Examples of the the word, nationalism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nationalism ), is the 7738 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And positions of local Jews through government channels; resentment over Jewish, nationalism ,and the Zionist movement; and the readiness of unpopular regimes to scapegoat
  2. Creating a more social atmosphere. Saudi incorporated many motifs of Catalan, nationalism , and elements from religious mysticism and ancient poetry, into the Park. The
  3. To the latter 19th century and is part of the larger phenomenon of rise of, nationalism ,under the Ottoman Empire. A short-lived monarchy (1914–1925) was succeeded by
  4. Society is still attempting higher degrees of self-empowerment (see Basque, nationalism ,), sometimes by acts of violence. Geography Political and administrative
  5. Speech in The Great Dictator, which was critical of following patriotic, nationalism ,without question, and his vocal public support for the opening of a second
  6. In 1859. Name "/IN"> nationalism "/> While the South moved toward a Southern, nationalism , leaders in the North were also becoming more nationally minded, and rejected
  7. In public life tempering religious antisemitism, a combination of growing, nationalism , the rise of eugenics, and resentment at the socio-economic success of the Jews
  8. In the nineteenth century, against the backdrop of conflicting Jewish and Arab, nationalism , and was imported into the Arab world primarily by nationalistically minded
  9. Anatolia remained multi-ethnic until the early 20th century (see the rise of, nationalism ,under the Ottoman Empire). During World War I, the Armenian Genocide, the
  10. Succeeded by his close ally, Edvard Bones (1884 – 1948). The roots of Czech, nationalism ,go back to the 19th century, when philologists and educators, influenced by
  11. Francisco Franco's repression, with Petite Bayonne still a center of Basque, nationalism , By the mid-19th century, Bayonne had declined somewhat with the centralization
  12. Professional, and administrative life of the region; the rise of Arab, nationalism , whose proponents sought the wealth and positions of local Jews through
  13. Muslim world of any non-Muslim influences, such as concepts like socialism and, nationalism , Enemies of Islam in Qutb's view included" treacherous Orientalists" and "
  14. Or tried to remove Corsica from France. Among the natives, though Corsican, nationalism ,is strong, and feeling often runs high in favor of a union with Italy, loyalty
  15. Mainly by slavery, most were motivated by some mixture of politics, culture, nationalism , honor, or any other number of motivations. http://books.google.com/books? ID
  16. During the Crimean war and during the Polish uprising. Encouraging Finnish, nationalism ,and language can also be seen as an attempt to dilute ties with Sweden. Rule
  17. Since the conservative government of Union del Pueblo Navarro opposes Basque, nationalism ,and symbols of Baseness, highlighting Navarre's own autonomy. Basque is also
  18. Of the archaeological and philological rediscovery of ancient Assyria, Assyrian, nationalism , became increasingly popular among the surviving remnants of the Assyrian people
  19. Then among any other ethnicity. Therefore, Solzhenitsyn argued, Russian, nationalism , and the Orthodox Church should not be regarded as a threat by the West but
  20. Over time. In the 1990s,the party reflected protectionism and economic, nationalism , although in comparison with other radical nationalist parties, the BNP focuses
  21. Poland, where it was allowed in private conversations only. Encouraging Finnish, nationalism ,within Russia In 1863 Alexander II re-established the Diet of Finland and
  22. For the previous two hundred years (Griffiths 1978,7); and the revival of, nationalism ,as a source for musical inspiration, a trend that began with Mikhail Link and
  23. The symphony, including on New Year's Eve, to encourage allegiance to Japanese, nationalism , The symphony was considered appropriate in this regard because Germany was an
  24. By Sabine Arena in the late 19th century, the more radical currents of Basque, nationalism ,have demanded the right of self-determination and even independence. Within the
  25. Catalan has historically had important political implications including Catalan, nationalism ,and the idea of the Catalan Countries. Arguing that Valencian is a separate
  26. Of values, ideology and tactics is common. The compatibility of capitalism, nationalism ,and religion with anarchism is widely disputed. Similarly, anarchism enjoys
  27. Of Arabized Berber claims an Arab heritage, which is a consequence of the Arab, nationalism ,of the early 20th century. The Berber speakers live mostly in four major cities
  28. Were in the East End of London and Canning Town. Griffin leadership, identity, nationalism , In October 1999,Nick Griffin, supported by Tony Le comber, stood against
  29. Was dissolved, although the Czech language experienced a rebirth as romantic, nationalism ,developed among the Czechs. In 1861,a new elected Bohemian Diet was
  30. Also ran to many editions, and it was revived in the atmosphere of Romantic, nationalism ,in the late eighteenth-century reforms that saw a short-lived Batavian Republic
  31. Dog breeder (d. 1963) *1889 – K. B. Hedge war, Indian physician and Hindu, nationalism ,advocate (d. 1940) *1893 – Nicely Courtside, English actress and comedian (
  32. In fact, some supporters of anti-globalization are strong opponents of both, nationalism ,and protectionism: for example, the No Border network argues for unrestricted
  33. And assimilation of worldly, national or cultural values - imperialism, nationalism , and civil religion being the most dangerous and insidious. This perspective (
  34. Opening of the Scottish parliament in 1999,it has brought a wave of Scottish, nationalism ,; it has been reported that members of the Scottish National Party have been
  35. In Álava and Navarre during the 19th century. However, the rise of Basque, nationalism ,spurred increased interest in the language as a sign of ethnic identity, and
  36. Area of and a population of over 50 million people. It is well-known for fierce, nationalism ,and ethnic disputes. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains, which
  37. The states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated, nationalism , and in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion as avowals of
  38. Irish nationalists staged a rebellion against British rule of Ireland, Irish, nationalism , was greatly radicalized and after public outrage at the show trials and
  39. A misnomer. The term suggests that its followers support protectionism and/or, nationalism , which is not always the case - in fact, some supporters of anti-globalization
  40. He defended moderate and self-critical patriotism (as opposed to radical, nationalism ,), argued for the indispensability of local self-government to a free Russia
  41. Culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance. Doctrines of racism, nationalism , caste, social class and gender-based hierarchy are seen as artificial
  42. Of about 1570 to 1630,in the early nineteenth century, and in German, nationalism ,from 1870 to 1945. Four Books on Measurement Dürer's work on geometry is
  43. Are strongest. Main (2009) argues that after 1945,the emergence of Quebec, nationalism ,and the desire to preserve French-Canadian cultural heritage led to growing
  44. Critical of what they perceived as his reactionary preference for Russian, nationalism ,and the Russian Orthodox religion. Solzhenitsyn also harshly criticized what he
  45. Fascist. The party's predecessor, the NF, was overtly fascist, incorporating, nationalism , racism and antisemitism into its core ideology. This ideology was taken up by
  46. Russia exhibited to its ally Ethiopia disturbed many supporters of European, nationalism ,during the twentieth century. The Russian Cossack captain Nicholas Lenten
  47. Women as a proof of their emasculating behavior. Bell hooks argues that black, nationalism ,was largely a patriarchal and misogynist movement, seeking to overcome racial
  48. It was an iconic statement of America's dedication to the principles of, nationalism , equal rights, liberty,and democracy. At the close of the war, Lincoln held a
  49. Of Francisco Franco, the Spanish government reversed the advances of Basque, nationalism , as it had fought in the opposite side of the Spanish Civil War: cultural
  50. Western imperialism and Christian Arabs; Nazi propaganda; and the rise of Arab, nationalism , The rise of political Islam during the 1980s and afterwards provided a new

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