Examples of the the word, harvesting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harvesting ), is the 9246 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Trees will fix 0.9 teragrams of carbon dioxide. In Canada, reducing timber, harvesting ,would have very little impact on carbon dioxide emissions because of the
  2. Chimpanzee arm-hanging, as this movement was very effective and efficient in, harvesting ,food. When analyzing fossil anatomy, Australopithecus aphaeresis has very
  3. Its resources remained; rival expeditions of English and French foresters were, harvesting ,timber by the start of the 18th century. French Colony: 1715-1763 In 1715 the
  4. By Aqua carotene Limited from dried marine algae Daniella salina grown in, harvesting ,ponds situated in Maratha, Western Australia. Coins Australia Pty. Ltd., a
  5. Early spring. Chives starting to look old can be cut back to about 2–5 cm. When, harvesting , the needed number of stalks should be cut to the base. Romanian Gypsies have
  6. Is illegal; a free-diving catch limit of two is allowed). California Sport, harvesting ,of red abalone is permitted with a California fishing license and an abalone
  7. Fulfill several important functions in forest ecosystems. Their activities, harvesting ,and hoarding tree seeds play a crucial role in seedling establishment. They
  8. Remain productively utilized over time in a variety of ways. For example, upon, harvesting , wood (as a carbon-rich material) can be immediately burned or otherwise
  9. Caramelized mango or in steak form dusted with cracker meal and flour. Sport, harvesting ,Australia Tasmania supplies approximately 25 % of the yearly world abalone
  10. During a single pass across the field. In developing countries, a variety of, harvesting ,methods are in use, depending on the cost of labor, from combines to hand tools
  11. Regarding marine life in the Antarctic region and has the authority to ban the, harvesting ,of certain type of fish and also to ban or put restrictions on the use of
  12. Spread and become popular throughout the European continent. Even with cacao, harvesting ,becoming a regular business, only royalty and the well-connected could afford
  13. Olive oil and lemon like a salad, usually alongside fried fish. Greeks stop, harvesting ,the plant (which usually grows wild) when it starts to bloom at the end of
  14. Double-barrel swivel-guns, though they were not widely duplicated. Saltpeter, harvesting ,was recorded by Dutch and German travelers as being common in even the smallest
  15. Land is publicly owned and about 50 % of the total forest area is allocated for, harvesting , These allocated areas are managed using the principles of sustainable forest
  16. By are peacefully sloughing or gathering the fruits or shaking down apples or, harvesting , The third class of Indians are the herdsmen, sheep and cattle pastoralists
  17. This, a new organ supply could be established without the moral implications of, harvesting ,them from humans. Research is also being done on the idea of growing organs
  18. Demeter taught humankind the arts of agriculture: sowing seeds, ploughing, harvesting , etc. She was especially popular with rural folk, partly because they most
  19. O'Brian historical novel The Surgeon's Mate. This work also details the, harvesting ,of a colony of auks. * The Great Auk is the subject of a novel, The Last Great
  20. Are used for power generation from mechanical strain, particularly in power, harvesting , Betavoltaics are another type of solid-state power generator which produces
  21. Activity was hindered by isolation and a limited natural resource base. The, harvesting ,of sea turtles to resupply passing sailing ships was the first major economic
  22. It rapidly goes to seed (also known as bolting). Name "/NP"> TBC"/> Regular, harvesting ,of leaves also helps to prevent bolting. If plants bolt
  23. Being threatened by illegal commercial harvesting . In South Africa all persons, harvesting ,this animal need permits that are issued on a yearly basis, and no abalone may
  24. Of Western Asia, Egypt,and India were sites of the earliest planned sowing and, harvesting ,of plants that had previously been gathered in the wild. Independent
  25. South, causing dramatic losses to slaveholders and disrupting cultivation and, harvesting ,of crops. For instance, South Carolina was estimated to lose about 25,000
  26. Farmers traditionally leave some of their products at the end of each, harvesting ,season as an offering while their women sing traditional songs. A rare example
  27. Live animals (unless being prepared for sale in a market),plants prior to, harvesting , medicinal products, cosmetics,tobacco and tobacco products, narcotic or
  28. To become increasingly accountable for their forest management and timber, harvesting ,practices. The Arbor Day Foundation's Rain Forest Rescue program is a charity
  29. Conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the, harvesting ,of wild fish. Mari culture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine
  30. High seas consumed many forest resources. Piracy also contributed to the over, harvesting ,of forests, as in Spain. This led to a weakening of the domestic economy after
  31. Is used to manufacture pesticides, fragrances,and other chemicals. Sustainable, harvesting ,of parole is possible from leaves and sticks of certain plants. Name "
  32. Particularly songbirds and parrots, are popular as pets. Other uses include the, harvesting ,of guano (droppings) for use as a fertilizer. Birds figure prominently in all
  33. Hunting for fur, for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because their, harvesting ,of trees and flooding of waterways may interfere with other land uses. General
  34. It is easier for the average Chinese farmer to organize their planting and, harvesting ,with the Gregorian calendar. However, one practical advantage of using a
  35. Ages, troops were only available after the crops had been planted and before, harvesting ,time. ) To train the kind of infantry that could withstand the Muslim heavy
  36. So we fell apart ". Its founders were often away as well; in the middle of, harvesting , they left for a lecture tour through Providence, Rhode Island, New York City
  37. Of the harvested forests. Additionally, the amount of carbon released from, harvesting ,is small compared to the amount of carbon lost each year to forest fires and
  38. Of trees in an uncultivated forest is not included in production, but the, harvesting ,of the trees from that forest is included. " Within the limits so far described
  39. Of Arabia. * Heracles killed Licenses after beating him in a contest of, harvesting , * Heracles founded the city Barnum (modern Taranto in Italy). * Heracles
  40. A substance used in the manufacture of MDMA, is causing rapid and illicit, harvesting ,of the Cinnamon parthenoxylon tree in Southeast Asia, in particular the
  41. World of Shall (cf. Sheol),where criminals are punished by the regrowth and, harvesting ,of their organs for transplanting * platforming spacecraft, which are crewed
  42. 1820s cranberries were shipped to Europe. Cranberries became popular for wild, harvesting ,in the Nordic countries and Russia. In Scotland, the berries were originally
  43. From the beach at low spring tides, although strict laws control their, harvesting , Of the many traditional Guernsey recipes, the most renowned is a stew called
  44. Has placed stress on the planet’s ecosystems. For example, on Saint Lucia, harvesting ,mangrove for timber and clearing for fishing drove the mangrove forests to low
  45. Skin and fat for an aesthetic reconstruction while minimizing morbidity from, harvesting ,the underlying muscles. **Mold-assisted reconstruction Made using laser
  46. For many years, but stocks are currently being threatened by illegal commercial, harvesting , In South Africa all persons harvesting this animal need permits that are
  47. Permits have been issued for collecting abalone (Perelman),but commercial, harvesting ,still continues as does illegal collection by syndicates. In 2007,because of
  48. Serious ethical concerns have been raised by the future possibility of, harvesting ,organs from clones. Some people have considered the idea of growing organs
  49. Recognized three seasons: Asset (flooding),Part (planting),and Sh emu (, harvesting ,). The flooding season lasted from June to September, depositing on the river
  50. Off the AIM service, others perform potentially dangerous actions such as, harvesting ,IP addresses and sending viruses. Some of these exploits rely on social

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