Examples of the the word, mentality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mentality ), is the 7717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To high mortality rates in the camps, and the catastrophe was compounded by a, mentality ,of punishment, anger and indifference on the part of the victors. Many
  2. Existence, the folkloric costume reflected over time, as reflected nowadays, mentality ,and artistic conception of the people. The folkloric costume has been developed
  3. Term" postmodernism" comes from its critique of the" modernist" scientific, mentality ,of objectivity and progress associated with the Enlightenment. These movements
  4. Criticised the club's culture, expressing frustration at the lack of team, mentality ,present with many of the players, This was the beginning of a winning-streak
  5. He states that Daemons formulaic plot lines typified the" wish fulfillment ", mentality ,of 1970s Japan, where the electronics revolution glamorized the idea that one
  6. That it not lose its meaning by being blended with a frivolous" weekend ", mentality , In the Western Catholic Church," Sabbath" is a synonym of" Lord's Day" (
  7. Of thought exemplified by past systems which remain a feature of a people's, mentality ,or cultural outlook. *If one refuses to sit down and make a move, one cannot be
  8. Past year. The chain is said to have benefited from the" make do and mend ", mentality ,of the credit crisis, which has driven people to make their own cards and gifts
  9. The difficult economic and moral conditions of Italy and the changes in public, mentality ,in everyday life. Also, because Concetta was occupied by refugees, films were
  10. At first sight, Flemish culture is defined by its language and its gourmand, mentality , as compared to the more Calvinistic Dutch culture. Dutch and Flemish paintings
  11. Mankind has actually begun to regress, as evidenced by the dysfunction and herd, mentality ,of American society. " This idea was developed as a joke by Kent State
  12. For his reservations regarding the overbearing force of the hardcore, mentality , Bukem's music from the early 1990s onward represents his efforts to map out
  13. Fascists opposed pacifism and believed that a nation must have a warrior, mentality , Benito Mussolini spoke of war idealistically as a source of masculine pride
  14. That was broadcast on CBS. Not surprisingly, the " growth over profits ", mentality ,and the aura of" new economy" invincibility led some companies to engage in
  15. Of experience" ), which in turn affects social interactions (" fosters a, mentality ,that gradually resists all but a ... specialist outlook" ). According to
  16. The 1970s. The NEP is accused of creating an oligarchy, and creating a 'subsidy, mentality ,'. Political parties such as Part Median Rabat and Democratic Action Party
  17. Also rejects that German military thinking developed any kind of blitzkrieg, mentality , In his book the Blitzkrieg Legend, German historian Karl-Heinz Frailer also
  18. Cloning technology. The Vatican said that experimenters expressed" brutal, mentality ," for attempting to clone human beings. Pope John Paul II criticized the
  19. Cohabiting in colonies, cats do not have a social survival strategy, or a pack, mentality ,and always hunt alone. In contrast, feral cats are generally silent. Their
  20. American soldiers after World War II, who occupied Japan. Japanese postwar, mentality ,may be one reason aggression is displayed in take drum performances. Den was
  21. To geography and to the intellectual world view of common people, or ", mentality ," ( mentality ). Little attention is paid to political, diplomatic,or military
  22. Has gone through many Rebirths, or Renaissances. The chance infusion of a, mentality ,from 1949 through a freak combination of the active mode of the Dirac within a
  23. They are often interesting because they allow the modern reader to see the, mentality ,of the students and the discussions and issues of the time. One of Richard’s
  24. Is based upon the behaviorist theory of human behavior. Stages of torture, mentality ,include: * Official encouragement: As the Stanford prison experiment and
  25. With this view. For example, Lucien Lévy-Bruhl claimed that" the primitive, mentality ,is a condition of the human mind, and not a stage in its historical development
  26. At 45 % to Bush at 27 %, with the rest not voting in Nader's absence. Such a, mentality ,is reflected by elections in Puerto Rico and its three principal voter groups:
  27. Practice of naming conventions that he saw as rooted in a collectivist, mentality , and existing only as a relic of humankind's realistic past. He viewed
  28. Brewery (Bearer Bavaria). Culture Some features of the Bavarian culture and, mentality ,are remarkably distinct from the rest of Germany. Noteworthy differences (
  29. Print exists by virtue of the static separation of functions and fosters a, mentality ,that gradually resists any but a separative and compartmentalizing or
  30. World is called Platonism to his individual sensibility and the whole Polish, mentality ," Modern day developments The authentic idea of unity of the Slavic people was
  31. When asked about his mentor’s father’s loss, he stated:" He had that type of, mentality ,that the show must go on, thinking it was just a great T. V. show, after he
  32. And spies, whilst he also blamed Jewish officers on fostering a defeatist, mentality ,which impacted negatively on their soldiers. As such the book offered one of
  33. Other aspects of social life. A psychogenic mode in Psychohistory is a type of, mentality ,(or psychoclass) that results from, and is associated with, a particular
  34. The gods favored him, while for others it was simple self-preservation. This, mentality ,is difficult to understand in our modern age, but the ancients took great stock
  35. Bands and dominating the music and cultural scene. With this Jamal, or family, mentality ,governing culture and music a unified people’s culture was created. Dares
  36. S (1981) emphasis upon the need for a" decolonization of memory ", because, mentality , itself, has been colonized in the" Age of imperialism ". Holocaust denial
  37. Because it was said that it had changed the people's point of view and, mentality ,of goals that used to be very hard to achieve for Ecuadorians, and now they seem
  38. The six parasites are concerned with the effort to step out of the egocentric, mentality , The guru is said to be endowed with the six perfections (Sanskrit:
  39. And on acts of loving kindness. " This concept further explains the Jewish, mentality ,towards the meaning of it all. Judaism's the most important feature is the worship
  40. His work is a rich historical source for Bavarian local and social history, mentality , biography etc. In his Betrachtungen Uber was Geschworenengericht of 1811
  41. Abstract thinking ability, unable to generalize, and driven primarily by a herd, mentality , However, modern studies show that they perform a number of cognitive tasks on
  42. Apparent quietness of the action, against the rules of the new economy, the new, mentality , the new values, and it embodies both a conservative and a progressive view.
  43. The hippies and the punk rockers were linked by a common anti-establishment, mentality , Throughout punk rock history, technical accessibility and a DIY spirit have
  44. Dive in front of a very difficult dive to ensure that they will have a good, mentality ,for the difficult dive. Most divers have pre-dive and post-dive rituals that
  45. Mercy and likely slaughtered if they lost the battle. This" nothing to lose ", mentality ,was played up by Caesar to his men as he explained that defeat meant nothing
  46. Spain and the common negative resentment most Filipinos have towards colonial, mentality ,that have been ingrained in many Filipinos, but relations have improved
  47. Saint-Domingue was, of all our colonies in the Antilles, the one whose, mentality ,and customs influenced Louisiana the most. " Louisiana and her Caribbean parent
  48. Is awe-inspiring at times. This perfectionism is anathema to the Re modernist, mentality ,and for many healthy reasons, this giant (or whatever giant towers over your
  49. Unleashed (a. k. a. Danny the Dog),where he portrayed an adult with the, mentality ,of a child who has been raised like an animal. Although his martial arts skills
  50. To the exclusion of others, and having a general disdain for the eclectic, mentality , The mythological sources of the various Pagan traditions are similarly varied

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