Examples of the the word, scenery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scenery ), is the 9161 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In which the players are the lead actors, and the GM provides the stage,the, scenery , the basic plot on which the improvisational script is built, as well as all
  2. En scene: the process of setting a stage with regard to placement of actors, scenery , properties, etc.; the stage setting or scenery of a play; surroundings
  3. Of the Italian industry was historical epics, with large casts and massive, scenery , As early as 1911,Giovanni Pastrone's two-reel la Caducei di Troika (The Fall
  4. Operable steam trains in the world, offering trips through the rolling prairie, scenery , Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions caters to tens of thousands of visitors
  5. Director from 1914 to 1930. He contributed his expertise in special effects and, scenery ,to the theater's distinctive style. Paula Max was one of the Grand Guignol's
  6. Which was furthered by the creation of the Cabot Trail scenic drive. The, scenery ,of the island is rivaled in northeastern North America only by Newfoundland
  7. S many inlets provide some of British Columbia's renowned and spectacular, scenery , which forms the backdrop and context for a growing outdoor adventure and
  8. Land. The most common type of rock is granite. It is a ubiquitous part of the, scenery , visible wherever there is no soil cover. Moraine or till is the most common
  9. And parks, Colorado Springs is a popular destination for tourists seeking, scenery , rock formations and other unique geological features, like Pikes Peak, Garden
  10. Graphic design is applied in the entertainment industry in decoration, scenery , and visual story telling. Other examples of design for entertainment purposes
  11. Visual arts Since the 19th century, Cornwall,with its unspoiled maritime, scenery ,and strong light, has sustained a vibrant visual art scene of international
  12. Of Nor (Italy). It is the highest town in Sardinia, and situated among fine, scenery ,with some chestnut woods. Found is a winter sports center with a ski lift to
  13. Artists, is keenly sensitive to the subtleties and beauties of season and, scenery , " He has never hesitated to exploit climate and weather as plot elements, too
  14. Laws were intended to promote the production of media arts, including film, scenery , and stipulate that the government – on both the national and local levels –
  15. National parks. Devon has seaside resorts and historic towns and cities, rural, scenery , and a mild climate, accounting for the large tourist sector of its economy.
  16. That this building has secrets of its own. It is this gloomy and frightening, scenery , which sets the scene for what the audience should expect. Without a dark and
  17. 1511 or earlier, he travelled down the river and south into the Alps, where the, scenery ,moved him so deeply that he became the first landscape painter in the modern
  18. Is a popular destination for domestic and foreign tourists who enjoy its, scenery , recreational, and gastronomic offerings. The Galilee attracts many Christians
  19. Matsuda cited visual inspiration for songs:" All of my subjects are taken from, scenery , I love artwork. " In 2005,Square Enix reissued the soundtrack due to popular
  20. Along the south coast have been quarried in the past, making for spectacular, scenery ,and good rock-climbing. The city extends to 184.46 km² (71.22 sq mi),and
  21. As well as dancers, actors,and haute cuisine chefs flocked to the beautiful, scenery ,and warmer temperatures. Similarly, these cities have either attracted or given
  22. So that when the film was projected at the usual 16 frames per second,the, scenery ,appeared to be passing at great speed. Cecil Hep worth used the opposite effect
  23. Sunset and spotting dolphins. Fortaleza's urban beaches have warm waters. The, scenery ,is complemented by the Canada (small rafts used by many of Ceará's
  24. Halifax, with an average price of only £37,872. Noted for its unspoiled rural, scenery , Artillery neighbors the small districts of Aberdeen (Aerobic)
  25. Port of call for the growing market of cruise ships. Attractions include the, scenery ,and wildlife conservation with penguins, seabirds,seals and sea lions, as well
  26. Recovers. He sometimes goes into hospital or takes a break or has a change of, scenery ,to recharge his batteries. " In January 2010,Eddie spoke to the media
  27. Accurate console translation of the game, retaining all graphical quality and, scenery ,architecture, while boasting a fluid and consistent frame rate and offering high
  28. Tour buses around the world allow tourists to view local attractions or, scenery , These are often open-top buses, but can also be by regular bus or coach. In
  29. A waterfall running, so the water seemed to appear by magic. A lot of fantastic, scenery ,and buildings were produced by Reg Hill, his carpenter Bill James and an
  30. On architecture Ba bar travelled the country, taking in much of the land and its, scenery , and began building a series of structures which mixed the pre-existing Hindu
  31. When they toured Canada. These trains transported royalty through Canada's, scenery , forests, small towns and enabled people to see and greet them. Their trains
  32. Most of the restrictions of the PlayStation version, such as the simplified, scenery ,architecture and the downgraded lighting, although it does feature some
  33. Chunks of coal and painted them white for rocks for the mountain and desert, scenery , Shortly afterwards polystyrene appeared and Hill then carved his own" rocks "
  34. The Saint John and Nashua rivers as well as a mix of urban and wooded/natural, scenery , On the south side of the city, CP Rail's Fredericton Subdivision enters the
  35. The Cook Islands is bivalve. This is, in essence, the art of handmade Island, scenery ,patchwork quilts. Introduced by the wives of missionaries in the 19th century
  36. Riding and sailing; other attractions include guided tours of battlefields, scenery ,and wildlife, particularly penguins, seabirds,seals and sea lions. Large
  37. World in which he felt completely at home, he recalled. He fashioned his own, scenery , marionettes, and lighting effects and gave puppet productions of Strindberg
  38. Dread, but also portrays the deterioration of its world. The decaying, ruined, scenery , implies that at one time there was a thriving world. At one time the abbey
  39. And Henry Irving) staged Shakespeare in a grand manner, with elaborate, scenery ,and costumes. The tendency of actor-managers to emphasize the importance of
  40. One or more common approximations, and tune to the exact parameters of the, scenery ,in question, which is also tuned to the agreed parameters to get the most 'bang
  41. With no return, staged a public fracas, sending a group of thugs to seize the, scenery ,during a performance. Stagehands successfully managed to ward off their
  42. Regard to placement of actors, scenery ,properties, etc.; the stage setting or, scenery ,of a play; surroundings, environment; mile en table: table setting;:" me ";
  43. Chill in the 1960s. The villages of Downriver and Skill have very picturesque, scenery ,and the cycle route is popular with Tourists. Economy While a number of
  44. Of instruction. Amenities Connemara and Mayo form an area known for stunning, scenery ,and this guidebook describes some of the region’s best and most spectacular
  45. For the Nobel Prize E. Ween stated:" He is an excellent painter of Icelandic, scenery ,and settings. Yet this is not what he has conceived of as his chief mission.
  46. Dispute). The region is noted for its mild rainy climate and beautiful, scenery , Geography Southeast Alaska is the northern terminus of the Inside Passage, a
  47. Of Shakespeare's plays to be presented with movable flats painted with generic, scenery ,behind the proscenium arch of Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre. This is new stage
  48. Southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia. Hawaii’s natural and diverse, scenery , warm tropical climate, abundance of public beaches and oceanic surrounding
  49. Apart from these areas of high moorland the county has attractive rolling rural, scenery ,and villages with thatched cob cottages. All these features make Devon a
  50. Sent units to work there in the summer to take advantage of the sunshine and, scenery , The latter was important for the production of Westerns, which now formed a

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