Examples of the the word, narcotic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( narcotic ), is the 9239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In her hand, emblem of fertile blood and death and a substitute for the, narcotic ,capsule of the opium poppy. A scholar of Greek mythology Walter Burke rt writes
  2. Passed into popular culture. As stated above, cocaine is a stimulant, not a, narcotic , Although technically illegal for purposes of distribution and use, the
  3. Many were inadvertently administered lethal doses of opium or some other, narcotic , or were killed by overlong compression of the carotid artery in the neck (
  4. Potential identical to that of heroin. When used illicitly, a very serious, narcotic ,habit can develop in a matter of weeks, whereas iatrogenic morphine addiction
  5. More pronounced narcosis symptoms are more likely to occur. For a reduction in, narcotic ,effects trim ix or helix, gases which also contain helium, are generally used
  6. And ibogaine) have hallucinogenic effect. Morphine and codeine are strong, narcotic ,painkillers. There are alkaloids that do not have strong psychoactive effect
  7. Are typically co-prescribed. When used appropriately, opioids and similar, narcotic ,analgesics are otherwise safe and effective, however risks such as addiction
  8. Abused, as drug users may take dangerously high doses in an attempt to achieve, narcotic ,effects. This narcotic is among the top 10 drugs reported by medical examiners
  9. Laboratories). Since then, it has been best known for its use in treating, narcotic ,addiction. A great deal of anecdotal evidence was available" on the street "
  10. Up with ambient pressure within a minute or two and this produces a delay in, narcotic ,effect after coming to a new depth. Rapid compression potentiates narcosis
  11. That the 'vision in a dream' arose under some excitement of that same, narcotic ,; but this does not destroy, even as to his particular case, the evidence for a
  12. Considered to be illegal. In Norway and in Switzerland, GHB is considered a, narcotic ,and is only available by prescription under the trade name Xylem (Union
  13. Heroine). Even today, morphine is the most sought after prescription, narcotic ,by heroin addicts when heroin is scarce, all other things being equal; local
  14. To pain, strenuous exercise, orgasm,or excitement. Morphine is the prototype, narcotic ,drug and is the standard against which all other opioids are tested. It
  15. Opiates but also cocaine — which is a central nervous system stimulant, not a, narcotic ,— initiated a precedent of frequent legislative and judicial misclassification
  16. Not thought to reduce the effects of narcosis, as oxygen seems to have equally, narcotic ,properties under pressure as nitrogen; thus one should not expect a reduction
  17. Ingredients of ayahuasca as well as Carmela were declared suppliants, or, narcotic , schedule I substances, making the tea and its ingredients illegal to use or
  18. Of CO2,here given in volume percent of CO2 in the air: *At 2 % it is mildly, narcotic ,and causes increased blood pressure and pulse rate, and causes reduced hearing.
  19. Latitude is by no means unlimited. The centrality of the principle of limiting, narcotic ,and psychotropic drugs for medical and scientific purposes leaves no room for
  20. C drug on 1 January 2006. In Canada ketamine is classified as a Schedule I, narcotic , as of August 2005. In Hong Kong, as of the year 2000,ketamine is regulated
  21. Part of the breathing mixtures, such as in trim ix or helix, a decrease in the, narcotic ,effect of the gas at depth is obtained. Helium's reduced solubility offers
  22. Acid which originally came from the bark of willow trees. As well,the, narcotic ,analgesics such as morphine are derived from the opium poppy. There may be many
  23. Under pressure as nitrogen; thus one should not expect a reduction in, narcotic ,effects due only to the use of nitro. This may be due to a dissociation of the
  24. May take dangerously high doses in an attempt to achieve narcotic effects. This, narcotic ,is among the top 10 drugs reported by medical examiners in recreational drug
  25. Moderate to severe pain and as an antimissile to treat cough. Pharmacology As a, narcotic , hydrocodone relieves pain by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and
  26. Along with most of its plant sources, is classified in France as a stupefied (, narcotic ,). New Zealand DMT is classified in New Zealand as a Class A drug. United
  27. Occur, as do muscle spasms. At any point during this process, a suitable, narcotic ,can be administered that will dramatically reverse the withdrawal symptoms.
  28. For such use as a cough syrup for violent coughing. Some studies have shown, narcotic ,cough suppressants to be useful against dry, unproductive coughing, but others
  29. Of cocaine in the United States. This law incorrectly referred to cocaine as a, narcotic , and the misclassification passed into popular culture. As stated above
  30. Physical dependence, and respiratory depression. Morphine is a rapid-acting, narcotic , and it is known to bind very strongly to the opioid receptors, and for this
  31. Whole either the figure of a man, or that of the virile members. It is slightly, narcotic , and an aphrodisiac virtue was ascribed to it by the ancients, who
  32. Lethal effect of high-pressure oxygen, and nitrogen narcosis, the distracting, narcotic ,effect of the nitrogen in air beyond this partial-pressure threshold. After the
  33. To harvesting, medicinal products, cosmetics,tobacco and tobacco products, narcotic ,or psychotropic substances, and residues and contaminants. Types of food A
  34. In the US is a criminal offense. Morphine was the most commonly abused, narcotic ,analgesic in the world until heroin was synthesized and came into use. Until
  35. Reasons, and demanded that his court do the same. But he did not stop chewing, narcotic ,preparations, and did not lose his sense of irony. He wrote: Military career In
  36. Poison. There are also suggestions that the toxins may have been used as a, narcotic ,by the Olmec people. The toad has been hunted as a food source in parts of Peru
  37. In Australia, flunitrazepam is a schedule 8 drug, along with amphetamines and, narcotic ,analgesics. All other benzodiazepines (except Diazepam) are schedule 4 drugs
  38. Learning his craft. His first attempts at verse were often vague, languorously, narcotic , and lacking a clear eye. Hunt scorned the Augustan or 'French' school
  39. As a List 1 drug under the Opium Law. * In Japan, morphine is classified as a, narcotic ,under the. * Internationally, morphine is a Schedule I drug under the Single
  40. Companies and individuals. Because of the misclassification of cocaine as a, narcotic , the debate is still open on whether the government actually enforced these
  41. Law, when committed intentionally, the possession, purchase or cultivation of, narcotic ,drugs or psychotropic substances for personal consumption contrary to the
  42. Or all of the nitrogen in air—such as trim ix and helix—because helium has no, narcotic ,potential. The use of these gases forms part of technical diving and requires
  43. Who have switched to methadone after being treated for pain with other strong, narcotic ,pain relievers. Methadone can cause slow or shallow breathing and dangerous
  44. Was preparing a comprehensive new measure to more effectively meet the, narcotic ,and dangerous drug problems at the federal level by combining all existing
  45. Webs harvested by miners as glitterati spice, an illegal psychoactive, narcotic , The spider used the webs to catch bogeys, tiny energy creatures that it
  46. Apart from helium, and probably neon, all gases that can be breathed have a, narcotic ,effect, which is greater as the lipid solubility of the gas increases. Signs
  47. Types of drugs. P. bacterium does not contain morphine or codeine, or other, narcotic ,phenanthrene-type, alkaloids. This species is rather a source of Theban.
  48. Fruits, honey,numerous types of plants, spices and other substances such as, narcotic ,herbs. What they did not contain was hops, as that was a later addition, first
  49. In 1993,Guyana ratified the 1988 Vienna Convention on illicit traffic in, narcotic ,drugs and cooperates with U. S. law enforcement agencies on counter- narcotic s
  50. Permitting a reduction in frequency of use. In 1994,it was approved as a, narcotic ,addiction treatment. In the Netherlands, like methadone and all others strong

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