Examples of the the word, meaningless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( meaningless ), is the 7732 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Even when two physical quantities have identical dimensions, it may be, meaningless ,to compare or add them. For example, although torque and energy share the
  2. To do wrong involves the essence of all rights. " He asserted that anarchism is, meaningless ," unless it includes the liberty of the individual to control his product or
  3. Explains a human's ability to create multiple meanings from somewhat, meaningless ,sounds. For example, the sounds /t/, /a/, /c/ can be used to create the words "
  4. Distinction because without it, the sign of the cross product would be, meaningless , From the above, it is possible to reformulate the definition to either of the
  5. Its name from the drachma. Value It is generally considered very hard or even, meaningless ,to come up with comparative exchange rates with modern currency because the
  6. It is either" analytical" if tautologous, or " metaphysical" ( i.e., meaningless , or" literally senseless" ). He started work on the book at the age of 23 and
  7. General Braxton Bragg's second Confederate invasion of Kentucky ended with a, meaningless ,victory over Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Bell at the Battle of Perryville, name
  8. About scoring and judging. In serious meets, the absolute score is somewhat, meaningless , It is the relative score, not the absolute score that wins meets. Accordingly
  9. The paradox (I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is, meaningless ,). In Le Myth, Camus was interested in how we experience the Absurd and how we
  10. To a predicate (e.g., an apple is red): without a predicate, the word is, meaningless , Influence outside philosophy Cultural movement and influence The term
  11. Of the 'absurd' in modern fiction. Candide's world is full of ridiculous and, meaningless ,elements, but human beings are not totally deprived of the ability to make sic
  12. Not matters that could be judged as being true or false and that it was thus, meaningless ,to discuss them. In" The Concept of a Person and Other Essays" ( 1963),Layer
  13. Deconstruction cannot be completely transcendental because this would make it, meaningless ,to, for example, speak of two different examples of deconstruction as both
  14. Atheism, as he understood it, on the grounds that any religious discourse was, meaningless , He believed that religious language was unverifiable and as such literally
  15. That tradition. The Chinese can use their political power: force. Again,it's, meaningless , Like their Patches Lama. And they can't keep their Patches Lama in Tibet.
  16. A statement with such wide possible interpretation as to be essentially, meaningless , Lexical ambiguity is contrasted with semantic ambiguity. The former represents
  17. Of the collage – the assembly of everyday objects to produce meaningful or, meaningless ,(relative to the war) pieces of work including war objects and trash. Objects
  18. With one's freedom. This can take many forms, from pretending choices are, meaningless ,or random, through convincing oneself that some form of determinism is true, too
  19. So much Aristotelian theory that his rejection of Gnosticism was practically, meaningless , In particular, Paracelsus rejected the magic theories of Agrippa and Flame.
  20. The same time we know we will eventually die, and ultimately our endeavors are, meaningless , While we can live with a dualism (I can accept periods of unhappiness
  21. Fill bytes that can be written later, and the other to convert written bytes to, meaningless ,fill bytes. For Proms that switch one to zero, the roles of NFL and DEL are
  22. As such literally nonsense. Consequently," There is no God" was for Layer as, meaningless ,and metaphysical an utterance as" God exists. " Though Layer could not give
  23. Are: # Prevarication – a speaker can say falsehoods, lies,and, meaningless ,statements. # Reflexives – Language can be used communicate about the very
  24. Popular culture, however,feel that the comparisons between the two artist are, meaningless ,and fail to recognize Madonna's unique contribution: Madonna was never 'just
  25. Slavery in existing states, secessionists claimed that such guarantees were, meaningless , Besides the loss of Kansas to free soil Northerners, secessionists feared that
  26. Classified according to what they claim to show: * Those which demonstrate how, meaningless ,symbols can become meaningful; * Those which suggest that the Chinese room
  27. Many examples are based on locations in London and, in all likelihood, will be, meaningless ,to people unfamiliar with the capital e.g. " Peck ham Rye ", meaning " tie" (
  28. Characters under the door and Earle, to whom" Chinese writing is just so many, meaningless ,squiggles ", is able to create sensible replies, in Chinese, by following the
  29. Encoding might survive cryopreservation because the question is regarded as, meaningless ,until cryopreservation can be reversed. At present only cells, tissues,and
  30. And of equality of length of line segments in general (whence circles become, meaningless ,) while retaining the notions of parallelism as an equivalence relation between
  31. Players in each league play against one another in a hard fought but officially, meaningless ,demonstration game. In 1936 the Baseball Hall of Fame was instituted and five
  32. There before the Universe? " Makes no sense; the concept of" before" becomes, meaningless ,when considering a situation without time. A clutch is a mechanical device
  33. Are both correct, so the question of the limits of time must be regarded as, meaningless , This was part of Kant's critical program of determining limits to science and
  34. In a way that eliminates the notions of angle (whence right triangles become, meaningless ,) and of equality of length of line segments in general (whence circles become
  35. False by definition (i.e. either tautological or contradictory),then it was, meaningless ,(this is a summary statement of their verification principle). Hume, on this
  36. The meaning As far as the person in the room is concerned, the symbols are just, meaningless ," squiggles. " But if the Chinese room really" understands" what it's saying
  37. Anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is literally, meaningless ,... Another objection is that the very form of the Drake equation assumes that
  38. Is no need for the external sacrament of water baptism, which Quakers argue is, meaningless , Salvation Army The Salvation Army does not practice water baptism, or indeed
  39. As Gibson himself would later describe it as an" evocative and essentially, meaningless ," buzzword that could serve as a cipher for all of his" cybernetic musings ".
  40. Just bossing people around. *Betty Pope is a wealthy socialite who is having a, meaningless ,sexual affair with James Haggard. She is deliberately crude in a way that casts
  41. Can be used in the same way that they were used on punched tape: one to reserve, meaningless ,fill bytes that can be written later, and the other to convert written bytes to
  42. Are false. Continued debates regarding the doctrine would therefore be, meaningless , Catholic apologists may reply that these arguments against apostolic
  43. The pronoun" Maya" ( lit. " This one here "; colloq. " She" ). Similar ", meaningless ," expressions are extremely common in spoken Bulgarian, especially when the
  44. The 14th Dalai Lama, replied that the Chinese government's selection would be, meaningless , " You can't impose an Imam, an Archbishop, saints,any religion ... you can
  45. Merged in artillery use, making a distinction between the terms somewhat, meaningless , By the end of the 20th century, true guns with calibers larger than about 60
  46. Arctic to tropical, rendering meteorological averages for the EU as a whole, meaningless , The majority of the people lives in areas with a Mediterranean climate (
  47. Ln 3 kg would produce, if one naively took LN 3 kg to mean the dimensionally, meaningless ," LN (1 + 2 kg) ", : 2\, \math rm - \franc + \dots which is dimensionally
  48. Was" a score written by a novelist rather than a songwriter. " Calling it ", meaningless ,glitz," Jane Edwards of 20/20 Magazine said that watching this production was
  49. Considered negative or irrational square root solutions" useless ",", meaningless ,", and even" absurd ". To give one specific example, he calls the equation 4
  50. Mass of a rat and the length of that man, the expression is meaningful, but is, meaningless , However, mman/Man is fine. Thus, dimensional analysis may be used as a

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