Examples of the the word, sanctuary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sanctuary ), is the 7734 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By permission of the sovereign. This was often taken by fugitives who had taken, sanctuary ,: English Commonwealth Near the start of the English Civil War, on 18 August
  2. Were typically enclosed by a concentric series of walls, with the central, sanctuary ,in the middle; this arrangement represented the mountain ranges surrounding
  3. And Artemis was enraged. She demanded that young girls" act the bear" at her, sanctuary ,in atonement for the bear's death. Virginal Artemis was worshiped as a
  4. The Pandroseion,Pandion's sanctuary ,Athena's altar, Zeus Polieus's, sanctuary ,and, from Roman times, the circular temple of Augustus and Rome. Hellenistic
  5. Were sold around the globe. Agates have long been used in arts and crafts. The, sanctuary ,of a Presbyterian church in Yachts, Oregon,has six windows with panes made of
  6. Slope, in a cave next to the one dedicated to Pan since the classical period,a, sanctuary ,was founded where the arc hons dedicated to Apollo on taking office. In the
  7. Territories, Laubachtal valley and Lower Can Valley with side valleys),two, sanctuary ,forests (Glashütte and Kosher Origin),65 extensive natural monuments,30
  8. Of mankind. # There is an investigative judgment going on in the heavenly, sanctuary ,that began on October 22, 1844 to determine who will come forth in each of the
  9. Commonly used in the Khmer provinces than at Angkor itself. Structures Central, sanctuary ,The central sanctuary of an Agrarian temple was home to the temple's primary
  10. Will take place 1000 years later, at the close of the millennium. # There is a, sanctuary ,in heaven in which Christ is ministering on behalf of mankind. # There is an
  11. Zeus Panhellenic on mount Panhellenic, and the Aeginetans afterwards built a, sanctuary ,on their island called Peace, which was a square place enclosed by walls of
  12. Leader, united by covenant in warfare and in worship of Yahweh alone at single, sanctuary , all in obedience to the commands of Moses as found in Deuteronomy.; God and
  13. Only Levites) were to be devoted to sacred services, the special charge of the, sanctuary ,and the altar was committed to the Maronite alone (Numbers 18:1-7). The
  14. The islands also have a number of endemic reptiles, toads and frogs. There is a, sanctuary ,45 miles from Havelock island for saltwater crocodiles. Over the past 25 years
  15. For use by the population at large, but rather a home for the deity,the, sanctuary ,needed only to be large enough to hold the statue or Linda; it was never more
  16. As a mother goddess, akin to the Phrygia goddess Cybele, in an ancient, sanctuary ,where her cult image depicted the" Lady of Ephesus" adorned with multiple
  17. Laws and covenant from God and God has taken up residence among them in the, sanctuary , The task before them is to take possession of the Promised Land. The people
  18. He supplied the Albanian leader with troops, military equipment, and, sanctuary , for himself and his family if such a need should arise. This was because in
  19. With the Senate all the accusations he made against Antony. By storming the, sanctuary ,of the Vestal Virgins, Octavian forced their chief priestess to hand over
  20. Were simultaneously created, for the most part vicars: monasteries with a, sanctuary ,in the structure's rear center. Each of cave temples seem to be patronized by
  21. Were found at the sanctuaries of Apollo with more than one hundred from the, sanctuary ,of Apollo Photos, Boeotia alone. The last stage in the development of the
  22. Of several levels, and the home of the gods was represented by the elevated, sanctuary ,at the center of the temple. The first great Temple Mountain was the Baking, a
  23. Increasingly long hallways which had earlier been used to surround the central, sanctuary ,of a temple. During the period of Angkor Was in the first half of the 12th
  24. By God to be responsible for any iniquity committed in connection with the, sanctuary , The Levites are again appointed to help in the keeping of the Tabernacle. The
  25. Performed a cleansing ritual within“ the Erecththeum ”, the personal, sanctuary ,of the goddess. Here Athena's statue was undressed, her clothes washed, and
