (
  16. ㅡㅜㅓ EU, u,EO; the dots are in the yin directions of 'down' and 'left '. The, yang ,vowels were ㆍㅗㅏ ə, o,a, with the dots in the yang directions of 'up' and
  17. To disease symptoms (e.g., cold and heat sensations are assumed to be yin and, yang ,symptoms, respectively ). * Yang vacuity (" vacuity-cold" ): aversion to cold
  18. Rivals of a sort, each with his own followers. Ultimately Matisse became the, yang ,to Picasso's yin in the 20th century. Fauvist painters included Albert Marque
  19. In Confucianism, but to a lesser extent. Some common associations with, yang ,and yin, respectively,are: male and female, light and dark, active and passive
  20. Structures of the body. Their other functions are to harmonize yin and, yang , and to help with secretion of waste products. Fine are ultimately
  21. Lady's) genders as being complementary opposites analogous to that of yin and, yang ,in ancient Chinese philosophy. Many Oriental philosophies equate weakness with
  22. Marc Gaspar IARD. Two English Girls (1971) is the yin to the Jules and Jim, yang , It is based on a story written by Henri-Pierre Roche, who also wrote Jules and
  23. As" energy "," breath ", or " vital energy" '),and imbalance of yin and, yang , and the Wu Xing (known as the five phases or elements, earth,water, fire
  24. Yang ('bright' ) vowels, then most suffixes attached to it also had to have, yang ,vowels; conversely, if the root had yin ('dark' ) vowels, the suffixes needed
  25. And is generally of poor quality. No force corresponding to QI (or yin and, yang ,) has been found in the sciences of physics or human physiology. But this
  26. History Actinide delicious is native to southern China. Originally known as, yang ,Tao, it is declared as the" National Fruit" of the People's Republic of
  27. Neutral' in Western terminology) that could coexist with either yin or, yang ,vowels. The Korean neutral vowel was ㅣ i. The yin vowels were ㅡㅜㅓ EU, u,EO;
  28. Water) and different" principles" to Western: the WU XING teachings, yin and, yang , astronomy: five planet, the 10 Celestial stems, the 12 Earthly Branches, the
  29. Blood stasis, and blood heat in the case of due; Spleen QI vacuity, Spleen, yang , vacuity,Spleen QI vacuity with down-bearing QI, Spleen QI vacuity with lack of
  30. Used representational allegories of yin and yang are water and fire. Yin and, yang ,characterization also extends to the various body functions, and - more
  31. Of the non-dotted letters ㅡㆍㅣ were chosen to represent the concepts of yin, yang , and mediation: Earth, Heaven,and Human. (The letter ㆍ ə is now obsolete
  32. Earth, the essence of yin. * A point for the Sun in the heavens, the essence of, yang , (This becomes a short stroke when written with a brush. ) * A vertical line
  33. Revealed their new" Entered" variety, a cultivar of the Chinese" Hong, yang ," variety. Initially grown in China, the Entered is now being developed
  34. Of 'down' and 'left '. The yang vowels were ㆍㅗㅏ ə, o,a, with the dots in the, yang ,directions of 'up' and 'right '. The Hun min Jong-un Here states that the
  35. With the Chung Oracle, a search for the Lama's reincarnation, or beings (, yang ,said),is conducted. Traditionally it has been the responsibility of the High
  36. Be divided into. Two other commonly used representational allegories of yin and, yang ,are water and fire. Yin and yang characterization also extends to the various
  37. Each other. In the yin- yang symbol there is a dot of yin in yang and a dot of, yang ,in yin. This symbolizes the inter-connectedness of the opposite forces as
  38. Pattern, repletion is characterized by the absence of sweating. * Yin and, yang ,are universal aspects all things can be classified under, this includes
  39. 大腸, ) The zàng-fǔ are also connected to the twelve standard meridians - each, yang ,meridian is attached to an FM organ and five of the yin meridians are attached
  40. He designed his own coat of arms which featured a Trinity (symbol of yin and, yang ,) and the motto in:" opposites are complementary ". He died in Copenhagen in
  41. Macrobiotic eating follows the principle of balance (called balancing yin and, yang ,in China). Japanese style Macrobiotics holds that some foods are
  42. And Korean phonology described it in terms of yin and yang : If a root word had, yang ,('bright' ) vowels, then most suffixes attached to it also had to have yang
  43. Of the language, and Korean phonology described it in terms of yin and, yang ,: If a root word had yang ('bright' ) vowels, then most suffixes attached to
  44. Rye, and Jeff are considered by macrobiotics to be the foods in which yin and, yang ,are closest to being in balance. Therefore, lists of macrobiotic foods that
  45. Combined into meals according to the principle of balance (known as yin and, yang ,). Whole grains and whole-grain products such as brown rice and buckwheat pasta
  46. Green onions). The many-layered onion common in the United States is called, yang ,Cong. This translates as" western onion ". These names make it evident that
  47. Deficiency ", can be further differentiated into vacuity of QI, xuě, yin and, yang , with all their respective characteristic symptoms. Yin vacuity can also be
  48. An important feature of Taoism, both as a philosophy and as a religion. Yin and, yang ,is also discussed in Confucianism, but to a lesser extent. Some common
  49. The formulae are based on the Chinese philosophy of balancing the yin and, yang ,in food. There are many variants. The most common is Beijing (star anise)
  50. Female, light and dark, active and passive, motion and stillness. The yin and, yang ,symbol in actuality has very little to do with Western dualism; instead it

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