Examples of the the word, fog , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fog ), is the 7733 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Boeing 767-200,flight CA129 crashes into a hillside during heavy rain and, fog ,near Susan, South Korea, killing 128. Births *1452 – Leonardo da Vinci, Italian
  2. Is a popular term referring to the deposition of wet (rain, snow,sleet, fog , cloud water, and dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic
  3. By his experiences in the Prussian Army, which was often in an intelligence, fog ,due partly to the superior abilities of Napoleon's system but even more to the
  4. Of luxury cars sank 32 km (20 mi) northwest of Dunkirk after collision in, fog ,with the container ship Karina. The cargo ship Nicola ran into the wreckage the
  5. 1983 – An Iberia Airlines Boeing 727 collides with an Avian DC-9 in dense, fog ,while the two airliners are taxiing down the runway at Madrid Barajas
  6. And dry summers. The cool California Current offshore often creates summer, fog ,near the coast. Further inland, one encounters colder winters and hotter
  7. To the observations carried out at the summit observatory from 1883 to 1904, fog , was present on the summit for almost 80 % of the time between November and
  8. Canberra is notorious for hot, dry summers, and cold winters with occasional, fog ,and frequent frosts. Many of the higher mountains in the territory's
  9. At various locations in the town, under the title, Novembernebel (November, fog ,) *On Saint Nicholas Day (6 December),the Niklasmarkt (Nicholas Market)
  10. Flight 19 is lost in the Bermuda Triangle. *1952 – Great Smog of 1952: A cold, fog ,descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing at least 12,000
  11. Radiation, and the universe became transparent instead of being an opaque, fog , The photons that existed at that time have been propagating ever since, though
  12. Reflection of Clausewitz's insistence on the roles of chance, friction,", fog ,", uncertainty and interactivity in war. After 1890 or so,Clausewitz's
  13. Are, and the precipitation often appears in the form of rain, hail,and thick, fog , Above is the frozen level, where peaks are constantly capped with snow and ice
  14. Difficulties of their own: visibility near the coast was frequently poor due to, fog , and sea conditions were either so calm the slightest ripple, as from the
  15. Recruits, foster unit cohesion, or allow easier identification of units in the, fog ,of war common to the battlefield before the invention of smokeless gunpowder.
  16. NONE (All gases are mutually miscible) Liquid aerosol Examples:, fog , mist, hair sprays Solid aerosol Examples: smoke, cloud,air
  17. Forests are especially vulnerable as they are often surrounded by clouds and, fog ,which are more acidic than rain. Other plants can also be damaged by acid rain
  18. Falat (wall),hatot (six); pol cot (shelf),lolcat (eight); Godot (, fog ,), könyvet (book). In fewer cases, the root of the word is also affected.
  19. G1,g2: b → x. * isomorphism if there exists a morphism g: b → a such that, fog ,1b and Gogh 1a. * endomorphic if a = b. end (a) denotes the class of
  20. The 2nd BCS to the west. At 14:20 on 31 May, despite heavy haze and scuds of, fog ,giving poor visibility, scouts from Beatty's force reported enemy ships to the
  21. Then inland locations. Coastal areas are also subject to hear, or coastal, fog , Notable residents *Alexander Garden, ( 1730–1791),born in First, noted
  22. Stripped Patrols of Achilles' armor. Ajax's prayer to Zeus to remove the, fog ,that has descended on the battle to allow them to fight or die in the light of
  23. No precipitation, whereas the winter months of January through April have some, fog ,and drizzle. Above sea level to an altitude of, the islands have a mixture of
  24. Most intelligence is false. " This circumstance is generally described as the, fog ,of war. Such skeptical comments apply only to intelligence at the tactical and
  25. Building incident On Saturday,28 July 1945,at 0940 (while flying in thick, fog ,), a USAAF B-25D crashed into the north side of the Empire State Building
  26. George, and Darling) finally venturing forward and charging off to die in the, fog ,and smoke of no man's land. In a list of the 100 Greatest British Television
  27. People. *1991 – Italian ferry Moby Prince collides with an oil tanker in dense, fog ,off Livorno, Italy killing 140. * 1991 – A rare tropical storm develops in the
  28. Isles and north-Western Europe, and the cold water currents contribute to heavy, fog ,off the coast of eastern Canada (the Grand Banks of Newfoundland area) and
  29. Effects demonstrated to result from it. Occasional pH readings in rain and, fog ,water of well below 2.4 have been reported in industrialized areas. And areas
  30. Friction creates enormous difficulties for the realization of any plan, and the, fog ,of war hinders commanders from knowing what is happening. It is precisely in
  31. To superstructure icing in the extreme north from October to May. Persistent, fog ,can be a maritime hazard from May to September, as can hurricanes north of the
  32. Temperatures range from below. Precipitation frequently is in the form of snow, fog , and rain. The Oriented/Amazon Basin The Eastern lowlands in the Oriented
  33. A Mediterranean climate. It is classified as a Köppen CSA climate. Thick ground, fog ,named" Rule Fog" settles into Davis during late fall and winter. The
  34. Manifestations of the element of water are rivers, oceans,lakes, wells,rain, fog , ice, snow,streams and all drinks. Animals, especially the dolphin, seal
  35. S location directly opposite the Golden Gate ensures that typical eastward, fog ,flow blankets the city more often than its neighbors. Winter is punctuated with
  36. Client crater of Pas Volcano create extremely high amounts of acid rain and, fog ,with acidity 2 of pH, clearing an area of any vegetation and frequently causing
  37. Settles into Davis during late fall and winter. The characteristics of the, fog ,are dense with visibility to less than 500 feet. Many accidents occurring in
  38. Areas of the province are often covered by a blanket of heavy cloud and low, fog ,during winter, despite sunny summers. Annual sunshine hours vary from 2200 near
  39. A year but only in the urban area during heavy winters. Widespread frosts and, fog ,are more common during the cooler months. Snow has been known to fall heavily.
  40. It was smaller, much hotter, and filled with a uniform glow from its white-hot, fog ,of hydrogen plasma. As the universe expanded, both the plasma and the radiation
  41. Long),usually in gone, often in on, and irregularly before (log, hog,dog, fog ,which is not found in British English at all). * The replacement of the lot
  42. Variable temperature. Summer typically brings night and morning low clouds or, fog , followed by sunny, warm days. The warmest and driest months are typically June
  43. Factors interact, noting how unexpected developments unfolding under the ", fog ,of war" called for rapid decisions by alert commanders. He saw history as a
  44. Annual rainfall of. The temperate level experiences rainstorms, hailstorms,and, fog , Winter, or the rainy season, lasts from January through June, and the dry
  45. Important for plants that receive most of their moisture in the form of, fog , Most cacti have a short growing season and long dormancy. For example, a
  46. Burned, wounded and thrown to the ground. Suddenly, amid the smoke and snowy, fog , I heard His Majesty's weak voice cry,'Help! ' Gathering what strength I had
  47. Witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood, fog , and mystery stupefy, their minds ... Politeness has forbidden any direct
  48. Mid-summer (July–August) is often a bit cooler due to the sea breezes and, fog ,common then. Average January temperatures are a maximum of and a minimum of.
  49. And temperate climates. In general, temperatures are around. There is constant, fog ,and drizzle in the summer and rain in the winter. The cold level above has
  50. Scale anisotropies are erased. (Just as when looking at an object through, fog , details of the object appear fuzzy. ) # The physics of how photons scatter off

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