Examples of the the word, marxist , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Has to be situated in the extreme-left corner as he is a militant for the, marxist , extreme-left party Workers Party of Belgium, a small political formation in
  2. And capitalism are two faces of the productivity" mode of production" ( a, marxist , term ), which should be phased out if our planet is to survive. According to
  3. Bible or as emplacement of certain" Marxist thesis ", but as fidelity to the ", marxist , method ", dialectics. Lukas presents the category of reification whereby, due
  4. Gustav just before the Room purge in 1934,which among other things eliminated, marxist , leanings from the Nazi movement. Gustav supported the" Adolf Hitler Endowment
  5. Not have a formal academic education as historian. He approaches history as a, marxist , scholar and Croatian attorney. He always considered history as means of forming
  6. And no religion. Political viewpoint Eldem's works clearly reflect his, marxist , background with an agnostic/atheistic emphasis and the articles on his website
  7. Communist (i.e. a classless) society, free from oppression, on the basis of, marxist , and feminist theories. The organization has had various names and political
  8. Process and the possibility of a revolution, that is of operating capitalism, marxist , philosophy,from Marx and Engels to Althusser passing by Lukas, etc., has
  9. School (FFS),from its campus in Guayama, São Paulo, named for the, marxist , scholar Flores tan Fernandes - which offers various classes on the secondary (
  10. Marxists point out that most Marxist forerunners claimed by feminists or ", marxist , feminists " including Clara Retain and Alexandra Kollontai were against
  11. Which are Basque nationalist, but at the same time, left-wing. This may be, marxist , communist, socialist or social-democratic. The term is used to distinguish
  12. Kuhn's notion of paradigm shift and similar discussions. Frederic Jameson,a, marxist , or perhaps post-modern theorist, is a case in point. He famously asserted (
  13. Major, a detainee at a police station in Łódź, proclaimed,in reference to the, marxist , and Hegelian dialectics, yet another artistic manifesto and referred to his
  14. Was ever sent, which was an enduring source of bitterness for Theo. His, marxist , works were published posthumously. The first was Illusion and Reality (1937)
  15. Workers' Party of Hungary 2006 (Magyarországi Munkáspárt 2006):, marxist , communist Past * Arrow Cross Party (Nyilaskeresztes Part) (fascist) * Civic
  16. The national decision level of the SPD. It also confirmed his position in the, marxist , center of the SPD, of which he was now one of the most important figures. When
  17. Left Magazine),which was supposed to be a broader non-party, marxist , socialist and ecologist forum. It disappeared rapidly. The publication
  18. Culture of capitalism). Its modern approaches come from art history, annales, marxist , school,microhistory and new cultural history. Common theoretical touchstones
  19. Considerable influence on other prominent Italian intellectuals including both, marxist , Antonio Gram sci and fascist Giovanni Gentile. Biography Croce was born in
  20. Of Capital as if it were the Bible or as emplacement of certain ", marxist , thesis ", but as fidelity to the" Marxist method ", dialectics. Lukas
  21. But disagree with the mainstream of Marxism, often describe themselves as, marxist , historians (with a lowercase M). Methods from Marxist historiography, such as
  22. Parties: the religious-leftist People's Mujaheddin Organization of Iran and the, marxist , Organization of Iranian People Facade Guerrillas for the first one and the
  23. Principal Speakers San Berry and Dr. Derek Wall, himself an eco-socialist and, marxist , academic. In Europe, some 'Green-Left' political parties combine traditional
  24. And literary figures in Italy and came to personify the revolutionary and, marxist , era of 1970s Italy. The Great Jubilee in 2000 was a major event in the Roman
  25. History making the term" socialist state" preferable to many communists and, marxist , theorists. Some socialists like left communists referred to the Soviet Union as
  26. Until the mid 1960s and remained committed philosophically to a revision of the, marxist , analysis of capitalism from the point of view of the artist. He traveled again
  27. An international conspiracy linked up with the Ronstadt events is claimed by, marxist , Abbie Balkan to be supported by the discovery of a handwritten memorandum
  28. Caliphate in the Middle East, ruled by an ace called The Our. Simultaneously a, marxist , nation the People's Paradise of Africa, has come to control much of Central
  29. Which is published in Havana). Death At the time of his death he was a Cuban, marxist , revolutionary in Mexico trying to organize the overthrow of the Cuban
  30. Other cities united to form the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party (BSDP). The, marxist , nucleus of the BSDP was opposed by a group, who were essentially opposed to
  31. That there is no reason to push readings (whether biographical, humorous,Marxist, exotic etc.) from the field. Law in Kafka's fiction Many attempts have been
  32. Marxism, which represented a fundamental theoretical tool for the school of, marxist , structuralism ). A mandolin () is a musical instrument in the lute family (
  33. Parties, the Committee for Another Policy (CAP). Within the SP. a, the more, marxist , SP. A-Rood, is trying to change the course of the party. Liberals/Liberal
  34. Of other leftist ideologies. That flexible mix of a discourse including ", marxist , concepts,popular religion, communal practices, citizenship principles and
  35. Williams, April 1963,concerning plans Marianas had been formulating with the, marxist , intellectual Henry Flint; 'Bad news! George Brecht wants out of Fluxes, thinks
  36. Lady, wife of Pedro Aguirre Cerda * Salvador Allende Losses – Socialist and, marxist , president,senator, and doctor who shot himself, unable to turn around his
  37. Accused of engaging in narcoterrorism, including among them the leaders of the, marxist , FARC and the AUC paramilitary forces, groups which have also committed numerous
  38. Existence of" class struggle inside the theory" itself. Although Althusser's, marxist , philosophy may repel many people today, his criticisms of the notion of a "
  39. Expert in economic growth. *Workout Borstal, ( born 1935),Turkish, is a, marxist , economist. *George Boreas, ( born October 15, 1950),American, at Harvard
  40. That prehistory and literate history must be viewed together, and adopted a, marxist , view of history, whilst Prehistoric Migrations (1950) displayed his views on
  41. The Endangered Species Act is passed in the United States. *1974 – Senegalese, marxist , group Reentered founds the political movement Andrew at a clandestine congress
  42. Of multiculturalism (1964–2000) *John Saville, professor of history, major,Marxist, historian. Notable alumni *Daniel Francis Anna - Former appeal court judge and
  43. Through expropriation have come after revolutions, in particular, marxist , revolutions. The traditional Western stance on compensation was expressed by
  44. Communist Party. During the 1980s,the UP's ideology was openly communist and, marxist , but the main platform initially consisted of promoting itself as a legal and
  45. Like Zachary Narendra Devi, it was essentially an organ of the Anshan, marxist , tendency. Only a handful issues were published. The Anshan Marxists were
  46. Optimism about a" continuous and linear necessary progress ". As in any, marxist , theory,ultimately theory is dependent on human praxis, and only the rebellion
  47. The term appears as" expropriation of expropriators (ruling classes) " in, marxist , theory,and also as the slogan" Loot the looters! ", very popular during
  48. Stirnerist egoist anarchism. Bob Black has humorously suggested the idea of ", marxist , stirnerism ". Hakim Bey has said" From Stirner's" Union of Self-Owning Ones
  49. Runner, Otto Bauer and Max Adler also studied political economy, taught by the, marxist , Carl Grubber, and attended the lectures of the philosopher Ernst Mach, who
  50. European revolutionary movements. He also became attracted to anarchism and, marxist , ideologies. He became involved in numerous revolutionary organizations, and

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