Examples of the the word, rod , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rod ), is the 9162 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Windsor claims to be the first in creating the hollow neck banjo with a truss, rod , and he buried the 5th string in the neck after the 5th fret so to put the
  2. His subjects (Exodus 9:23,10:13,22). The display of potency from Aaron's, rod ,had already been demonstrated in the presence of Pharaoh's magicians; when
  3. Given power over the nations in order to dash them to pieces with the rule of a, rod ,of iron; They will also be given the" morning star ". (2:18-29) #### Praised
  4. States that the Ark contained" the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's, rod ,that budded, and the tablets of the covenant. " Says the prophet saw God's
  5. Hydrogen gas,H₂. This makes the zinc rod the negative elect rod e and the copper, rod ,the positive elect rod e. We now have two terminals, and the current will flow if
  6. From the copper, forming bubbles of hydrogen gas,H₂. This makes the zinc, rod ,the negative elect rod e and the copper rod the positive elect rod e. We now have
  7. Increasingly drunk, dreams of sailing back to Alaska. He takes down a curtain, rod ,for a mast and climbs on the pool table, pretending it is a ship; Jenny and
  8. In 1982 were, in order of use, reactor start-up (48.3 %),fuel, rod ,scanning (25.3 %),and activation analysis (19.4 %). By 1994 most
  9. Valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your, rod ,and staff they comfort me. Original (Sooner Afrikaans) One Vader: One Vader
  10. 1994 most californium-252 was used in neutron radiography (77.4 %),with fuel, rod ,scanning (12.1 %) and reactor start-up (6.9 %) as important but distant
  11. For electrical irons. Today, Bakelite is manufactured and p rod uced in sheet, rod ,and tube form for hundreds of industrial applications in the electronics, power
  12. Book of Numbers, and Epistle to the Hebrews the Ark also contained Aaron's, rod , a jar of manna and the first Torah scroll as written by Moses. However, Books
  13. Manner *Conical pendulum, a weight (or bob) fixed on the end of a string (or, rod ,) suspended from a pivot *Conical scanning, a system used in early radar units
  14. To" their cruelty" ( Nahum 3:19). The Assyrians had been used as God's ", rod ,of ... anger, and the staff in their hand as indignation. " (Isaiah 10:5)
  15. Feet × 208.71 feet (a square) * 160 perches. A perch is equal to a square, rod ,(1 square rod is 0.00625 acre) * A chain by a furlong (chain 22 yards
  16. Aaron's rod , which brought forth almond flowers. According to tradition,the, rod ,of Aaron bore sweet almonds on one side and bitter on the other; if the
  17. Or Huawei, a positional system. They are the only surviving form of the, rod ,numerals. They were once used by Chinese mathematicians, and later in Chinese
  18. Franklin was a p rod igious inventor. Among his many creations were the lightning, rod , glass harmonica (a glass instrument, not to be confused with the metal
  19. Are described by just two measurements, such as the length and diameter of a, rod , The aspect ratio of a torus is the ratio of the major axis R to the minor axis
  20. Their lives all the following: *A notochord, in other words a fairly stiff, rod ,of cartilage that extends along the inside of the body. Among the vertebrate
  21. In the treasury till the Confederacy shows its teeth. The states must see the, rod , ” Also, the Jay-Gardoqui Treaty with Spain in 1786 also showed weakness in
  22. But bitter in his stomach, and to prophesy. ####John is given a measuring, rod ,to measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.
  23. Rods were laid up overnight in the tent of meeting. The next morning Aaron’s, rod ,was found to have budded and blossomed and p rod uced ripe almonds (Numbers 17:8
  24. In Numbers 17 Levi is chosen from the other tribes of Israel by Aaron's, rod , which brought forth almond flowers. According to tradition, the rod of Aaron
  25. Fearsome hunter, and according to a legend, he killed a lion with just a wooden, rod , He was very adventurous and a trained fighter, who was known for his skills
  26. Seemed to me to be no more than common literary honesty, has been used as a, rod ,for my back by people who look on you as Antichrist. " Crowley died at
  27. The bow and the stabilizer weight. Similarly, the weight may be on an extension, rod ,that may flex in itself. The object of the exercise should be kept in mind, and
  28. Into materials makes californium useful in detection instruments such as fuel, rod ,scanners; neutron radiography of aircraft and weapons components to detect
  29. He appears to have acted merely as the attendant of Moses, whose outstretched, rod ,drew the divine wrath upon the Pharaoh and his subjects (Exodus 9:23,10:13,22
  30. Very different world, if we did something bad, or we disobeyed our parents,the, rod ,was not spared. " Gustav had a preference for his stepson Mansard, over his
  31. Wrote: Franklin's electrical experiments led to his invention of the lightning, rod , He noted that conductors with a sharp rather than a smooth point were capable
  32. The brothers (Exodus 4:15–16). At the command of Moses he stretched out his, rod ,in order to bring on the first of three plagues (Exodus 7:19,8:1,12). In the
  33. Difference in latitude. In his time, the noon was simply a vertical pillar or, rod ,mounted on a horizontal plane. The position of its shadow on the plane
  34. In three layers of equal volume, with each layer being tamped with a steel, rod ,in order to consolidate the layer. When the cone is carefully lifted off, the
  35. Between the bacterium and the environment, and at the same time maintains the, rod ,shape and withstands the pressure generated by the cell's turgor. The cell
  36. Been demonstrated in the presence of Pharaoh's magicians; when Aaron's, rod ,was thrown down to the ground it had turned into a snake, so Pharaoh's
  37. Principal winds. In antiquity a bronze figure of Triton on the summit, with a, rod ,in his hand, turned round by the wind, pointed to the quarter from which it
  38. Diamond Age, ubiquitous molecular nanotechnology is described to make use of ", rod ,logic" similar to that imagined by Babbage's design for the Analytical Engine
  39. With Amalek, he is chosen with Her to support the hand of Moses that held the “, rod ,of God” ( Exodus 17:9). When the revelation was given to Moses at Mount Sinai
  40. Silicon bronze because of the ready availability of silicon bronze brazing, rod , which allows color-matched repair of defects in castings. Aluminum is also
  41. Dali bard of France conducted Franklin's experiment using a -tall iron, rod ,instead of a kite, and he extracted electrical sparks from a cloud. On June 15
  42. Memorable transaction followed. Each of the tribal princes of Israel took a, rod ,and wrote his name upon it, and the twelve rod s were laid up overnight in the
  43. In pedagogy. * Václav Proof Davis (1698–1765),inventor of the lightning, rod ,; independently of Benjamin Franklin * Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848),noted
  44. Construction is required overall. One innovation is a metal bar called a truss, rod , which is incorporated into the neck to strengthen it and provide adjustable
  45. The operator. It usually has more than seven rod s. There are two beads on each, rod ,in the upper deck and five beads each in the bottom for both decimal and
  46. Personifying Sight or the Wisdom of God. It was at one time attached to a thin, rod ,or stick based on the hollow socket at its base. The jewel certainly dates from
  47. His discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning, rod , bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'harmonica '.
  48. In electricity and for his many inventions, especially the lightning, rod , He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania and was
  49. However,Aaron's snake ate up all the other snakes (Exodus 7:9) proving his, rod ,was victorious. During the journey in the wilderness, Aaron is not always
  50. Feet (a square) * 160 perches. A perch is equal to a square rod (1 square, rod ,is 0.00625 acre) * A chain by a furlong (chain 22 yards, furlong 220 yards)

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