  26. Of the temple, and by the greater decoration on its walls. Symbolically,the, sanctuary ,represented Mount Menu, the legendary home of the Hindu gods. Prang The prang
  27. Goddess and a statue made by Praxiteles in the 4th century BC were both in the, sanctuary , Behind the Propylaea, Phidias ' gigantic bronze statue of Athena Promos ("
  28. Of government),etc. *seat (holy) adj. → sheet (saint); svetìlishte (, sanctuary ,), etc. Until 1945,Bulgarian orthography did not reveal this alternation and
  29. Of Europe's legends, where the meaning of history and belief find a home and a, sanctuary ,from caricature, parody and oblivion. " According to The Guardian the bid may
  30. SDA's and Dravidians are: # The judgment of the living began in the heavenly, sanctuary ,in 1955. # Daily worship should be kept at the 3rd and 9th hours of the natural
  31. 24:11),people going into exile (Lamentations 1:3 and 2 Kings 24:14) and the, sanctuary ,being plundered (Lamentations 1:10 and 2 Kings 24:13). On the other hand
  32. Open courtyard, and the enclosed hypostyle hall to the front of the temple's, sanctuary , a style that was standard until the Graeco-Roman period. The earliest and most
  33. whether the wicked are resurrected after the millennium, and whether the, sanctuary ,of refers to the one in heaven or one on earth. Albany Conference The Albany
  34. Redistributed to another husband. At a later point, David finds himself seeking, sanctuary ,amongst the Philistine army and facing the Israelites as an enemy. David is
  35. Of Apollo in Greece, Delphi and Demos, date from the 8th century BCE. The Demos, sanctuary ,was primarily dedicated to Artemis,Apollo's twin sister. At Delphi, Apollo
  36. Located in unincorporated western Travis County is a rescue zoo that provides, sanctuary ,to displaced animals from a variety of situations, including those involving
  37. Eliminates the influence of the governor in favor of the high priest, and the, sanctuary ,becomes ever more clearly the center of messianic fulfillment. The prominence
  38. The orders of Tiberius. Tiberius falsely accused Agrippina of planning to take, sanctuary ,besides the image of Augustus or with the Roman Army abroad. Agrippina and her
  39. Girls and young Athenian girls approaching marriageable age were sent to the, sanctuary ,of Artemis at Brandon to serve the Goddess for one year. During this time the
  40. Khmer provinces than at Angkor itself. Structures Central sanctuary The central, sanctuary ,of an Agrarian temple was home to the temple's primary deity, the one to whom
  41. Examples of life-sized statues of Apollo, may be two figures from the Ionic, sanctuary ,on the island of Demos. Such statues were found across the Greek-speaking world
  42. Of God. (The Hebrew word for glory. ) Many items in the Mishkan, the portable, sanctuary ,in the wilderness, such as the menorah, many of the vessels, and the Ark of the
  43. By grief, she walked slowly and when she approached the actual entrance to the, sanctuary ,made two genuflections; on the third she sank to the floor and taking firm hold
  44. Which he was dressed in linen and led at night into the innermost part of the, sanctuary , where the actual initiation, the details of which were secret, took place. On
  45. Visible to the present day are the Chalkotheke, the Pandroseion,Pandion's, sanctuary , Athena's altar, Zeus Polieus's sanctuary and, from Roman times, the circular
  46. Celebrate Artemis in Trojans, a town in Argos. A king named Aaron built a, sanctuary ,for the goddess after the goddess saved his life when he went on hunting and
  47. Not until the next day that the sacrifice is offered. *In Orchomenus,a, sanctuary ,was built for Artemis Hymn where her festival was celebrated every year.
  48. Of the natural day, in harmony with Christ's intercession in the heavenly, sanctuary , This includes partaking in the Lord's Supper. # The family is the literal
  49. Discoveries in Greece in the past few years is the recognition that the, sanctuary ,site near the modern village of Kalahari is not only the site of the oracle of
  50. And a lion. This winged Artemis lingered in exavolts as Artemis Orchid, with a, sanctuary ,close by Sparta. In Greek classical art she is usually portrayed as a maiden

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