Examples of the the word, erupt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( erupt ), is the 9259 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is generally formed from more fluid lava flows. Usually, only magic flows will, erupt ,as Phoebe, since they often erupt at higher temperatures or have the proper
  2. Morocco. The Second Moroccan Crisis of 1911 saw another dispute over Morocco, erupt ,when France tried to suppress a revolt there. Germany, still smarting from the
  3. Large musical event" takes over" an entire village, spontaneous sessions may, erupt ,on the street corners. Sessions may also take place occasionally at wakes.
  4. The underlying mantle to heat up, partially melt, rise to the surface and, erupt , Most of the Moon's mare basalt erupt ed during the Brian period,3.0–3.5
  5. Dong-Yin, a naval conflict between ROC and PRC, takes place. *1970 – Protests, erupt ,in Seattle, Washington,following the announcement by U. S. President Richard
  6. Cardinal, a critic of the Nicaraguan government, is assassinated. Riots, erupt ,against Somoza's government. * January 14–January 15 – The body of former U.
  7. Mongolia. * 2001 – Argentine economic crisis: December 2001 riots – Riots, erupt ,in Buenos Aires. Births *1554 – Philip William, Prince of Orange (d. 1618)
  8. The Curia, together with the ongoing conflict between the Roman nobility would, erupt ,with the death of Callisto II in 1124. The pontificates of Urban II and
  9. And so on, by subsequent intrusion of magma. A silicic or rhyolitic caldera may, erupt ,hundreds or even thousands of cubic kilometers of material in a single event.
  10. At the time, but it established the legal basis for the conflict that would, erupt ,thirty years later. Creation of the Toledo Strip The location of the border was
  11. Of the Netherlands abdicates for health reasons. *1949 – The Peek skill Riots, erupt ,after a Paul Robeson concert in Peek skill, New York. *1950 – Darlington Raceway
  12. They are not. Scientists usually consider a volcano to be erupt ing or likely to, erupt ,if it is currently erupt ing, or showing signs of unrest such as unusual
  13. A new edition comes out lively discussions about new and changed entries, erupt ,around the country. In some instances the Academy has been ahead of its times
  14. Of a horse's age can be made from looking at its teeth. The teeth continue to, erupt ,throughout life and are worn down by grazing. Therefore, the incisors show
  15. Of earthquakes in 2000. Geyser has since then grown more quiet and does not, erupt ,often. With the widespread availability of geothermal power, and the harnessing
  16. Against British colonial rule in India * Bleeding Kansas (1854–59): battles, erupt ,in Kansas Territory between proslavery and" Free-State" settlers, directly
  17. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy is formed. *1883 – Krakatoa begins to, erupt , The volcano's final and most notable explosion occurs on August 26. *1884 –
  18. Not stop the war, however. John's mismanagement of Aquitaine saw that province, erupt ,in rebellion later that year, which Philip secretly encouraged. To disguise his
  19. Lava flows. Usually, only magic flows will erupt as Phoebe, since they often, erupt ,at higher temperatures or have the proper chemical make-up to allow them to
  20. Of Austria, ruler of the Habsburg Empire. * April 14 – The Portions Riots, erupt ,in Edinburgh after the execution of smuggler Andrew Wilson, when town guard
  21. 300–500 grams at birth, and begin to see after 9–12 days. The milk canines, erupt ,after one month. Pups first leave the den after 3 weeks. At 1.5 months of age
  22. Destroyed by people throwing litter and debris into them; others have ceased to, erupt ,due to dewatering by geothermal power plants. The Great Geyser of Iceland has
  23. With a powerful force, and is the only mountain other than Mount St. Helen's to, erupt ,in the continental US during the 20th century. *1915 – Three trains collide in
  24. On the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. * May 31 – The Foot Suit Riots, erupt ,between military personnel and Mexican American youths in East Los Angeles.
