Examples of the the word, checkpoint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( checkpoint ), is the 7739 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Complex (SCF complex) are the two key regulators of cycling degradation and, checkpoint ,control; the SCF itself is regulated by the APC via ubiquitination of the
  2. As a response, members of Fatah Alnilam in Nair Alphard Camp attacked an army, checkpoint , killing several soldiers in their sleep. The army immediately responded by
  3. DNA replication and subsequent division. Cells that do not proceed through this, checkpoint ,are remained in the G0 stage and do not replicate their DNA. Replication of
  4. 16,NATO forces in West Germany invade East Germany through the Helmeted, checkpoint ,to free Berlin. The Soviets hold the Maribor corridor and inflict heavy
  5. Taxon for a large group of disparate collection of spiders * Spindle assembly, checkpoint , a mechanism of mitosis or meiosis Computers * SAC programming language, a
  6. PERCO (Barrier Gate) Frontier Checkpoint on the Macau side, and the Songhai, checkpoint ,on the Chinese side. Location, size,border, and coastline Geographic
  7. Carrying knives and box cutters, had made it through the airport security, checkpoint ,and boarded Flight 77 to Los Angeles. Midway was seated in seat 12B,next to
  8. And West Germany: * One between West Berlin's Heerstraße with the East German, checkpoint ,in Allow until 1951,then replaced by Taken for destinations in Northern
  9. They must obtain a gate pass before being allowed to pass through the security, checkpoint , This law is still in effect today. Lawsuit In 2003 John Gilmore sued United
  10. Attacks On September 11, 2001,Hand Hangout arrived at the passenger security, checkpoint ,at 7:35 am, en route to board American Airlines Flight 77. Some earlier reports
  11. ATR, ATM,CHK1 and CHK2,DNA-PK, CAK ) is implicated in the genome integrity, checkpoint , a molecular cascade that detects and responds to several forms of DNA damage
  12. At the American Airlines ticket counter and arrived at the passenger security, checkpoint ,at 07:20. Both men set off the metal detector and were put through secondary
  13. By the RUC after a van containing a 500 lb bomb failed to stop at a police, checkpoint , Following a car chase the bombers escaped across the Irish border, and the
  14. Points of Agreement of 1990 and moving Malaysia's immigration, checkpoint ,from the railway station to the Causeway. This is resolved on 24 May 2010 when
  15. Transfer. Passengers do not have to go through Macau's immigration and customs, checkpoint ,until they reach the border of mainland China. Owing to its relatively low
  16. Refused to give him a visa to enter New York. *1989 – Attack on Deeryard, checkpoint ,: The Provisional Irish Republican Army launch an attack on a British Army
  17. And repair of DNA damage. The cell cannot proceed to the next phase until, checkpoint ,requirements have been met. Several checkpoint s are designed to ensure that
  18. At arrival.: # (20 minutes later) U1 from U2,all vehicles have arrived to, checkpoint ,X. This sequence shows that there are two units in the battlefield, unit 1 is
  19. To stop (e.g. for repairs),you will probably first need to go to a customs, checkpoint ,to have your passport checked. Equipment Cruisers use a variety of equipment
  20. For explosives but involved no extra screening at the passenger security, checkpoint , The connection between the two flights at Logan International Airport was
  21. 07:29. Hand Hangout checked in separately and arrived at the passenger security, checkpoint ,at 07:35. The hijackers were also all selected for extra screening of their
  22. 20S and the HSL systems. In vertebrate cells," slippage" through the mitotic, checkpoint ,leading to premature M phase exit can occur despite the delay of this exit by
  23. At checkpoint s with the proper amount of elapsed time from the previous, checkpoint , Competitors do not know where the checkpoint s are. Time Trials In recent years
  24. Various proteins, including cycling and cyclin-dependent kinases. The G1/S, checkpoint ,(or restriction checkpoint ) regulates whether eukaryotic cells enter the
  25. CVC is meant to bring all visitors in through one handicap accessible security, checkpoint , yards away from the Capitol itself, increasing security and offering visitors