  25. The Andes. Some of these volcanic mountains may cause several hazards if they, erupt , such as layers, pyroclastic flows, rockfalls,lava flows, heavy Tehran fall
  26. Approval in Moscow or Peking, as neither country wanted a second major war to, erupt ,in Asia. In 1972,the first formal summit meeting between Pyongyang and Seoul
  27. Majority following along the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' – and around 50 of these, erupt ,each year. The United States is home to 50 active volcanoes. There are more
  28. Similar solar heating-driven jets of gaseous carbon dioxide are believed to, erupt ,from the south polar cap of Mars each spring. While these erupt ions have not
  29. King, Jr. is shot dead at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. Riots, erupt ,in major American cities, lasting for several days afterwards. ** Apollo
  30. The plane and it crashes in Douala, Cameroon. *2010 – Mass protests in Greece, erupt ,in response to austerity measures imposed by the government as a result of the
  31. Method in Europe for naming years. Events By place Eastern Roman Empire * Riots, erupt ,in Antioch between supporters of Patriarch Fl avian II and emperor Anastasios I.
  32. Lines to become twisted together over time, causing magnetic field loops to, erupt ,from the Sun's surface and trigger the formation of the Sun's dramatic
  33. Protected by a several-hundred-strong Israeli police force. Palestinian riots, erupt , leading to a full-fledged armed uprising (called the Al-Aqsa Intifada by
  34. A smoking boycott in protest of the Austrian monopoly on tobacco. Protests, erupt ,into brief riots. * January 12 – Palermo, Sicily rises up against Austrian
  35. Speak becomes the new Secretary General of NATO. * May 24 – Anti-American riots, erupt ,in Taipei, Taiwan. June * June 9 – Broad Peak, on the China-Pakistan border, is
  36. Tend to trap volatile (gases) that are present, which cause the magma to, erupt ,catastrophically, eventually forming stratovolcanoes. Pyroclastic flows (
  37. Anwar al-Sadiq is assassinated. *1985 – PC Keith Blake lock is murdered as riots, erupt ,in the Broad water Farm suburb of London. *1995 – 51 Vegas is discovered to be
  38. The earthquake caused some geysers in the northwestern section of the park to, erupt , large cracks in the ground formed and emitted steam, and some hot springs that
  39. Steaming features; the water had become superheated, and they could no longer, erupt ,normally. This coincided with the release of reports of a multiple year United
  40. Earthquake, the largest ever recorded earthquake, Cordón Gaulle begins to, erupt , *1961 – American civil rights movement: Freedom Riders are arrested in Jackson
  41. He pumped his arms, causing the holdout crowd at U. S. Cellular Field to, erupt ,in cheers. When play resumed, White Sox second baseman Tahiti Gucci blasted
  42. Into the conquered territories to counter the partisan activity they knew would, erupt ,in areas they controlled. Many, such as Marnie Richards of the Penis hire
  43. Sufficient amounts of water, Lomborg says that wars will probably not, erupt ,over water because fighting such wars is not cost-effective (one week of war
  44. The largest public-charity on HIV and AIDS in Europe. June ** Large protests, erupt ,against Slogan Milošević's regime in Belgrade; opposition leader UK
  45. Arrest of several Bosnian Serb war criminals. * February 14 – Violent clashes, erupt ,between Filipino soldiers and Vietnamese boat people, as the Philippines
  46. Across the Atlantic ", but a day later their first US concert saw Beatlemania, erupt ,at Washington Coliseum. Back in New York the following day, they met with
  47. Magmatic volcanoes are by their frequency of erupt ion, with those that, erupt ,regularly called active, those that have erupt ed in historical times but are
  48. Republic). * December 19 – The Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland begins to, erupt , Date unknown Births January–June ** James Longstreet, American Confederate
  49. Extinct volcanoes are those that scientists consider unlikely to, erupt ,again, because the volcano no longer has a lava supply. Examples of extinct
  50. Extremely bright surface and the geyser-like plumes of ice and water vapor that, erupt ,from its southern polar region. If Enclaves has liquid water, it joins Mars

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