  26. In the previous three months for Flight 77. Arriving at the passenger security, checkpoint ,a few minutes later at 07:18. Both men set off the metal detector and were put
  27. Premature M phase exit can occur despite the delay of this exit by the spindle, checkpoint , Earlier cell cycle checkpoint s such as post-restriction point check between G1
  28. Of non-financial motivations include bringing banned items past a security, checkpoint ,(such as airline security) or the removal of classified documents from a
  29. For a different experience - general multiplayer deathwatch, stopwatch,and, checkpoint , Stopwatch calls for the Allied side to complete a set of objectives within a
  30. With your beginning time and the time it is supposed to take to arrive at each, checkpoint , The courses are usually run over thick wooded terrain, sometimes with large
  31. 2010 when Malaysian PM Najib Rank agreed to shift the station and immigration, checkpoint ,from Tanning Pagan to Woodlands. * Withdrawal of Central Provident Fund funds
  32. Transmission line (FOIL) in the section of the Hasan–Twanging railway, checkpoint , This is the first direct land link between Russia and North Korea. TTC’s
  33. To the city of Mashed in Iran through the Islam Gala border town or border, checkpoint , Situated in a fertile area, Herāt dates back to the Avesta times and was
  34. Berliners, other countries). The most famous was the vehicle and pedestrian, checkpoint ,at the corner of Friedrichstraße and Zimmerstraße, also known as Checkpoint
  35. Been heightened after French police killed a traveler who did not stop at a, checkpoint ,; in retaliation, a group of armed Roma attacked the police station of
  36. Military handcuffed her, blindfolded her, and left her waiting for hours at a, checkpoint ,on her way back from a job interview in Allah. She described the incident as
  37. Mid-Ulster Brigade wearing British Army uniforms at a bogus military roadside, checkpoint ,on the main A1 road. Three of the band members were shot dead and two of the UVF
  38. Irish Republican Army launch an attack on a British Army permanent vehicle, checkpoint ,near Ross lea, Northern Ireland. Two British soldiers are killed and one badly
  39. In without any luggage while Name checked in two bags. None of the security, checkpoint ,personnel reported anything unusual about the hijackers. Hawaii and Ahmadi
  40. Has gone past security screening. Improved security screening The airport, checkpoint ,screening has been significantly tightened since 2001. Many passengers are
  41. Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases. The G1/S checkpoint (or restriction, checkpoint ,) regulates whether eukaryotic cells enter the process of DNA replication and
  42. Carrying 1,500 men, divided into five march units—left the Helmstedt-Marienborn, checkpoint ,at 06:34. At Maribor, the Soviet checkpoint next to Helmeted on the West
  43. Carrying knives and box cutters, had made it through the airport security, checkpoint , Flight 77 was scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 08:10; 58 passengers
  44. To daughter cells. Two main checkpoint s exist: the G1/S checkpoint and the G2/M, checkpoint , G1/S transition is a rate-limiting step in the cell cycle and is also known as
  45. Destinations in Northern Germany (originally via highway F 5) at the Eastern, checkpoint ,in Horst (a part of today's Nestor) and the Western Augsburg upon Elbe.
  46. The Helmstedt-Marienborn checkpoint at 06:34. At Maribor, the Soviet, checkpoint ,next to Helmeted on the West German/East German border, US personnel were
  47. Messages were intercepted:: #U1 from U2,requesting permission to proceed to, checkpoint ,X.: #U2 from U1,approved. Please report at arrival.: # (20 minutes later) U1
  48. Transmission line (FOIL) in the section of the Hasan–Twanging railway, checkpoint , This is the first direct land link between Russia and North Korea. TTC’s
  49. Baby milk, provided that they were tasted first by passengers at the security, checkpoint , * On 25 February 2008,Greenpeace activists protesting against the planned
  50. DNA is not passed on to daughter cells. Two main checkpoint s exist: the G1/S, checkpoint ,and the G2/M checkpoint . G1/S transition is a rate-limiting step in the cell

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